All Chapters of Mated To Her: The Beginning of Revenge: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
57 Chapters
AIDENI slept like a baby last night to a point that I even woke up at noon. I even dreamt of my parents, for the first time since they were killed. But in the dream I was still ten years old, and they looked happy. I was glad because to me, it meant they could finally rest in peace and that they were happy and proud of what I had done.I felt at peace when I woke up, like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. It felt good, I have never felt like that in my adult life. But there was still work to be done. I showered and just as I sat down for breakfast, I was told the old man from the crescent moon pack was at the gate.I told the warriors to let him in and I walked out to receive him. His car stopped on the driveway in front of the packhouse. The old man did not wait for his warriors to open the door for him. He got out and when he saw me. a big smile broke from his lips.He came and gave me a hug patting me on the back like a proud father would do to his son. I must admit,
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ZIONTina’s mother fought with me after hearing what happened. He came out and cursed me to hell. Telling me that how much of a coward my brother was and that her daughter was not going to go back with me. of course, I ignored her. She was angry and needed someone to blame. Unfortunately for me, I was there, and Aiden was not.I slept in the car and this morning. I took care of the pack and addressed it’s members and told them that my brother the beta was going to come around and put things in order. I put their beta in charge so long and warned them not to try anything as they were practically rogues and could only be saved by us.When I was done, I went looking for Tina. I wanted to be sure she wanted to stay behind. Because after I spoke to the pack members, I released them to go and bury their alpha. The funeral was quick, and I went to ask if Tina was staying. I didn’t want to leave her behind. I was selfish and wanted her to come back with me.Knowing very well that Aiden was st
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AIDENI smirked when my brother said that to the old man. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and watched as he looked between my brother and I. “I don’t know what happened to you both, but if you are not careful, you will turn into Harold, and we will be plotting to kill you now that Harold’s dead.” I chuckled.Harold picked on all of us because he saw how weak and how much we could never agree on anything, let alone work as a team and defeat him. These alphas let that man do as he pleased all these years because he instilled the fear of the Goddess in them, and they fell in line.I was willing to do the same if it means never having to be called a weak pack. Never having to sit by and watch as our people get killed. “I don’t care about that alpha. Take those men and leave. We will stay here and let you leave with them because if I see them.” I shook my head chuckling. “I don’t want to paint you a picture, just leave old man and everything will be alright.”He looked at Zion and he star
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ZIONWe stood there as we watched her walking towards the packhouse. Aiden looked at her with nothing but disgust in his eyes while I looked at her like she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She came in and glanced at us then walked up the stairs. Her his swaying side to side and wanted to grab them and see how they fit in my hand.Aiden on the other side was busy saying all these nasty things about him that I didn’t know what happened and I found myself growling at him. He turned to look at me, I was trying extremely hard to control my anger and not show how I was really feeling but it was proving to be hard.“Brother, what is the matter?” I chuckled shaking my head, why couldn’t he just reject her so that she can move with her life if he didn’t want her. Why continue to make her suffer. “Nothing brother, just my wolf getting restless. I gave him a taste of battle and now he wants to come out all the time.” Aiden looked as if he could not believe me.I didn’t have a bette
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ZIONShe didn’t kiss me back at first, but I did not stop, I continued kissing her until she kissed me back. Then our lips were Insync, our tongues dancing in each other’s mouths. I turned her around and slammed her against a tree and pinning her there then let my hand roam her body. She moaned in my mouth then pushed me away and taking a few steps back.Creating a distance, I hated between us. “We should not be doing this; I am mated to your brother.” I chuckled shaking my head. I shoved my hands into my pockets and stood there watching her. She paced back and forth not saying anything. “Tell me one thing and If I get the right answer. Then I will never do what I just did again.”She nodded. “Do you honestly think that my brother will ever look at you differently? To him you are the daughter of the man who stole his future from him, stole his parents and their love. Do you honestly think that he will ever see you differently?” she stopped and looked at me. “Even if he never looks at
