All Chapters of Mated To Her: The Beginning of Revenge: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
57 Chapters
ZIONI looked at her when she called for help. When the car rolled it landed on it’s top and now, she was upside down. I figured she was stuck and that was why she couldn’t get out. I looked at the car and there were sparks flying and my brother just stood there watching her. The cold-hearted bastard was enjoying the whole thing.He even had a satisfied smirk on his face. I didn’t know how deep my brother’s hatred was for alpha Harold until I saw him standing there with a smirk on his face while his mate screamed for help. I knew the car was going to blow up with her inside if she didn’t get out.I glanced at my brother one more time and the man shoved his hands in his pockets and continued to watch. His behaviour scared the shit out of me. I didn’t know he was that heartless. I clicked my tongue then rushed to the car. “Are you stuck?” I asked as soon as I got to her. She nodded with tears streaming down her cheeks.I started pulling the car doors and ripping them off the body of the
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TINAI did want to keep my mouth shut and mind my own business, but I couldn’t. I was still angered by what my mate did, he stood there and watched me struggle to get out of that car. Which made me wonder if he would have helped me if his brother didn’t come to my rescue.It was clear that he hated me with a passion and would be happy to see me dead. I wondered if I made the right decision staying with him. The man was cold towards me and has laid his hands on me. What was I signing up for? A truck arrived and stopped next to us. A man jumped off and looked at me then at Aiden and Zion.“Do we take in strays now? You went to negotiate about land, not pick up stray.” His words pissed me off. Mostly because they sounded so true, I was like a stray in a way as my mate has been treating me like something he picked up from the side of the road.“That is Aiden’s mate, Jake.” Zion answered and that Jake guy’s jaw dropped looking between Aiden and I. “Please don’t tell me she is the daughter
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AIDENMidnight didn’t like how I spoke about our mate, calling her a thing made him show himself in my body. Fur appeared in my arms, and I knew he was angry and trying to force a takeover. I was never going to give him that. With how he was, he was going to pacify her making her think I felt something for her.“You don’t have to be so cruel to our mate Aiden, I know you don’t want her, but I do. You can let me be the one to deal with her. All you have to do is let me have control of your body for a while.” in his dreams, I was never going to do that. “You want to use me to communicate with her? Her wolf is there for that. Don’t involve me.” I told him then cut the link as we arrived at the pack.“Jake, we are going to the Crescent Moon Pack, we must deal with what happened now.” Jake got out of the truck. “Take that with you.” I said, Zion glanced at me then shook his head. I knew he didn’t approve but he was not going to stop me as he promised to follow my lead in this.“But I am no
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AIDENI was glad I was not the only one who hated the girl and her father. But my wolf had other plans as a growl escaped my mouth before I could stop it. The alpha looked my way studying me. “No way! No fucking way! You are mated to that thing and didn’t reject it? What the fuck is wrong with the two of you. Am calling John, he must come back and deal with this shit himself!”The old man was so angry that he was shaking as he walked to his desk and picking up the phone. I went and pulled the phone out of his hand and placed it back on the table. “You are not calling father, that man has dedicated his entire life to that pack, and he deserves a break. We will deal with this ourselves; we are the leaders of the pack after all.”The alpha scoffed. “Some leaders you are. Do you even know the kind of snake you are getting into bed with, do you know the kind of Venom it has, and do you know how lethal it’s bite can be? Don’t say I didn’t warn you boys, you will regret this! Now get the hel
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AIDENI absent mindedly returned to the pack house, I had a lot weighing on my shoulders and I needed to make a decision and soon. Just as I walked in, I bumped into Zion. “You look troubled, come on, let’s go have a drink.” I followed him to his office. I threw myself on the couch and he poured us a drink.He handed me a glass; I took it and downed it in one go. He took it and poured me another. “Now tell me, what is troubling you?” I sighed. “What isn’t? I don’t know what to do with all this mate business. Everyone is warning me against mistreating her because of her father. But no one understands how I feel, my anger.” Zion took a seat next to me.“Then tell me, what exactly happened that day, I know he killed your parents, but do you remember the details? I am trying to understand the source of so much anger, I know him killing your parents is enough to anger you but I just…I want to understand man.” I sighed. “It was harvest time and we spent the day in the farm and.”Ten years a
