All Chapters of Accidentally Kidnapping The Don: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
46 Chapters
His Moves
DemitriI look at Dean, and he glares towards me. It's funny, really, but still confusing. I walk around him and tap the blade against his neck."Makes no sense. You were fucking others, and quickly moved in with another woman, so why are you so hurt by her throwing you out?" I ask and lean into his face."Like I'm telling you," he laughs slightly, and I join in."Oh, you will, either now or when you have no fingers left, you will tell me," I say before leaning in closer. "What is it about Demi that made you want to take revenge on me? Knowing that you would be dead?""Fuck you." He shouts, and I laugh. The dagger dug into his neck slightly."There has to be something." I know there is. He wanted revenge, but the whole thing makes no sense. "Was she paying for you to live? Is that it?" I ask as I sit down and face him.Now I'm actually really fucking curious, he's not a fool to do this, so he had a reason and it wasn't because Demi fucked me. So what is it?"How long were you and Demi
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Hiding Away
DemiI left a week ago. I've gone back twice, each time using a different car from my parents to hide the fact that I was following him.He's hard to follow. I wait outside the club and then follow him, but he never goes to the same places after.It makes this fucking hard. Unless I take him from the club, that would be easier, but he seems to always leave the club with one or two guys.That makes it harder. So, now I think I need to get them to follow him from here and wait for him to leave somewhere alone.He made it seem so easy to kidnap someone when you know nothing about them by taking me. In reality, this isn't easy. Kidnapping Dean was meant to be easy.I knew where he was, though, or thought I had. I continued to follow the car and watched it stop outside of a building.This is a new one. He's not been here before. I watch him walk in with some guys and wait.Half an hour later, he comes out, and my eyes widen when I see him dragging a guy out who clearly has been beaten.May
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A Mess
DemitriI get into her apartment and order someone to grab the items from under the bath. Standing, I look around her bedroom. Why does it look like she has left?Her drawers are open. Some are even fucking empty. I know what would confirm if she has left. Every night, she would write in it. I lift her mattress and notice the diary is gone."Bitch!" I shout, and Evan looks at me. "She played me. She fucking left!" I can't believe I fell for it. "Rob!" I shout and watch as he steps in."Yes Boss?""When she left, was anyone with her? Did she have anything with her?" I ask."A suitcase, boss," he explains, and I sigh.That makes it fucking harder."You wanted a challenge," Evan smirks."A challenge, yes. Not her just disappearing. Get Paul to search the footage we have access to and try to track her movements through the city tonight. Find out where she went," I state, and Evan nods, taking out his phone."Got it, Boss." Sam holds out the box; opening it, I stare. What would have happen
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DemiI smile as he leans in close, his hands move and begin to untie the rope."You got caught twice," he laughs."Well, your big ass dude at the door was too big for me to get passed, so fuck yes, I got caught twice." I sigh but laugh. "Was he made in a fucking factory? The only explanation I can think of for his size," I mutter, and he roars in laughter. "Warn the bold twat next time I will get him," I explain."What did you do to him?" He asks while tilting his head."Tried to kick him in his balls, but he caught my foot and dragged me back in like I was nothing more than a ragdoll," I sigh, and he smirks."Hint, Doll, that is one guy you just obey. You can't escape him," he explains, and I nod. I realised that when he caught my foot quickly and dragged me across the floor like I was a piece of string."You should really use him more. He's a big guy," I explain and he laughs."He stays on doors when needed, that's all. Don't need brunt force," he explains."Could help though," I ex
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DemitriI can't help but laugh at her attitude of not caring about anything.Mark is cautious of her. I can't blame him for that. She's not about to apologise—well, she doesn't mean it anyway—so I give up on that."Stay there, I want you after," I say to her before walking to where Mark is.I jump and spin feeling her smack my ass, glaring at her she just laughs."What the hell?" I look at her and fight back the smile."Has a little bounce to it," she says while grinning, and I turn so she doesn't see me smiling or laughing. 'Has a little bounce to it?' Who the hell says that and does that anyway?Shaking the thoughts from my mind, I go to where Mark is waiting. He's keeping his distance from her. I can't blame him for that."So we got footage from the place," he says, putting the phone on the table. I lean over the table and peer at it. It wasn't a lie. He keeps his face hidden, even from the cameras.See, he works smarter than the others, so he should know who the main guy is. I hop
