All Chapters of His Twisted Salvation : Chapter 51 - Chapter 59
59 Chapters
Her Twisted Lover
The cold air was blowing tenderly against those two grazing bodies which were turning one under that inky night where those stars were gleaming ethereally. The moon was falling its glowing light on them, turning their moment more enticing and beautiful.Their mouths were passionately yet amiably devouring each other. Her back was pressed against that tree as she was getting consumed by both his hands and mouth. Their tongues were having their sweet conversation with each other which was leaving both of them breathless.Ariella tangled her fingers in between his soft and silky locks when she felt him untying her night robe. After opening the knot of her robe, he pushed his hand inside her panties. A soft moan escaped from her mouth when she felt him cupping her core and then started massaging it.His kiss grew deep and a bit hard, hearing her sweet moans. He gently shoved his finger inside her drenching slit and started thrusting it in and out of her which made Ariella pull onto his ha
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Darkness Of Sunrise
“Will you ever accept someone like me as your better half, Ella?” Ariella's face got deprived of every kind of emotion as soon as she heard him asking that question to her. She went completely stiff which didn't go unnoticed by him. Guilt washed over him for ruining this moment with his desperate question where she was feeling so happy.“I am sorry,” he apologised to her, looking remorseful. Ariella felt him pecking her forehead before he pulled back to look into her eyes.“If you would give me your acceptance then it's going to make me fall for you more,” he spoke out in his soft voice and she heard him in complete silence.“But it doesn't mean your rejection is going to make me love you any less, Ella. I love you and that's the existence of my life,” he confessed to her, honestly. It was the ultimate truth of his life that his love for her would continue to exist even after his own existence would get removed from this world. That deeply he was drowned in her that he knew there had
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The Silent Street
Next morning, Ariella was serving breakfast on the table while her Mr Sinclaiz was busy troubling and teasing her regarding last night where he didn't let her sleep and continued to make her moan and whimper his name over and over again.“I have counted, you came 6 times last night, Ms. Little Kayzon,” he husked in her ear, heating up her cheeks. He smirked, seeing her blushing and then pecked her cheek, bringing more heat to her face until they both heard someone clearing their throat.They both turned their heads and saw Ariella's mother in front of them. Their eyes widened and Ariella's mother, who had gone to take some walk in the house's garden, saw both of them blushing like a newly wedded couple who got caught in a situation like that.“Mum…..b…breakfast is ready. Please come,” Ariella tried to lessen the embarrassment while he continued to look here and there with his ears flushing deep red. Her mother smiled, looking at both of them and then walked towards the table.After br
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One Last Night
In the evening, Kieran returned from his work. He halted his car in front of his bungalow’s gate and then grabbed those two bouquets of flowers from the passenger seat. One was for their mum and one was for his Ella. After all, it was his duty and priority to keep his girls happy. Smiling to himself, he got out of his car and went towards the main door with those flower bouquets in his hands.Kieran entered his house as he already knew about the security passcode to unlock the doors. He didn't ring the doorbell today because he wanted to surprise both of them with these flower bouquets. Kieran stepped inside the hall but his smiling face converted into a confused reaction when he noticed that there was too much silence in his house today unlike he had expected. He had gotten used to see his and their mum watching television together whenever he returned from his work or to witnessed his Ella roaming around the entire house, radiating and filling their house with positivity and warmth
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I Am Sorry, Kieran
“Love me, Kieran….Love me as much as you can till this night doesn't end,” she breathed out in his mouth while hugging him as tightly as she could. Her words and the way she was embracing him, it evoked something unusual inside his heart. His heart sensed something which his head had been failing to understand in her presence at that time because her touch and her words felt like they were holding a certain kind of brutal eagerness. An eagerness which was filled with the terror of losing something completely.Kieran held her arm and slightly pulled back. He looked into her eyes which were already on him and were gazing at him like they wanted to say so many things to him but her mouth didn't have the courage to form those words. It was like she was looking completely blank from outside, even when her insides were occupied with numerous emotions. All of this tensed him up too. She was looking normal but was not feeling normal to him which worried him a lot.Lifting his hand, he wrapped
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“I love you, Ella…..”Ariella shot open her eyes and saw that white ceiling above her head which she had been seeing from the past five years. Yes, it had been five years since she left him alone. It had been five years since she had left her heart, her soul behind her. It had been five years she had left her love behind her but his voice, his presence, his reflection had never left her alone, even in her closed eyes because he had gotten engraved in her very existence and she could never part him away from it…. neither did she want to do it because his memories were one of the biggest reasons she had been still holding onto her life, even after leaving her reason of living behind her five years ago.Getting up, she sat on her bed and then tilted her head to look at that window which was giving her that beautiful view of the morning. It immediately glossed up her amber eyes. One more morning without him. One more day she would have to endure without him. One more day she would have to
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No Belief In Forgiveness
“I am sorry….. please forgive me….Mr Sinclaiz. I am really very sorry,” that man begged while joining both of his hands in front of that person who was sitting in front of him on that chair with his legs crossed. The tears on that man's silver eyes turned vigorous by seeing his fingers tapping on that gun which he had been holding in his hand. “I am really very sorry, Sir, for giving your shipment details to them. Please forgive me,” that man begged as he knew the kind of mistake he had made by going against that man who was sitting in front of him because that man before him didn't believe in forgiveness for any kind of mistake which would come into existence against him and he had done that mistake of going against him by giving the secret information about his illegal shipment to his rivals who destroyed the shipment before it could reach to him.“Please forgive me, Mr Sinclaiz…. please forgive me. I am sorry,”In complete silence, he heard that man begging in front of him on his
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Meeting His Own Reflection
After a few days, Ariella was dressing up her daughter, Arien, for her school in the morning.“Arien, stay still, baby,” Ariella uttered, making her toddlers pigtails but her little girl was jiggling them while giggling, making her mother's task more difficult.“Arien, you will be late for school. Your school bus will be here in five minutes,” Ariella said, finishing making her toddlers' dark brown hairs’ pigtails. After that, Ariella grabbed the baby moisturising lotion from the dressing table and then applied its dots all over her little girl's face and hands.Arien tittered when her mother put a kiss on her nose tip before applying the lotion there. Ariella also smiled, seeing her child giggling which had now become the only source of her happiness. Seeing her daughter happy, she felt content because this world had left her with nothing but pain and pain and in that darkness of pain, her daughter was like a tiny ray of happiness for her.“Okay now done,” she rubbed the lotion on he
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My Little Angel
His turquoise eyes continued to gaze into those doe shimmering hues which had the exact reflection of his own eyes. From the colour to its deepest edge, every single detail of that little girl's eyes were the exact replica of his own eyes. For a brief moment, he felt like he was looking into his own eyes in the reflection of a mirror which froze him completely. “Arien….” That voice took him out of his unfathomable thoughts. He turned his head and saw a woman rushing towards in a panicked state. She was wearing a uniform which made him aware that that woman was the part of that school's staff where this little girl studied.“Arien, are you alright?” he heard that woman asking the little girl as soon as she reached her. She helped her in getting up on her feet and scanned her thoroughly to check for any possible wounds but fortunately there was none and he had already checked it with his own eyes.“This uncle is bad, miss. He hurts me,” he heard the little girl complaining to her teach
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