All Chapters of His Twisted Salvation : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
54 Chapters
The Blank Paper
Her gaze rimmed red with tears as soon as that person turned to look at her. It was not him. This person was someone else but what kind of feeling she was feeling, witnessing he was not him, instead of feeling relief? That he was not here? “Yes, Ms.?” That man's voice took her out of her thoughts. Ariella immediately let go of his hand and apologised to him.“I…I am really very sorry, sir,” she apologised, taking her eyes down which led her to that bracelet on his wrist and that was where she noticed that his bracelet didn't have that initial E which she had seen in that bracelet of his. Now, it confirmed for her that she had mistaken this person as him and it was purely a coincidence. Then why this feeling? Why was something inside her not ready to believe that it was a coincidence? Why was she feeling like he was around her? Closer to her?“I thought you were someone else. I am really very sorry, sir,” she apologised to that man in front of her, still looking down towards the ground
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Encrusted In Her Soul
“But don't worry…I have many ways to make her listen to me…” Ariella's blood ran cold, hearing those words of his and witnessing him clutching his belt aggressively. Her body started trembling in fear when she watched him coming closer to her with the only intention of hurting her. Malice was burning in his dark brown eyes.“I….I am sorry,” tears stung her eyes in fear. Ariella started walking backwards with his every venomous step coming closer to her. Her hands were trembling.“I am sorry. I…I am really very sorry, Eldric,” she begged him for his forgiveness, even when she knew she had done nothing wrong here. She was not in fault here but she knew she was going to be the one who would have to receive this brutal pain, all over again.Eldric's feet continued to make their way towards her. His eyes continued to glower at her. Tears started rolling down from her eyes. Ariella's feet tripped, resulting in that tray of glass water to fall from her hands. The glass shattered into pieces
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Just One More Night
Ariella slowly opened her heavy eyelids and the very first thing her blurry sight caught was that familiar white ceiling of her room. She shot her eyes open and immediately got up. Ariella found herself sitting on the bed of her room. She was in Eldric’s house? But how did she reach here? She roamed her eyes everywhere around her to make sure she was not hallucinating but no, she was really in his house but how? Ariella hissed in pain when she felt a light aching in her head. She clutched her head and shut her eyes but as soon as she closed her eyes, that reflection of those blurry turquoise orbs in that trial room’s mirror reflected in front of her. She opened her eyes immediately and her gaze enlarged in shock. She clearly remembered losing her consciousness in that trial room while trying to wear that silver-coloured gown which she had selected for herself but she started feeling unwell suddenly and passed out in the arms of someone. She could clearly remember someone holding her a
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Kieran Sinclaiz
Ariella handed the glass of water to Eldric after he returned home from his work. She saw him loosening his collar before he walked towards the sofa and sat on it.“Did you get a dress for yourself?” He asked her. Ariella swallowed. She knew she should tell him about what had happened to her in that boutique but she also knew that he was never going to understand her and her situation. In fact, he might end up blaming her for everything or worse…he might not even trust her words, so she chose to not tell Eldric about what had happened to her in that boutique this afternoon as she knew there was no point in it. He was her husband but he wasn't even worth considering as a human, let alone getting trusted and relied on as someone's life partner. Ariella slowly nodded her head at him in her response.“Get the dress and show it to me,” he uttered, sipping from his glass of water. Ariella's throat dried up as she was sure he was not going to like that silver dress which she had with her bec
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Bowing Before Her
Ariella's soul went numb the second she found that person in front of her, again after 8 years. That person who had gotten embedded into her very existence the very first and only day when she had her encounter with him. He was in front of her again. So that feeling was not wrong. She was not hallucinating. He had been closer to her all this time and now was finally in front of her eyes.Her appalled amber orbs remained fixed with his perilously calm gaze which was peering at her like she had been the only thing and person it had always wanted, needed, ached and desired to see which was the exact truth of his life. Receiving just her mere glimpse had been a part of his unsaid prayer from the past 8 years.“Welcome, Mr Kieran Sinclaiz,” Eldric's voice made him finally trail his eyes away from Ariella and then darted his gaze at Eldric Kohler whom he found coming closer to him. Her life partner and husband. The man whom his Ella had chosen for herself. That thought made the corner of his