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TINAI paced in my room feeling like the biggest moron the world has ever seen. Why did I go when he asked to meet with me. “Because you thought he was nice to you before and you wanted to know what he wanted.” My wolf tried to put me at ease, but it was not working. What If Aiden had seen us? He was never going to give me a chance if he did.“There is no point crying over spilled milk Tina, he kissed you and you let him and kissed him back. You enjoyed the kiss and being in his arms. We have a mate, that is all I am going to say in this.” I scoffed feeling annoyed by my wolf. According to me, we didn’t have a mate. “You mean the one who rejects us every time he sees us and opens his mouth. The one who hates everything about us, you mean that mate?”My wolf chuckled in my head, she was bold and cunning. “Yes, I mean that mate. Who else would I be talking about? We both know why he hates us, let’s not pretend and you kissing his brother is not going to help our chances. It’s going to r
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TINAI didn’t have words after the kiss he gave me. what could I have said when I couldn’t even think? His kisses turned my brain to mush, and I just stood there like an idiot panting like a tired dog. So, after a minute or so when I was able to use some part of my brain. I rushed out of there as if the place was on fire. Might as well have been seeing that he lit one just between my legs.When I got out of his office though, when I thought I had escaped and that I could breathe easy. Jake was standing there arms folded. “Well, you are busy little Harold.” I didn’t want to talk to Jake. The man has a way of making me feel guilty about everything. I didn’t want to feel guilty about what just happened.I pushed myself off the wall and walked to my room. Jake jogged to catch with me then walked beside me. “So, are you going to tell me what you are doing?” I didn’t know what I was doing, how I was supposed to explain it to somebody else? I can’t just say Zion kissed me and I let him. Yes,
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JAKEI stood there watching her continue swallowing saliva probably thinking about whatever despicable things Zion did to her that day. I could not believe he was risking everything he and Aiden have for her. He knows what problems this will cause for the pack and yet, he was doing it anyway. Thinking with his dick and not his head.On the one side, I have an alpha who is now only thinking of pussy and not the consequences of continuing whatever he was doing with Tina will be for the pack he was leading. On the other hand, I had a crazy beta who we, by we, I mean me and the alpha, are scared of. A beta who killed the most ruthless alpha of our time.A beta who is soon going to be the alpha of the most ruthless pack the world has ever seen. Aiden is unhinged and Zion was putting us all in danger. I glanced at Tina having no words to say to her and walked out of her room. I have warned her enough, against messing with Aiden, I have done my part, but she continues to do so.I don’t know
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ZIONAs much as I hated being put in my place in the most disrespectful way possible by my gamma. He was right. An alpha cannot think only of himself and his needs. He must think of the people, his pack, what they need and what is best for them. Right now, being with Tina. Was not in the best interests of my pack.With a heavy heart, I turned to my gamma, soon to be beta. “You are right Jake; I will stop seeing her. It didn’t go far between us so, letting her go will not be difficult.” If it was that easy, then why did my heart just break a little when I said that. Why did I feel sad about it? It didn’t matter though, right?My feelings, what I wanted, didn’t matter. I am the alpha and I protect my people. “Music to my ears, alpha, music to my ears. Now, let us discuss possible candidates to replace me.” I was not in the mood for that anymore. I just wanted to be left alone, go on a run, punch something. Anything but sit here and discuss gamma candidates.But I was the alpha, it was m
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TINAI couldn’t sit still after Jake left my room. I wanted to know what was going to happen now that I told him the truth. I wanted to know what he was going to do. I even wondered if he was going to tell Aiden but then again. I remembered his words. He was the protector of the pack and telling Aiden what happened was going to cause a drift between the brothers and that was not good for the pack.I then threw that thought out the window. I was now concerned about what he was saying to Zion because I saw him going to his office after leaving my room. Was he going to leave me alone? My wolf told be that it would be a good thing if he did. Which I agreed but I still needed to know what happens now.So, I kept checking and I saw when Jake left his office. I wanted to go back in there but stopped myself. Then not long after, Zion left his office and went to his room. I stopped myself many times from following him, but I was so curious. So, I went to his room. I knocked but there was no an
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