All Chapters of His Twisted Salvation : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
54 Chapters
Afraid Of Separation
Her shimmering amber eyes blurred with more tears as she found his malicious gaze on her. Once again, she was seeing him in front of her. Once again, she found him in front of her to shield her when her own so-called closed ones were about to hurt her so badly. How could she even think about hating him now when he was the only reason her heart had started feeling the total opposite of hatred? And she knew that feeling of her heart was just made and meant for him.“You fucking maniac….how dared you to come here?” Eldric shouted at him and then raised his fist to hit him which widened Ariella's eyes. She hurriedly stood up on her feet to stop Eldric from hurting him but her gaze enlarged more when she saw him grabbing Eldric's fist while his sea-green eyes remained on hers. It shocked Ariella as to how he had so much keen senses. She witnessed him tilting his head away from her to look at Eldric. His gaze filled with more venom as they landed on Eldric and it made his head recall about
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Soul With Serenity
“Is my Ella afraid of getting apart from me again?” He breathed out those words against her mouth raspily while gazing into her amber orbs which immediately glistened up with tears as soon as she heard those words coming out of his mouth, especially that ‘again’ which tore her heart into two.Her mouth got sealed but by seeing those tears glistening in her eyes, he got his answer which filled his soul with serenity. He had always been aware of this that his Ella had gotten attached to his very existence and she had never been able to get herself apart from it. She might be physically away from him but mentally, emotionally and through the depth of her very being, she had always felt him closer to her. She had always felt his essence around her, in her good and in her worst.Without being able to say anything to him, Ariella pressed her palms against his chest and then pushed him away from her forcefully. She sent him a glare through her glossy eyes and then attempted to walk past him
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Love & Lust
His mouth was tenderly devouring hers but down there, his girth was tainting her virtue with no tenderness. Ariella dug her nails against his bare back and enjoyed that sinful pain he was giving her which was filled with nothing but a kind of bliss which was twisting not just her body but her very existence to accept that pain as the biggest and most beautiful pleasure of her life.Her legs were tightly wrapped around his hips and her body was tightly pressed against that wall behind her as he continued to rut her with no mercy. Her bosoms were getting crushed against his hardened chest but every single thing he was doing to her, her body was seeking ecstasy from it. She had lost her mind to differentiate between pain and pleasure. Now she could only feel and understand that language which his body was using to communicate with hers.Pulling himself out from her core, he shoved it deeper and harder inside her, making her cry out. Ariella parted her mouth from his in order to catch her
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I Am Exhausted
Slanting his face closer to hers, he looked at her where he found her closed eyes and slightly parted lips through which she was taking her slow but deep breaths. Just by looking at her face, he understood what she had been feeling. He understood her vulnerability in her silence that she was feeling extremely worn out at that moment and he even knew why she was not telling him to stop.Sighing softly, he stretched his arm and grabbed his shirt from the corner of the bed which he himself had thrown there. Grasping his shirt, he looked down towards her lower region and gently wiped her clean as their mixed juices were still coated all over her core.Ariella slowly opened her eyes and looked down where she found him cleaning her with his shirt tenderly which confused her. What was he doing? She had expected him to do what he had just done with her a little while ago but he proved her assumptions totally wrong.Ariella saw him wiping his shirt over her lower region to clean her but she st
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Because Of Us
“I can never love you, Kieran……” and those words of hers numbed him completely. Ariella caught that serenity and warmth in his gaze entirely faded the second she uttered those words to him that she could never fall in love with him. She immediately understood that it had hurt him awfully but this needed to be done. He needed to believe that she could never love him.For a brief moment, she witnessed him just peering down at her in complete silence. Not a single word came out of his sealed mouth but his eyes didn't dare to get away from her, even as a mistake until.“Why?” she heard him asking her that thing, still holding back his patience with her. Ariella gazed at him but didn't answer him further. How could he ask her this question after knowing everything that had happened in their past and even was happening in their present? How could he ask her why she could never love him after everything he had done 8 years ago? How could he not know that she could never love him after everyt
