All Chapters of Mated To Her: The Beginning of Revenge: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
57 Chapters
ALPHA HAROLD“Harold, where are you going?” I ignored my mate; how could she even ask that question when our ungrateful daughter just called only to tell me that I was dead to her. For what? For going on a raid and leaving her behind when she was eight? What nonsense was that?“Harold?” she was also giving me a headache busy screaming at me for no reason. “What is it?” I snapped and I saw pain in her eyes. I didn’t have time to deal with her as well. I had Tina to deal with. “I am going to see our daughter.” She sighed. “No good will come out of you going there now. You are both angry and will say things you will both regret.”I chuckled, what was there for me to regret? I did everything for that child, and she leaves home for one day and call to tell me that nonsense? No! “She started this whole thing, what should I have done? She was eight years old! I wasn’t about to take her on a raid. Tell me, is that cause to say what she said to me?”“Something must have happened; do you rememb
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TINAI was laying in bed with a terrible headache. I cried a lot after Jake left. I could not get over what my father did, I didn’t blame Aiden for hating me. On top of what my father did, I stood in front of him and defended the man. Who does that?A knock came to my door, and I wondered who it was. I invited the person in any way. An omega walked in with a tray of food for me. “Thank you, but I am not hungry.” She only nodded and walked out with the food. I was left wondering who cared enough to ask them to send food for me.While I was laying there, I head rushing footstep passing by my room. I got curious and got out to see. I only saw Aiden turning and going down the stairs, I went back into the room and wore my gown and sleepers. Then followed to see what was going on. He might not want me, but he was still my mate and I wanted him to be safe.I got out there at the moment when my father asked who invited him there. No one did, but I knew he came because of what I said to him ov
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AIDENI didn’t know what changed her mind about her father but the way she was behaving told me she knew something. But it didn’t matter, her turning against her father meant nothing to me. Destroying their relationship was never part of my plan but it was good too. It worked for me. The man was finally starting to pay for what he did.I was curious to hear what his answer would be when his daughter asked him where he got the necklace from. But the man would not give a straight answer and that just pissed me off. I wanted him to admit what he did. “What did you say?” he asked advancing towards his daughter once again.I folded my arms and watched. “You heard me, did you get this necklace off a dead woman’s body after you killed her?” she glared at him. “Yes, I did. So, what of it!” I fumed in anger when he said it like that. It showed he didn’t care at all, and he felt no remorse for what he did.She shook her head as if she could not believe what she was hearing. Tears streaming like
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HAROLDI looked back at Aiden and that was when I saw the resemblance. He was Tom’s son, but how did he survive, where was he and how did we miss him? I looked back at my daughter; she looked hurt and disappointed in me. Not only that, but she also had hatred in her eyes, for me. I glanced at Aiden, all those sly remarks he kept making, back at my pack.He wasn’t being brave and standing up to me. He was angry at the man who killed his father and angry that the Moon Goddess mated him to my daughter. He must have told her what I did to his father and who that necklace belonged to.Which meant that he was there that night, but where? We searched the place and there was no one. “I am sure you are wondering how I survived, right?” That was when I recognised the look on his face for what it was, hatred and anger. I ignored him, there was only one person who mattered and that was my daughter.So, I turned to her, the look she gave me, hurt. I could not bear her looking at me that way. “Tina
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TINAI thought we were going to argue, and my father would go home to my mother, and I would spend many years hating him for what he did. I didn’t know there was going to be a battle and I didn’t know it was going to end with him dying.I watched in horror as my father’s most trusted warriors attacked when they saw their alpha on the ground. When the whole thing started it looked like they had the upper hand until Jake showed up out of nowhere with so many warriors and they pounced on my father’s warriors.They took them down quickly killing them and ripping them to shreds. I had never seen so much blood before in my life and I had never seen a battle. It was gruesome and I feared for my life. I had so much fear that it rendered me paralyzed as I stood there watching.When the Blood Moon warriors were done with my father’s warriors they stood there watching as Aiden tore my father apart. “Should we stop him?” Jake asked his alpha Zion and I hoped he would say yes for my sake, but he s
