All Chapters of Sold to the Cold CEO: The Billionaire daughter's Maid : Chapter 21 - Chapter 28
28 Chapters
Chapter 21 First and last kiss
" You're what?" I asked again to confirm if I had only just imagined it. Alexander rolled his eyes, which I must admit was a bit sexy. " I said I'm sorry. I should have at least listened to your side of the story, I could have heard you out but I believed my sister". He said with his head bowed. This was the first time I was seeing this side of him, nervous and uncertain. My lips twitched. I wanted to smile but I had to stop myself from doing so, but he looked so funny that I couldn't help myself. "Ha... Ha... Ha..." I burst into laughter."God... You should see your face right now..." I said in midst of my laughter. He looked like a child who was just told he'll never eat ice cream in his life ever again, pitiful." What's so funny huh?" He scoffed, his face turning back to his usual cold and expressionless demeanor. I shook my head trying to contain my laughter by biting my lips. " Really?" His voice turned low as he walked towards me, taking one slow step after the other.My
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Chapter 22 Humiliated
I paused before snorting. Me... Eying that Jafar? Ha, It was funny. Although the guy is handsome and by the way Victoria was emphasizing that he was her boyfriend, he was most definitely rich... But he was not my type. Plus Alexander was way hotter than him and we just freaking kissed. I shook my head and was about to continue walking when I heard Victoria speak. " I noticed too, but let be. I don't believe my Jafar would chest on me with a maid". My eyes widened in anger. What!" But Tori, can't you see the way she's dressed. Like she wants to seduce all the men in YOUR party". That Kenzie said again laying a lot of emphasis on the 'your'. I held my breath waiting for Victoria's response. SHE was the one who bought the dress for me. SHE was the one who told me to wear it. For god sake she even hired make-up artists and everything to make me look like this. Was she going to turn the tables on me?I turned around slowly in order to see my face. They were not able to see me bec
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Chapter 23 And I'm gone
Mia's POVI felt my entire body froze up as I heard that. Look here Ria... There's nothing going on between Mia and I, and there would never be.Look here Ria... There's nothing going on between Mia and I, and there would never beLook here Ria... There's nothing going on between Mia and I, and there would never beThere was nothing going on...There would never be...Alexander's words kept ringing in my ears over and over again. He openly just said there was nothing going on between us!But that was the truth, wasn't it? We only kissed and for just a split second and that was it. There wad indeed nothing going on between us. I bit my trembling lips trying to keep it still." I've told you this before... I'm not over Grace yet, and even if I was, I can't date Mia". Alexander added breaking my heart even more. My eyes turned red and my lips I was trying so hard to stop from trembling released silent sobs. He was not over Grace... His wife, his fucking dead wife, and even if he wa
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Chapter 24 Fallen too deep
Alexander's POVFew hours ago. I took long strides to my sister's party. I was beyoubg mad. I had been checking the account details when I noticed a huge amount of money, 1.2 million dollars to be exact was missing from Victoria's account which I manage. What could the gurk possibly use that huge sum for? That was the question I was going to ask her. " Hey, bro... I thought you're not going to come to my par..."" What did you use that much money for?" I asked interrupting her from talking. I already told her that I wouldn't be attending her party, but this was urgent. "Er..." She began to stammer as she bowed her head fiddling with her fingers."I'm talking to you". I said in a cold voice and she flinched. I rarely talk to her like that, in fact I could count the times I've ever gotten angry at her in one finger, but this was just really huge. But if she had a good reason, I could possibly let this go. " Alex, pe... People are watching". She muttered in an almost inaudible v
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Chapter 25 Protecting her
I stayed in my study the rest of the day working, at least trying to get some work done, but I couldn't even think properly. All I could think about was Mia and that kiss. God, her lips felt so...I slammed the documents in my hands back on the table. I was not going anywhere with this. I got up from my chair and walked to the mini wine bar I had in my office. It was quite hidden so it was hard to notice. I picked up a bottle of whiskey and a glass and went back to my chair, before pouring the whiskey in the glass. How deep were my feelings for Mia for Christ sake? All I could think of right now was her and what she was doing right now. My mind went to the sexy dress she was putting on, and how it made my body feel... Shit! I drowned the glass and poured myself a new one.Mia was unlocking feelings that I never knew I still had and it was driving me crazy no knowing how and why and if she even knows what she was doing to me. I drowned the second glass before dropping it with a
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Chapter 26 She's gone
I winced shutting my eyes immediately after opening then because of how bright it was. "What's the time?" I asked myself before checking my watch which was still tied to my hand. "Shit!" It was half past seven. I had falled asleep in my study thinking about what I had to do to keep Victoria from saying anything about Mia to my old man.This was the longest I've ever slept ever since my wife, Lilly's mother died. My body some how managed to develop an insomnia after Grace died. I had to take bunch of sleeping pills ever night, but even with that I wasn't able to sleep past 4am in the morning. Only on one occasion, and Mia also happened to be the same person I was thinking of, the day she told me of Lilly coming back home crying. She was so close to me... Just like last night. A smile unconsciously creeped on my face when I thought of yesterday's kiss. It was short, extremely brief but I could still remember vividly how her lips felt on mine. It was soft and her lip gloss tasted
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Chapter 27 Where is Mia ?
Alexander's POV"What do you mean it's your money? Remember, I'm the one who put you in the position you're in now!" My father yelled, his face red with rage. We had been arguing for almost two hours, and I could see the vein in his forehead bulging. Victoria must have told him everything about Mia, and he looked like he was about to have a heart attack."You'll bring that girl to me, and I'll take care of her," he demanded, his eyes blazing with fury.I narrowed my eyes at him, clenching my fists. "I won't," I said defiantly. "Mia is my responsibility. I bought her with my money, and I'll take care of her."My father's face turned purple with rage. "How dare you speak to me like that! I'm still your father! I put you in your position!" He gripped his walking stick tightly, his knuckles white with anger.I smirked, trying to control my own anger. "Yes, you did, but I earned it. And I'm not letting you get your hands on Mia. She belongs to me."My father's eyes flashed with anger. "Al
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Chapter 28 In love with her
Alexander's POV"Father, I'm not in the mood for this. Tell me where Mia is right now!" I thundered, glaring at him. Can't he see how mad I am?"So, you do care for her?" He shook his head, looking at me in disappointment - a look I'm so used to seeing on his face whenever we speak."Just so you know, I don't know where this Mia girl is, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." I smirked, shaking my head at his calmness."Father..." Or could it be that Victoria did this on her own?"Next time, before you come here all fired up to make accusations, make sure you know for sure who you're accusing and have evidence. I thought I taught you better, but you disappoint me every time. Maybe your half-brother would do better."My lips hooked up in a sinister smirk. "You say that every time, yet you've never brought that brother of mine back into the family, have you?" I said, provoking him.He gave me one of his calm smiles that had been on his face since I stepped into the office. "The way yo
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