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ALPHA TOM (Ten year ago)Sam acted fast taking Aiden and moving away. I moved the chairs and table then removed the carpet. Revealing the wooden door on the ground. I was not sure what the previous owners used it for, but I used it to hide important documents. Like title deeds to the farms and the sorts. But that night I used it for something entirely different.Hiding my son from the monsters outside. I opened it quickly and I was glad it was big enough to hide Aiden. “Aiden, get inside, quickly!” My son looked at his mother and she took him into her arms hugging him tightly and giving him kisses on the forehead. “It’s going to be alright Aiden, get inside and be very quiet. Don’t move in there and only come out when it is quiet. Do you understand?” Our son nodded with tears streaming down his cheeks.Right then, I knew I had failed my son and my Luna. I was not worthy of being called a father. After Aiden got inside. I quickly closed the compartment and Sam quickly helped me put eve
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(Ten year ago)My knees grew weak, and I knew he was going to make me watch as he killed my mate. My tears would not stop falling. “Alpha please, don’t do this. I will do anything you want but please, don’t kill my mate.” I pleaded with him. Dear Goddess, I could not watch my mate being killed. It would kill me; I would never rest in peace knowing I let something like that happen to her and did nothing to prevent it.“If you want to stop me then there is only one way.” Hope returned to me when he said that. I was willing to do anything to save her. Even if he killed me first so I don’t have to see it. “Anything, you name it, and I will do it.” I said eagerly. I couldn’t save my pack but if there was anything I could do to save my mate, then I was going to do it with an open heart.“Fight me and win. Or better yet, fight one of my warriors, you choose which one and win. Then I will
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 (Ten year ago)AIDENI remember that day like it was yesterday, the day my parents were brutally murdered with me listening to everything while hiding in a compartment on the floor. I remember sitting in there keeping very quiet like my mother told me to. I sat there for the longest time waiting for the silence. Their blood had gone from the dining room table and gathered on top of the carpet right on top of the compartment door.It dripped right into my head, and I couldn’t move away as space was limited. I closed my eyes and let it drip on me. Mother told me to be still and not make any kind of noise and that was what I was doing. I had cried and by the time they were murdered, my tears had dried up. I remember I was covered in their blood by the time I got out from there.But the blood was the last thing I cared about when I saw their bodies. Mother’s body laid on the table, I couldn’t even reco
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TINAI went to the alpha’s office wanting to ask Zion if I could join his warriors and train with them. Father never wanted me to train, he told me that he would protect me and my mother and that nothing would ever happen to me. He said when I felt the pack with my mate, he was the one who was going to protect me.But it didn’t seem that way. But when I got to Zion’s office he was talking to Aiden and asking him about what actually happened the night his parents died. I wanted to turn around and leave but curiosity got the better of me. I stood by the door listening in and I couldn’t believe what I heard. I couldn’t stop crying. I remembered that day, I asked my father not to go.Ten years ago“Father, please don’t go! Not today, please!” í begged my father who was about to go on a raid with his warriors to blow off steam. As usual. Tears streamed down my face looking at him with pitiful eyes. At that age, I didn’t know what blowing off steam meant for my father. The great Alpha Harol
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TINAThe resentment I felt for my father I was sure was nothing close to what Aiden was feeling. The man ruined me, and I asked him not to. Somehow, I knew that day was going to change my life forever and yet he didn’t listen. He went to that damn raid killing innocent people and costing me my mate’s love and affection.Slowly I stood from that hallway and walked back to my room. When I got there, I took out my phone from my bag and sad down on the bed then dialled my mother’s number. She answered almost immediately. “Tina, sweety, how are you doing, is he treating you well. I didn’t like how that young man spoke to me when he was here.”Mother went on about Aiden’s disrespect while I sniffed and cried on the other end. “Tina, baby, why are you not saying anything, is everything alright?” she asked now sounding worried. “Harold! Harold, come here. It’s Tina, I think something is wrong. I told you we should have never let her go with that boy.” My mother continued.She put me on speak
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