All Chapters of Mated To Her: The Beginning of Revenge: Chapter 51 - Chapter 57
57 Chapters
TINAI saw how happy Zion was about finding his mate. The smile on his face could not be faked. He loved her, I could see it clearly. He forgot about me the moment he met her. I was so hurt by that. He promised that we were going to be together. That he was going to tell Aiden about us, and we would be together openly.Then he found his mate and forgot all about that. When I called his name, I saw guilt in his eyes but that was all it was. Guilt, but it was not enough for him to reject her and come after me. to find out if I was okay. He let me leave and didn’t even care to come and check on me. I thought he loved me, but I guess I was wrong.He was just using me; how could I have been so stupid. I could not help but cry when I thought about it. “I feel sorry for you, I do. But what did you expect? He is not our mate and I have been telling you to stop this with him. Look at what is happening now, do you think he is going to leave his mate for you?” my spiteful wolf sure knew how to r
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ZION“Would you stop trying to leave our mate to go to her! you promised that your affair will stop when we find our mate.” My wolf bellowed in my head. We shared the same brain, and he knew what I was thinking, and he wasn’t happy about it. But I could not help it, I wanted to see if she was okay. I couldn’t go to bed not knowing how she was. My wolf would have to forgive me, but I had to go. “I am sorry.”I told him before cutting the link between us. It was in the middle of the night, and I had my mate in my bed. I didn’t touch her, I couldn’t, not when I knew she was not the woman I wanted at the time. I was going to keep her as my mate, I didn’t plan on rejecting her because I knew my wolf would never forgive me if I did that. But I wasn’t going to do that tonight.Tonight, I wanted to go and make sure that Tina was alright. I owed her that much. I sneaked out of my room; I opened the door then looked around in the hall to see if there was no one. When I was sure it was clear. I
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AIDENI was standing in the balcony replaying the events of the night. I didn’t think it was going to turn out the way it did, but it turned out better than I expected. Seeing Zion like that and my mate drinking her sorrows away made me happy. She was dilutional if she thought Zion was going to leave his mate for her. My brother was not that kind of a man.What am I saying? The brother I knew wouldn’t be sneaking around with my mate either. I had to accept at some point that Zion was not the same person I knew. He has changed and it was all because of her. I hated her, corrupting Zion. Coming here pretending like she wanted me, only to turn around and open her legs for my brother.She so disgusting. “Beta Aiden?” a mind link came through and I immediately knew who it was. I looked at my wristwatch and the time read 1h15. What could she have to report at that time, doesn’t the girl sleep? “Yes.” I answered and waited for her to say something. “I just left her room.” What the hell did s
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ZIONI was starting to fall asleep when I heard my brother’s voice outside Tina’s door. The man spoke of checking on her. I quickly jumped out of bed, took my shoes then jumped out the window landing on the backyard. I was so pissed, since when did Aiden check on Tina, he didn’t even like her! why was he checking on her tonight when he didn’t care when she left the ball upset.Aiden’s actions were starting to become suspicious, like he knows something about us. Why else, would he go and check on Tina when he never bothered about her before? I clicked my tongue and put my shoes on. Then rounded the packhouse going to the front. I opened the door and walked in. Aiden and Brooke were coming out of the kitchen when I came in.I raised an eyebrow wondering what the hell was he doing with my mate at that time of the night. “Brother, you are here. Brooke and I were looking for you.” He said with a wide smile. He has been smiling a little too much ever since I met Brooke. “I went out for some
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TINAI woke up with a terrible headache. I regretted drinking so much last night. I held my head as I got up from the pillow. I squinted my eyes and looked around the room. It was already clean; Susan must have come in early. I checked the clock on my bedside table, and it read ten in the morning. I sighed closing my eyes once again feeling my head pounding like it was going to explode.“Good morning.” Aaah! “Not so loud Susan.” She chuckled. “Come on, take this, it will help with the headache, and I made you a greasy breakfast. It will also help.” I nodded taking the glass from her. the stench of what was inside made me gag. “What is this?” I questioned moving the glass away from me.“If you don’t take it then you will be sick the whole day. Do you want to feel like that the entire day?” I frowned. I didn’t want to feel like that. It was not nice, my head felt like someone was continuously pounding on it with a hammer. I closed my eyes then pinched my nose before galping down the con
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JAKEI could see trouble brewing in the pack and I didn’t know how to stop it. I have spoken to the alpha, the cause of all the problems we are going to be facing soon and he was not listening. I could tell that Aiden knew about his little affair with his mate, but what I didn’t know was what he was planning to do about it.I warned Zion to stop this before it was too late, but he did not listen. I am not sure what he is planning to achieve by doing all this or was it the excitement of having something forbidden? I didn’t know. All I knew was that it needed to stop. I woke up early this morning and did my rounds then came back to the pack for breakfast.My plan was to meet with Aiden and talk to him. Find out what he is planning to do and try to convince him otherwise. That is if he would listen to me. it wasn’t long before Aiden entered the dining room and took a seat. Omegas came and served him breakfast and he ate ignoring my presence.“It’s rude not to greet people.” I started; t
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BROOKEI didn’t know what to do or how to react. I didn’t expect to hear something like that, I just woke up too hungry and I came looking for food. If I had known that this was going to happen, then I wouldn’t have come. I stood awkwardly by the doorway, the man, whose name I did not know looked my way.At first, he was shocked to see me then he looked pleased. I didn’t know what his intentions were, but I didn’t like the way he looked at me. I glanced at Tina and wondered whose mate was she sleeping with and if Aiden knew. It was no wonder they slept in separate rooms, yet they are mates. Tina was cheating on Aiden, and he probably knows, or he suspects.The man stormed off and I moved out of the way. “Who is he?” I asked pretending as if I didn’t hear a thing. It was awkward enough that I heard her business on my first official day in the pack, I didn’t need to make it awkward for her as well. “He is currently the gamma but soon to be beta of the pack.” I frowned, what did she mean
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