All Chapters of Accidentally Kidnapping The Don: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
46 Chapters
DemitriI've spent the day between places. My dad has offered to help and is going around his old associates to see if anyone has heard anything."There must be something," I mutter as I look through Dean's things again, but there's nothing."We got Austin's address," Evan looks at me."Then let's go," I need to see him."It's near her parents. You will be gone for two hours," Evan explains, and I nod. I don't want to leave for that long if something happens."Send some guys to fetch him and bring him back," I explain, and he nods and works from his phone. "Who were the people she was looking to close deals for?" I ask, and Paul grabs his phone."Guy named Edmond Lewis, he was buying a house, more like a fucking castle actually. Richard Smith, he's buying an old building, and a woman, Rose Williams, why?""Because I'm going to see them. Theres a chance the main guy reached out to them or got someone else to." I can't just wait for them to get Austin. "Give the driver Edmond's address,
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Finding Her
DemitriI've no idea where to look, I've no idea who it is or anything, and she's gone. Disappeared, which isn't fucking good. Why didn't I just tell her to stay put?"Maybe check her apartment?" Evan looks at me."Why would she go there?" She wouldn't, even I know she wouldn't."Because it's closer than your place? She has no car or phone; it's the closest place." He looks at me, waiting."Fine, we will try there," I get into the car, and Yas looks at me. Great, I forgot about her. I don't talk I just work from my phone asking people to watch for her."Has Demi mentioned getting money?" I turn and look at Evan."What?" Why the hell would he ask that?"I was checking through Austin's things. He sent her the money from selling the business," Evan explains, and my head shakes."Not fucking willingly. Figure out a way to remove it or hide its traces. The police will question why he sold it, sent her the money, then killed himself, and she will be the main target," this was all planned.T
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His Power
DemiI left the building and began walking back to Demitri's place, but I quickly realised it wasn't as close as I thought. So, I walked back to the office to grab my things and found them gone.Now that I consider it, I should have thought and found a way to contact Demitri instead of just walking around and trying to make my way back.When I felt his arms wrap around me, I freaked out. Something felt off with Mr Westbrook, and I thought it was him. It wasn't, though.Now, I'm looking at Demitri, and I can't help but chew my lip as I consider what's coming next. He looks entirely different now. His eyes haven't left me for a moment. He looks wild, which makes me want to taunt him to see how far he will go, but I do have some common sense.Right now isn't a time to joke about. Even I can sense he's on the edge and was freaking out. The car stopped, and he pulled me out and into the house."Everyone leave," his voice is loud, and I watch as people rush out of the doors. I try not to, b
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Something Special
DemitriI watch as she sleeps, knowing I've tired her. She's barely slept recently with me around, so I leave her in my bed and walk out.Walking down, I look at my dad."Watch her. I'll be back soon. I need to find out how things are going and do something," I explain, and he nods."From what Paul said, they are dead, same with the two guys who tried to grab you." He looks at me, and I nod."Then where are they?" I expected them to be back."Evan and Paul are seeing over things, ensuring there's no traces back to you and Demi. They are getting rid of the bodies now, you just didn't answer when they called about it," he explains and I nod."Okay, well, I'm still going out. Watch her," I say. Walking out, I send Evan and Paul a message. They don't need to watch over the guys getting rid of the bodies and evidence.I get in the car and get taken to Demi's place. Evan and Paul are outside waiting."Good, you brought the van," I smile and walk in with them following me."Demitri, clearly
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His Attempt
DemiThe sound of Demitri whispering in my ear wakes me. I need to get my sleep back to normal, I can't believe I went to sleep during the day again.Rolling over, I look at him, and he smiles. "You need to eat, but before you do, I have something for you," he whispers, and I sit up, watching as he hands me the roses. That's a fucking lot of roses.My mouth opens, and he covers it with his hand. "I need to make you aware that while you were sleeping, I moved your things into the house. So yeah, you now live here," he says calmly, and I glare.Is that a joke? I move and try to hit him with the flowers, but he jumps off the bed."You can't do that!" I scream and get up. "You can't just move me in with you!" I try to hit him with the flowers again, but he jumps back. He leans down briefly."Puppy!" He shouts and holds out a puppy, and I fight back the squeal."I'm going to kill you!" I shout, and he smirks."You can't. I have hold of a puppy. Yours as I bought him for you," he smiles and
