All Chapters of His Twisted Salvation : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
54 Chapters
Speaking Her Truth
After Ariella left that party's hall, she decided to straight go to her mother to check on her because at this point one thing had become clear to her like a mirror that, Eldric was not going to let her go so easily after what had happened to him in that party and on the top of it, her silence had added more to his agony and humiliation. She neither wanted to go back to him nor could dare to go back to him anymore as she knew he was going to hurt her to an irredeemable extent this time if he would find her in his cage again which Ariella was terrified to face. She didn’t have any more strength to endure his verbal, physical and mental abuse, so she needed to stop this now.Besides, she also needed to find a way to get out of the mess that Kieran Sinclaiz had created around her and was going to create as she had that feeling inside her heart that he was also not going to let her away so easily. He was a sick maniac and his thoughts regarding her were more irrational but what he did in t
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Price Of His Help
Ariella saw the doors of that car opening and those two men walked out. One was him and the other was that man who worked for him. She saw him hurriedly dashing towards their direction.“Get her inside the car,” she heard him telling his man and then he wrapped his arm around her mother's shoulder but Ariella didn't let go of her mother which made him look at her again.“She needs medical attention right now,” he reminded her, which made Ariella immediately let go of her mother, so that he could take her mother inside his car. Ariella saw him picking her mother up and then he dashed towards the car. Ariella ran behind him and they both settled her mother inside his car and then they got inside too. After that, his man drove all of them away from there to the hospital as fast as possible.“How is she?” Ariella asked the nurse as soon as she saw her stepping out of the operation room. As soon as they reached the hospital, the doctors immediately admitted her mother to the operation thea
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The Twisted Salvation
Ariella witnessed his man, whose name was Josh, stopping his car in front of a house which looked like some kind of a bungalow. It was situated in the middle of a huge garden which had long boundaries of walls all around it. “We are here,” he informed her, which made Ariella sigh. Opening the door of the car, she was about to step outside when she heard him telling her.“You will find Mr Sinclaiz inside,” he told her, something which she had already been aware of. That he was inside this place, waiting for her. Ariella stepped out of the car and then closed the door. Fisting her dress, she gazed at that bungalow before her for some seconds and then closed her eyes. Her mother's face, the brutality her own brother and her own husband had done to her, everything flashed in front of her closed eyes for a split second which made her unclench her dress. Slowly opening her eyes, she looked at that place in front of her and then breathing out heavily, she let her feet guide herself inside
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Called As His Love
Ariella clenched her clothes when she felt his warm lips capturing hers while his arms embraced her tightly, like he had been dying to do it since ages. Like he was losing himself every second in his life to hold her like this in his arms, to feel her like this.Her heartbeat dropped when she felt his erection getting pressed against her core. Even through the thick material of his pants, she could still feel that he had turned extremely aroused. She could sense that he had turned extremely swollen and rigid, just by feeling her mouth against his and that made her terrified that how painful he was going to turn it for her the second he would claim her whole body as his. The way Eldric used to use her body and hurt her almost every night, it still haunted her like an awful nightmare, so it was making her believe that he was going to hurt her more badly than Eldric because Eldric was the only person with whom she had ever gotten physical and he had never made her feel loved both in his p
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Their Twisted Night
“But you hate me and my fucking closeness who has never even dared to even think about any other woman or girl throughout his life, let alone touching or desiring them, except for you?”And as soon as she heard those words of his, Ariella slowly opened her teary eyes and they landed over his gaze which was already on her. He had been waiting for her? He had never touched any other girl or woman in his life ever? Ariella didn't even know what to think about it anymore. How could someone be this insane for her? He had almost given a decade of his life in her wait. Not only this, he had almost accepted his life's end, 8 years ago, by not just only killing someone who had just dared to bring tears to her eyes but even by accepting it in front of her. Could someone be this obsessed with someone? Could a love be this irrational, menacing but so deep and dark? That he wrote his whole life in her name, even knowing she might never accept even his presence in her life?Her eyes blurred with te