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Take Your Possession
“Our past loves to repeat itself. Isn't it, Mrs Kohler?” Ariella's feet had frozen completely. She had lost her courage to even turn around and look at that person standing behind her because she knew who he was and the most terrifying thing was that she didn't know why he was here? She didn't know what his intentions were for but the way he had been following her, she understood his intentions for her were still not rational.Gripping the front of her gown, she slowly twirled around to face him and found those bewitching turquoise eyes of his already gazing at her. Her heartbeat dropped. Like always, he was looking completely calm and at peace. Not a single frown, worry or crease could be seen on his face and that thing about him was the most scary part of his demeanour. He could do the viciously brutal things while maintaining that look of serenity on his face, just like he had killed Professor Jace and had confessed it to her like it was something extremely normal to do in their p
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The Dimmed Lights
“Ariella….” Eldric’s voice filled her with shock, especially when she witnessed his turquoise eyes engulfed with pure malice as soon as Eldric’s voice resonated as his voice halted him from feeling her mouth against his. Ariella didn’t even know what to do anymore. Her husband was standing right behind a man who was about to kiss her. She didn’t even know what would be the consequences of this scenario for her. She could neither step away nor could dare to stay there. It was feeling like she had gotten stuck in between the bad and the worst and in either way, she was going to get destroyed.“What are you doing there?” Eldric's voice came closer to them, along with his feet.Ariella witnessed him closing his eyes for a second before he pulled back from her and even withdrew his hands from that wall. After that, he opened his eyes and Ariella found his gaze again filled with that calmness which she had been afraid of the most. How could he shift his emotions from barbaric to calm in a se
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Owning Her Silence
“Because since the moment I have her under my presence, I am hearing her continuously asking about her daughter,” Ariella's heart went numb as soon as she heard him whispering those words in her ear. Her mother was under his presence? It meant he had abducted her mother but how? Her mother was in their home with Shyla? Did he attack their home? He could go any extent to hurt her. He could do anything, especially when he was in power now. Gritting her teeth in rage, Ariella tried to shove him away by her elbows but he tightened his arms around her abdomen more.“So you really don't love your mother enough to listen to me, even after knowing what I am capable of doing,” he husked in her ear, witnessing her struggling in his embrace and that was where Ariella went numb. She stopped struggling in his arms, hearing him threatening her with her mother's life.“Don’t you dare to h..hurt my mum,” she finally opened her mouth and seethed at him in her teary shivering voice. She felt him smirk
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Hurting & Protecting
Whispers started echoing in that entire hall where the noises of cheering were resonating a little while ago as those pictures continued to reflect on that huge screen in front of everyone. Like a frozen statue, Ariella continued to gaze at that screen which was ruining her self-respect and dignity in every possible way in front of everyone and he had turned her so helpless that she couldn't even dare to open her mouth to oppose it or to stop him from humiliating her so barbarically. Tears started vigorously rolling down from her eyes in complete silence as she heard those words and whispers of those dozens of people around her.“What is this?”“She doesn't seem like this but see…what her real side is?”“So disgusting and filthy?” “She is a disgrace in the name of women,” Ariella teared up more when she heard those whispers of people against her and her character. She squeezed her eyes shut and lowered her head in defeat until “Why is she a disgrace in the name of women?” That voic
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Her Love At Stake
“This was the fucking last time you dared to raise your hand at her,” he snarled at Eldric while tightening his hold around his neck more which reddened Eldric's face immediately due to lack of oxygen. Everyone's eyes widened, including Ariella's in shock and horror.Ariella saw that man who had given her that umbrella that day, stepping forward and clutching his hand. She saw that man signalling him something and whispering something in his ear which made him let go of Eldric's neck and threw him on the floor with a loud thud.“Throw him out of this place,” he seethed out at that man who immediately nodded at him. Four guards came rushing towards them and immediately grabbed Eldric by his arms and started dragging him away from there at his command.Eldric shouted, cursed, yelled but those guards hauled him out of that hall totally whereas Ariella just stared at everything like a frozen mannequin. She was still in utter shock as to what had just happened here. She could not just beli
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