All Chapters of His Twisted Salvation : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
54 Chapters
In The Hands Of Fate
“I want their lives to turn more painful than death,” Ariella spoke out, gazing into his sea-green hues which were already on her and were witnessing that dreadful numbness which was emerging in her eyes and was throbbing for that one single thing. Seth and Eldric’s destruction. That numbness in her eyes were throbbing to see those two people writhing in pain who had filled this numbness inside her. “I want them to pay for every inch of pain they have given to my mum,” she uttered, still peering at him and he just stared into her eyes wordlessly. “I want them to pay for shoving my mum on the edge of turning lifeless,” Ariella stated and then took a step closer to him, removing the sane distance between their bodies. “I want you to help me in making them pay for that every tear I and my mum have shedded because of their inhumanity on us,” saying that Ariella extended her hand in his direction and then held his palm in hers. She lifted his hand up and then wrapped her both palms arou
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That Fated Person
“Ella…..” his voice took her out of her thoughts. Ariella looked towards him and found him pointing down towards that table where they both were sitting and where the food had already been served. They both had come to the hospital cafeteria to have their lunch because Ariella was barely eating anything from the past couple of days and it was just because of him, something was at least going inside her stomach before she would start starving herself.She saw him extending the plate of food towards her direction which made her sigh. He didn't leave her side in the last few days. He continued to be with her while not caring about his own comfort, rest, sleep or anything and Ariella was not ashamed to accept that, it was because of him, she didn't give up in such a tough situation. It was just because of him, she had that faith that her mother would be alright very soon, just like he had promised her and he was fulfilling his promise by providing her mother with the best possible treatmen
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Righting Our Closeness
"Why didn’t you attend that meeting yesterday, Kieran?” Kieran heard his uncle asking him. He was conversing with his uncle on a call, outside the ward where inside she was with her mother.“You knew how important that was for our work and business,” he could clearly sense that disappointment which was laced in his uncle’s words and tone.“I was with Ella and her mother,” he uttered, truthfully because his uncle knew about what Ariella meant to him. Besides, he had never felt that necessity of hiding how much she meant to him from anyone and under any circumstances. Kieran heard his uncle sighing on the other side in return at his words.“You have Josh for that work. You could have told him to stay with her in your absence because for that meeting we didn’t have your replacement and you were aware of that thing really very clearly,” his uncle’s words were straight and curt. Kieran knew he should have attended that meeting as his uncle had handed their entire business to him and that m
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Asking Our Soul
“I want to divorce Eldric, so no one can call our closeness a sin, Kieran,” Ariella uttered, staring into his sea-green eyes which were already peering down at her. For a brief moment, he just continued to gaze at her in complete silence. Their naked bodies continued to get drenched under that shower. Ariella was expecting him to say something to her in return but he didn't say anything. Instead, he started grinning at her which confused her utterly. Why was he smiling at her like that? Did he find her decision funny? She knew this could never be the reason behind his grin as no one would be more happy than him after she would divorce Eldric then why was he grinning at her like that?“Why are you grinning like this?” Ariella asked him with no halt while sending him her confused gaze but instead of answering her, he continued to grin at her and this time, a little more widely. It annoyed Ariella.She couldn't stop that frown from appearing on her face. Was he laughing at her now? Did h
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Surrendering To Him
Picking her up, he wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed her against the wall of the shower room. The water continued to shower on their naked bodies while their mouths continued to feed onto each other with no urgency or aggressiveness.Their tongues found their ways to each other and collided in a beautifully passionate manner, igniting countless sensations inside both of them for each other. A soft moan escaped from her mouth when she felt him cupping her heat and slowly rubbing it with his palm. Her toes curled up.While devouring her mouth, she pushed one of his fingers inside her slit and started pumping it. Ariella stuck on a breath and pulled back to catch her breath. She tossed her head and started breathing heavily, feeling his finger massaging her warm and wet walls.Licking her neck, he entered one more digit inside her which made Ariella nibble on her lower lip. Pleasure seared in every vein inside her body as he accelerated the movements of his fingers inside her,
