All Chapters of Mated To Her: The Beginning of Revenge: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
57 Chapters
TINA’S MotherI couldn’t sit and watch as he took over my pack. The son of a bitch killed my mate and then he comes into my pack as if he owns it and asks for books! No, I am not going to let him take what is left of my life. He took my daughter and now he wants to take my pack? Over my dead body! When he arrived and asked for the books of the pack. I asked the beta to give them to him then come back to see me.I was waiting for him in the meeting room. Soon the door opened, and he walked in. he gave me a little nod before taking his seat opposite me. “Luna, what can I do for you?” he asked, he looked older like he aged a few years after Harold’s death. “What you can do is tell me who you are?” he furrowed his eyebrows.“Excuse me?” I sat straight in my chair. “Who are you in this pack, Dean?” he looked confused, but he answered anyway. “I am the beta of the pack, at least I used to be when alpha was alive.”“Exactly! You are the beta of the most powerful pack in the world, so, why a
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ZIONTina was laying on my chest after our beautiful love making session. She was pure and she gave herself to me. I still could not believe she did that. I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her. She gave me the most precious thing to her. That made me want her even more than I did before. Jake will have to forgive me, but I was not going to let her go, not after this.Her phone wrang, she looked at me, and I nodded. She got up from my chest and went to search her clothes her it and answered. “Mom?” that was what she said when she answered, and I hoped everything was alright with her mother. Aiden was there and I could not put anything past him. That lady was grieving and angry.She might want to take her anger out on Aiden, but he was not me, he was not going to tolerate being belittled, cursed, and called names. Tina turned to look at me, she looked worried, and I sat up. “What is it?” I asked and she swallowed har
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ZIONI only glanced at Jake when he mentioned summer camp, I was worried about the same thing when that woman said they have him. But I could admit that to Jake, the fact is, we didn’t know what we were going to find when we got there. “I don’t know.” I told him then looked out the window.Summer camp, on our last year of high school we went on a summer camp. It was a training camp for all the alpha’s children. They organized different instructors to train us on different fighting skills. My father didn’t only send me on that camp. He sent all three of us. Me, Jake, and Aiden. He said we were all going to be leaders of the pack and that we should all learn to protect ourselves and the pack.When we got to summer camp, Jake blended in nicely and quickly with everyone. Let’s face it, Jake was a people person and got along with everyone. The fact that he was a gamma didn’t even come up and everyone ju
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ZIONI kept my mouth shut the rest of the way because Jake was driving me insane. He was right about everything, and we both knew that. There was no need for him to continue reminding me of it. I knew Aiden will feel betrayed when this comes out, but I also know that he was going to give me his blessings.He didn’t want Tina, but I did. I loved her and wanted a future with her. Aiden wanted me to be happy and yes, he was going to be angry at first, but he will come around. At least that is what I would like to believe. I did not want to think about a scenario where my brother and I are at odds with each other.We have come a long way to let that happen. But my actions might just be the thing that drives a wedge between us. “What do I do?” I asked now getting closer to the Moon pack. We could see the pack gate from where we were. “You know what to do Zion, you just don’t want to do it.” He was right, I knew what needed to be done but I just could not bring myself to do it.I pushed my
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ZIONI stopped walking when he said that. I had forgotten that I did not even take a shower before coming here and Jake told me I smelled of sex and her. I didn’t think anything of it since we were in a hurry to get here. I glanced at Jake, and he just shrugged like he was saying I was on my own. “Why are you just standing there, do you want to shower before we go home?”I chuckled shaking my head then took a few steps towards him with Jake following. “No, I don’t want to be here any longer, I think going back is a good idea.” I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Jake raised an eyebrow but said nothing.“So, when are you going to come back here?” Jake asked and I wondered why he was delaying our departure. “In four days or five, it will depend on my moon and when I think they have learned that I am their alpha and that there is nothing any of them can do to change that.” He answered then walked out leaving us standing there.“You know what that means right?” I knew exactly