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Name In Her Heart
The serene silence prevailing inside that room was getting ruined by those sweet and tender moans of hers who was getting ruined under that man who had gotten encrusted in her fate when she was just a 17 years old teenager. Ariella dug her nails against his naked back when she felt him pushing himself deeper inside her, causing her entire body to shake in bliss. She had never felt something like this ever. She had never even thought that being intimate with someone could feel this beautiful and pleasurable.Even after knowing how wrong and immoral this was, she was not capable of denying that wrecking ecstasy her body was feeling by getting devoured by him like this. It had always been pain and pain for her during her intimacy with Eldric because he had never cared about her. He had always thought about snatching his pleasure from her by using her body in the worst possible way. He never cared about her pain but with this man above her, it was feeling completely different. With him, i
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Not Love But Price
The squelching sound of their mating, her sweet cries, her soft moans, along with his growls and grunts were resonating against the walls of that room. Ariella didn't even remember how many times he had made her cum and scream. Her body was shaking and trembling under him now. Her core was gushing and secreting continuously with his sinful tortures on it.“Aahhhh….” Ariella loudly moaned when she felt him swelling up inside her more and turning more harder and broader. He twitched inside her, making her clench her now turned overly sensitive walls around him harder. He growled in pleasure, feeling her soft and warm walls embracing him so ethereally yet with so much need. He felt herself squeezing around him again and hugging him more tightly which made him understand that she had reached her high again for the third time. He felt satisfied, knowing how responsive and sensitive she was to his closeness and his touch. He was about to claim her mouth again but stopped when his eyes fell
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Lost In Him
The tender rays of the morning entered through the glass window and fell over Ariella's closed eyes. She woke up from her beautifully peaceful sleep. She didn't even remember when was the last time she had slept this calmly and peacefully. It was feeling like every part of her body had turned light as a feather. She was feeling a lot relaxed and calmed, both mentally and physically but then she caught that reason behind her peaceful sleep.Ariella, who was rubbing her eyes, stopped rubbing them when her gaze fell on him who was still asleep. He was looking like he was in a really very heavy and deep slumber. Her eyes got fixed at him where she finally started analysing every detail of his face. From his gleaming tan skin to his jet black hair, from his sharply masculine facial features to his burly muscular body. She started peering at everything. The last and the only time she had seen him in their past, he didn't used to look so muscular but right now, he was looking sinewy and stur
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Making A Mistake
“Yes, I am absolutely fine, mum,” Ariella told her mother. She was sitting beside her mother, who was laying on the bed of the hospital. She had woken up a little while ago and as soon as she woke up, doctors checked her and then allowed Ariella to meet her.“But if you want me to turn more fine then you have to recover very fast and then will have to make my favourite blueberry pie,” she uttered to her, smiling. She was doing her everything to make her mother feel happy and less stressed about everything because she knew her mother needed to be mentally strong in order to have her physical recovery faster. Her mother passed her a small smile and then held Ariella's hand in hers tenderly. Ariella saw that worry gleaming in her mother's eyes and she knew exactly why. “You are really fine, Arie?” Her mother asked again and it winched her heart. She understood that no matter how many times she would tell her mother that she was fine, it would not be enough for her mother to believe her
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Against The World
Ariella reached her house and then went inside it where one of the staff members told her that her brother, Seth, was waiting for her in the guest room. Nodding at the staff member, Ariella went to the guest room to meet Seth.She entered the room and found her brother sitting on the bed. As soon as he sensed her presence, he turned his head in her direction and looked at her. Ariella had expected to see remorse on his face and if not guilt or remorse then at least a bit of sadness after whatever their mother was going through currently but she found none. He was looking completely normal and unbothered which angered Ariella a lot but she decided to have a decent talk with him first before stepping into any kind of conclusions.Ariella walked further inside the room and stood in front of Seth who didn't even try to get up from the bed, let alone asking her about their mother's health.“Why did you want to meet me?” She came straight to the point as she had no time or intentions to bea
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