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Her Plan
DemitriI glare at her, which only makes her smile harder and got I want to fuck her, but I can't."Get it off and put something appropriate on," I growl, and she laughs."This is appropriate. I'm going to go meet Yas," she leans forward and kisses my cheek before turning and walking towards the door."Demi," I call out, and she laughs."Later."Later? Fucking later. I turn and see my dad and Paul staring at her. "Stop fucking looking!" I turn and look towards the door. I could just go with her and kidnap her until she sees sense."She won that," Paul laughs, and I glare at him."Won what?" There was nothing to win."The whole argument. Either way, she wins. You follow her, she wins twice, you don't, and she wins because you let her leave like that." He sits, smirking."You moved her in without her having a choice. She took back her control, so now what?" My dad looks at me. Now, I want to go after her and drag her back and force her to put real clothes on."You realise if you chase a
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Too Far
DemiI walk out while smiling. He's not happy, and I wonder how long it will take for him to act. I mean, he's not stopped me, so clearly, my choice of clothing isn't that bad.We will see, though. Getting in the taxi, I'm taken to the bar and walk in. Yas looks at me, and her eyes widen."You're dead," she laughs, and I hug her. "I'm being serious. What the hell are you doing? Did he really let you leave like this?" She stares at me."Yes, because if he stops me, I win," I smile and get us a drink each before sitting."Okay, first, update me on what happened, please. As all I was told was you were fine, and Austin is dead? How and why?" She stares at me in shock.Sitting I explain everything, not too in detail as it will take all my time and I have plans. She asks me questions, which I knew she would and seems incredibly shocked by it all."That happened quickly," she mutters and looks at me. "You came into his life at the moment they were going to attack, and it meant they focused o
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DemiI wake up in bed and can't help but smile."Yas has been trying to contact you, which means she's begun messaging me."I hear Demitri and laugh."Anyone would think you're dating her," he mutters and I roll over to see him sitting on the bed. Shit. I jump up, and he looks at me with an amused expression. "What have you forgotten?""Her fucking birthday! I promised to go shopping, have a beauty day, and then go to a club tonight." I'm late. I knew I would forget."Take one of the cars and drivers. Please keep me updated so I know where you are and that you're safe," he says before kissing me and leaving.Getting showered and dressed I rush down, and grab my bag."Slow down Doll, you will have a heart attack at this rate," he smirks at me as I fasten my shoes."I don't want to fuck up her birthday Demitri!" She does so much for me. The least I can do is celebrate her birthday properly with her."You won't just stop," he grips my hand as I jump up. "You're rushing, Doll, which means
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Her Attitude
DemitriI've spent the day working. Demi has kept her word and constantly messaged me updates, so I know she's okay. There shouldn't be a risk, but who knows?"Hey," Evan sits down and faces me."You only sit and say 'Hey' when you need something, and that usually is your sister is back in town," I say and he nods."Worth another try, right?" He smiles at me."If you would let me kill him, then problem fucking solved," I mutter and he laughs."She wouldn't forgive me," he shrugs slightly."You have far more restraint than me, I don't think I would have let him live that long if I had a sister and he was using her," I explain and he nods."Just, see if you can get her to come back. I tried and she won't speak to me. You know how she is," he looks at me."Yeah, she's stubborn and a bitch." I sigh and he looks at me. "I'll try, but you have to figure out shit so she will talk to you Evan. Every time I collect her, I let her stay. Maybe this time actually fucking come out of hiding and le
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DemiI wake up with a headache, and very little memory of last night. I daren't open my eyes as the room is bright, even I can tell that which won't help with my headache.Slowly I open my eyes, then freeze when I see the guy in bed with me. I look around but don't recognise the room. My mind fights to remember last night, but I don't remember anything after arguing Demitri.I just know I was drinking as much as possible to try and feel better. I slide out of the bed carefully not wanting to wake the guy. Gathering my underwear and clothes I get dressed. I groan when I see part of the skirt is ripped.I glance down and decide to carry my shoes, that way I can use them to hide the skirt ripped. Glacing around I see a shirt, and put that on. Grabbing the shoes and my ripped skirt I carry them.Walking out of the bedroom, I hurry through the small house, and out of the front door. Closing it quietly, I walk down the street. I begin walking to the hotel where my parents are staying.At le
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