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More Than You
“Let your Ella go, Kieran……” Ariella's voice turned heavy as she uttered those words to him with that hope in her heart that he might understand everything about how messed up everything that had been going between them was. She knew it was going to hurt him but it was for their own betterments, especially his. Ariella peered into his oceanic-emerald eyes which continued to stare at her lifelessly, like she had snatched everything from him with those few words of his. He was gazing at her like she had taken away his reason to live his life. She had torn apart his life from him just by telling him to let her go.His blank expression hurt her more which glistened up her gaze more terribly. For a brief moment, he said and did nothing but just stared at her in complete silence, like he was trying to comprehend what she had just said to him or he was too messed up to understand what she had just told him.“You want me to let you go?” Moments later, he finally opened his mouth and she just
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Hating My Need
“”NO…….” Ariella screamed out of her lungs and ran towards him but her feet paused in the middle as she witnessed him pressing the trigger. Her glossy eyes widened. Her whole body got deprived of every kind of sensation. Ariella felt like someone had snatched her soul apart from her body the second she saw him pressing that trigger but nothing happened. To her utter relief, nothing happened. That gun didn't fire a bullet. He was alive. He was safe. Nothing happened to him. All of this traumatised her so much that Ariella broke down into tears and stormed towards him. She snatched that gun away from his hand only to throw it away from him somewhere around the corner as far as possible and then she clutched his both arms tightly. “You are fine, right?” She uttered, sounding utterly desperate to know he was fine. He just peered down at her where he witnessed her very existence burning with that terror of losing him, just like he had expected. Her terror was brimming her eyes with mor
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Fear & Anger
“We are sorry to say this, Ms. Kayzon but your mother went into a coma,” Ariella's whole world got crushed brutally. She felt like someone had snatched the land beneath her feet the second she heard those words coming out of the doctor's mouth. She slowly tilted her head and her eyes landed on that door which had that glass hole and was showing her mother who was laying on the bed like a lifeless body. Her feet shuddered, along with her body as Ariella had even started losing her physical strength to endure her mother's state. Her steps backed away on their own as she could not process her own body moments but suddenly she felt that arm getting wrapped around her back to stop her from falling and shivering. Ariella tilted her head to look towards the owner of that arm and found those turquoise eyes staring down at her. Tears brimmed her eyes as she was feeling like she had even lost her voice to explain her pain through her words but he understood her wordless pain which made him p
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You Trust Me?
The clouds were roaring aggressively. The wind was blowing at its full speed. It was evident in the essence of the weather that it was going to bring a havoc of storms very soon. That was why every sane person started returning back to their safe places to keep themselves protected but that person, who was silently walking on that street under those roaring dark clouds, had lost her rational senses to process the upcoming havoc of the nature because for her, no kind of outer havoc would be more destructive than that havoc which was emerging inside her existence.The doctor's and Shyla's words were continuously repeating inside her heart which was making it almost impossible for her to breathe now. Her emotions had messed up so much that she was feeling like something had been brutally squeezing her chest and very soon, it would rip out her heart and would make her bleed till her death. Her hands were shivering. Her legs were trembling. Her breathing was running at an abnormal pace but
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Anything For Me?
Their arms were firmly wrapped around each other. Their bodies had found each other’s solaces in their warmth. Their hearts had found their tranquillity in each other’s embraces. Their souls were becoming the slaves of each other’s closeness as they both continued to stand under that darkened night where those clouds were turning more inky with every passing second. The blow of wind was getting more and more vigorous but they remained rigid and completely still in one another’s embraces.A cloud roared loudly which made Ariella hug him more tightly. She buried her face deeper in his chest. Why had she even tried to run away from him when she knew no one and nothing could give her this peace which only he and his embrace was capable of providing her? Why had she even attempted to push him away from her with the fear of getting judged by this world when he had stood against the whole world for her? Why was she even forcing herself to believe that his love for her was a sin for her when
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