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AIDENI watched as Zion tried to change the subject and not talk about who he has been sleeping with. Usually when he is involved with someone, he can’t wait to tell me all about it. But now he was being secretive, which made me wonder what was special about this she-wolf.But I didn’t call him out on it, instead, I entertained what he was saying. “What made you want to throw a mating ball, are you looking for your mate?” he shook his head too quickly like finding his mate didn’t matter. “Not that but it had been decades since we last had one and that has made it difficult for most of us to find our mates.”He sighed; I knew where he was coming from. All the social gatherings like that were stopped because of alpha Harold and now that he was gone. Everyone could go back to normal, living normal lives like attending gatherings like the mating ball Zion was talking about.“For example, if we didn’t go to the Moon pack that day then you wouldn’t have found your mate. Don’t get angry its
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AIDENI stood there fuming in anger, not because my mate was sleeping with my brother or because I had feeling for her. No, but because my brother didn’t tell me about it. Was he in love with her or was this a game. I needed I know what this was to him. Was he helping me punish her, using her then leaving her because of everything her family did to me, to all of us?I doubt that is the case, because if it was, he would have told me about what he was doing. Let me in on his plan. But he didn’t and it makes me doubt he was playing games with her. The smile on his face when I told him that I wanted nothing to do with her. He was happy that I didn’t want her. he was happy because he is in love with her.I chuckled; they must think I am a fool. An omega greeted and passed but I called her back. “Yes, beta Aiden.” I looked at her but not at her. I was thinking while my eyes were on her. “Who is in charge of my mate?” I know Zion assigned an omega to her from the first day she got here. “It’
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AIDENI didn’t want to attend the damn mating ball, but I had to. I am the beta of the pack hosting the damn thing and the turnout is good. Many people have arrived already, and the venue looks beautiful. They have done a great job with the preparations and am sure the people attending were happy to get out of their packs for the first time in a long time. And they got an excuse to dress up.I was still getting dressed in my room, I had to make sure that the security is sorted before everything else, we were responsible for many people after all, and we cannot risk anything happening. Someone knocked on my door and before I could invite them in, the door opened, and the person came in.It was Zion. I didn’t say a thing, I just continued to dress, he and I have nothing much to talk about these days since he is making a fool out of me and sleeping with that woman every chance he gets. “Brother, you are not done? Jake is asking for us, he says he is tired of smiling and receiving people
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ZIONI was planning on standing at the door with Aiden receiving our guests. But as soon as we got there, I caught this intoxicating scent, I tried to ignore it but it was impossible to. I asked if Aiden and the old man could smell it too, but they didn’t. My wolf was restless all of a sudden coming to life and giving me a headache.I was worried about security and if his excitement meant we had a problem. Then I needed to know what that problem was and deal with it as soon as possible. I walked away from Aiden and the old man when they said they didn’t smell anything. I could not just sit still and do nothing. I followed the scent all the way to the dance floor and there she was.Beautiful long blond hair that sat right on top of a butt. Long legs, fair skin, she was gorgeous. She must have smelled my scent because she turned and looked in my directions. Our eyes locked and the world stopped. The people faded away and it seemed like
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AIDENMy mate looked like she was going to die and even wanted to go and intervene when Zion found his mate. But of course, I stopped her right in time before she made a fool of herself and me in the process. But it was clear that my brother had deep feelings for my mate. The way he looked when she disappeared, he wanted to go after her.Zion was playing with fire, but it was good to watch him in this predicament. I wanted to see how long he was going to hide his affair with my mate from his and what he was going to do when she found out about them. Oh Broke, I feel sorry for you. That smile of yours will soon turn into a frown and I can’t wait to see what you are going to do about that.“Brother, why don’t you go call your mate. I want to introduce her to Broke here.” Sly fox you, Zion. You must think me a fool brother, but I am not. Far from it. “There is plenty of time for that brother, Broke will be moving here soon and they can meet. Right now, I want you to enjoy your moment. Yo
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