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AIDENI almost missed my chance of killing Harold because of my damn wolf. When our mate yelled for us to stop, Midnight froze and wouldn’t go through with killing him in front of our mate. He didn’t want our mate hating us and he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. He felt her pain making me feel it too. But I wasn’t about to pass on a chance to rid our kind of a monster like Harold.So, while he was distracted and being all soft, I took back control and shifted into my human form. I looked at that woman, I wanted her to see what I was going to do to her father. I wanted her to feel what I felt when I saw my parents slaughtered like that by her father. I wanted her to not only understand my pain but to feel it too the same way I did ten years ago.I saw hope in her eyes, and I knew it was time. I extracted my claws and before Midnight new it, I had his throat in my hand. “You fool!” Midnight screamed at me and
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TINAI couldn’t believe what I was hearing, why would he give me a headless body when he only ripped his throat out. “Don’t think about it Tina.” My wolf said but I couldn’t stop myself. What did he do to his head? “You must be wondering what I did to his head, well, you will see when you take his body home.” I didn’t understand, what did he mean by that?“Are you going to take it home or should i? I would like to see your mother again too. I don’t think she liked me very much when we met. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. Maybe I should take it myself and see if things would be different between us this time.” What was he implying? My eyes widened when I figured it out.He wanted to kill her too. “What was it your father said before killing my father? Mmm…I think he said something like, I am sending you to your mate in the afterlife, it would be a great reunion. Gr
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TINAI stood there not knowing whether I should go find Jake and ask for a car then go home. Or if I should wait till morning then go. But I knew my mother already felt that something was wrong with her mate, and I did not want to make her suffer all through the night.I slowly walked to the garage feeling exhausted and emotionally drained. Harold was a monster to many people, and I didn’t know it. But he was the best father I could have ever asked for. To me, he was no monster, he was my hero. He hid his dark side well and made sure I never found out and that I was protected from it all.I was angry with him, but I never wanted him dead. He ruined my life, yes, but I still wanted him there to one day be able to hold my pups. But that was never going to happen now, my mate killed him. I hoped now that my father was dead, Aiden was going to change and give me a chance.“Why are you standing there looking lost for?” I jumped in fright, I didn’t know that I had stopped walking, my mind w
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ZIONAiden thought his mate was acting naïve, but she wasn’t. The woman knew nothing of her father’s evil deeds and even disowned him when she found out. I wasn’t sure how she found out, but she did, and she completely changed her tune. She tried to show my brother that she was with him and that she believed him.But my brother didn’t see that, all he saw was the daughter of the man who killed his parents. She was his mate, but I felt like she didn’t deserve the mistreatment. Especially now that he killed her father and gotten his revenge. But knowing Aiden, he was never going to see her as anything other than the daughter of a murderer.I drove her home with her father’s body, I warned her not to look at the gate, but she didn’t listen. She saw her father’s head on that spoke, and I think something in her broke. Her cries hurt me. she would not stop crying to a point that I could not take it anymore and went to comfort her. When I was wiping her tears, I saw how beautiful her eyes lo
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ZIONTina shook her head taking her hands in hers giving them a little squeeze. “Mom, mom please, if you look for him then it won’t end. He might end up killing you too and I cannot lose both my parents. I need you mom.” Her mother cried even more. She looked like she could not breathe the way she was crying and choking at the same time.The gentleman in me could not just stand there and watch. The woman was falling out of her daughter’s arms and losing strength. She was trying with everything in her to help but she was too heavy for her. The warriors just stood there watching as well.I think they were in shock, as they were not too far and have definitely heard the news of their alpha’s death. I went and helped Tina carry her mother into the house. They sat together on the couch crying in each other’s arms. I did not like the sight of it. Watching her cry like that broke my heart.I went and stood by the window looking out. “What am I going to do without your father, what will this
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