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Embracing His Best & Worst
Ariella was whimpering in pleasure as she was feeling his hardened and swollen girth massaging each and every corner of her drenching walls. Her face was buried inside the crook of his neck where she had been trying to muffle her moans, wails and whimpers. The shower water was continuously wetting their naked bodies which were devouring each other so sinfully. Ariella scratched his back when the tip of his erection continued to slam against her body's deepest spot. Tears of pleasure were rolling down from her eyes. This man was crazy and the things he did to her were more insane than him and her body was falling so in love with this madness of his.“Aaahhh….Kieran,…please,” She wailed loudly, unable to control her moans anymore as he deepened the penetration more. He pulled out her face from his neck and witnessed her turning into a complete mess. That enticing mess which he had made and was falling in love with more and more with every passing second.Her glossy eyes, her swol
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Her Glowing Happiness
“One more spoon. This is the last one. I promise,” Ariella said to her mother while feeding her that healthy mixed vegetables soup which she had prepared for her. Her mother sighed and then drank the soup from the spoon which she had been extending towards her mouth and it made Shyla clap slowly in happiness. “Done,” Shyla giggled, trying to lighten up everyone’s mood and it made both Ariella and her mother chuckle. From the past couple of days, they had been staying in his bungalow and Ariella would lie if she would say that he was not taking care of all of them like his own family, even more than that. From fulfilling their basic necessities to providing them a homely environment, he was giving everything to her, her mother and even Shyla, who had decided to stay with her mother in order to take better care of her, like she used to do. Ariella could not be more grateful to Shyla than this that she was wanting to take care of her mother, like a daughter and without any kind of salar
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Promise For Justice
Ariella turned startled by seeing that person in front of her. Mr Adler? He was the personal lawyer of Kieran and looked after his legal affairs in his business. Kieran had suggested his name to her the day she told him about her decision of divorcing Eldric and that very day, she met with Mr Adler with Kieran and had even sent the signed divorce papers to Eldric the next day. So seeing him here startled her a bit. Mr Adler and Kieran walked closer towards her and they both stood in front of her. Ariella looked in between both the men, a little confused where she caught that look of confusion on Kieran’s face, like he was not aware of the reason behind Mr Adler’s sudden visit here. “Hello, Ms. Kayzon….how is your mother’s health now?” she heard Mr Adler asking her politely. She had told him everything, including her mother’s health, so Mr Adler was aware of her mother’s health condition and how her mother’s health had reached that state. “She is doing better,” Ariella answered him i
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Had Not Ended Yet
“Congratulations, Ms. Kayzon for winning this case,” Ariella heard Mr Adler wishing her as they all were stepping out of the courtroom. Yes, she received her victory against Eldric finally by proving her innocence in front of the court and by revealing the monstrous face of Eldric's. She had also gotten her divorce from him and Eldric also got a severe sentence and punishment for his actions from the law and all of this became possible just because of that only person who loved her more than anyone in this world and called her his Ella.“Thank you so much for your help, Mr Adler. It would not have been possible without your guidance and support,” she thanked him while passing him a polite smile because Mr Adler had also helped her a lot in this case. She knew Mr Adler had done all of this for money and as per his orders but still he helped her and guided her in every step and even in her every sentence inside the courtroom so that the result of the judgement would serve her the needed
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Bringing Love To Souls
Ariella peered into those piercing turquoise eyes of his uncle, Dawson Sinclaiz which looked exactly the same shade of Kieran's eyes. So it was running in their genetics but Ariella was shocked by seeing him in a wheelchair as she was not aware of this, so Ariella continued to stare at his uncle like a statue until…“It seems I am not welcome here anymore,” his uncle's throaty voice took Ariella out of her thoughts. She blinked and finally realised how impolitely she had been staring at his uncle, instead of welcoming them in their own house.“I apologise. Please welcome,” Ariella lowered her head and side away from the door to let them enter. She saw Kieran pushing his uncle's wheelchairs inside the door, so she also stepped forward to help him. Kieran passed her a smile, seeing her helping him in taking his uncle inside and she returned his gesture with a soft beam and together, they both took his uncle inside the hall where her mother was already present.Ariella's mother stood up
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