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DemiI drove back to my parent's place, smiling about how today went. Part of me wants to be caught again because the look in Demitri's eyes was savage when I walked away.I won't, though. I have my plan, and tonight, Ryan is coming to discuss it. This time, he will be kidnapping the right person, and I will help.For the drive back, I can't help but smile at how things have gone today. I should be freaked out a lot, but I'm not. Maybe that's just because I'm fucked in the head?My phone rings, and I hit the button."Hello?""Darling," I smile, hearing my dad."Hey, I'm just on my way back to your place now. Is everything okay?" I ask."Sure is, darling, but we're coming home earlier," he says, and I sigh."Why, this cruise was meant to be a month-long one," why are they coming back?"Your mum is insistent we come home and spend time with you," he says, and I laugh."Dad, that's ridiculous. You can see me anytime. Enjoy your holiday." They can't cut it short for me."Well, darling, co
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Getting Her
DemitriI don't want to wait. I've given up on that, so I'm going to go and partially kidnap her. I say partially, as I'm not taking her from the house."Got the details from security," Evan says, and I nod."Codes for the alarms, yes?" I ask, and he nods."Yes. I also found out who fitted the locks. Here's a set of keys," he laughs and throws me the keys. Well, at least I don't have to have the pick the lock."The dog might be an issue," he looks at me."It's not going to be an issue. One of the guys will be feeding it through a back window. While they do, we get in and close the dog in that room." I already thought of that.The guys who recently renovated the patio explained the dog is aggressive, but if you feed it, it gives in and becomes your best friend. I want to say this is too easy, but it's not. Her parents aren't dumb; it was only easy because of who I am.Anyone else reaching out to these people likely wouldn't get the information."House layout, from what decorators said,
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DemiDemitri looks highly amused by the fact he tied my parents up. I mean, I will find it amusing when I see them, but he could have said before now.I go to slide off the bed, and his arm captures me and pulls me back."As much fun as this is, it's not ideal," he explains, and I shrug."I think it is," I laugh slightly, and he groans. Pushing me back, his body climbs onto mine."I've neglected a lot of things since I met you because I'm so focused on you. So, we need to figure out a way forward. You want to continue the whole kidnapping each other, sure, but that's not enough," he looks at me and waits."Why's it not enough?" I ask, and he groans."Because I'm fucking obsessed with you and need to taste you every day, not just once or twice a month," he explains, and I smirk."You haven't tasted me today," I wink, and he laughs. His hand tangles into my hair, pulling me to him and kissing me. His tongue moves around mine, and I whimper.My body moves and rolls us over until I'm abov
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A Dress
DemiI've spent my day avoiding my parents and preparing for tonight. I'm not entirely sure why Demitri would just agree to a meal with my parents. Hell, Dean only met them once, and we had been dating for a year when I finally let him meet them.Granted, a few months later, he was gone, but still, I don't introduce men to my parents, not this soon and are we even dating? I've no fucking idea about that either.Picking up the phone, I call Yas."Demi, how's your quiet time going?""It's not very quiet. My parents came back deciding to use the time off with me rather than enjoying their cruise," I mutter."Shit, so are you coming home?""No, I figured I would stay for at least a week, and then they won't complain," I sigh and prepare myself for the reply that will undoubtedly come when I tell her the next part."Demitri showed up, tied up my parents so he could sneak into my room and fuck me. Now we're all going out for a meal."Her loud laughter echoes down the phone. "Let me guess. Y
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A Meal
DemiI've had my nails done, but not my hair, because my mother isn't good at planning things. I haven't showered yet, so getting my hair done now is pointless.I thought I had escaped that and could do it myself, but no. She booked a woman to come to her house and do it for me.You know, because I'm clearly incapable of doing my own hair! Walking in, I throw the bag on the bed. I bought lingerie, considering none I brought would work with the dress, and I'm not comfortable not wearing a bra around my parents.After showering, I sit and have my hair done. I'm unsure where we're even going tonight. He has not said anything other than he will send a car, and I know that is going to raise a hell of a lot of questions."Demi," I turn and look at my mum. "I hung up the dress. It's been in the box for a while. Did you happen to notice what was under it?" She looks at me."No, what?" What the hell was under the dress?"Your hair is done," Marie nods at me, and I walk through to my room. Glan
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