All Chapters of Accidentally Kidnapping The Don: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
46 Chapters
DemitriToday started well, then just took a nose dive off a cliff.Sitting, I face Dean. "I told you to make them aware you won't do it anymore, if they are insisting you do, then give them your new address.""I don't have one. We broke up last night, and she kicked me out. When I tried telling them that the address was no good, he told me I managed to get the last item back, so I can just sit there until it arrives," he argued, and I glared at him."You didn't try hard enough. You could have lied and said your ex no longer lives there. When is this package getting sent?" I ask."Friday, this one comes with instructions. Apparently, it needs to be kept in a cold place, ideally a freezer," Dean mutters, and I glare. That means it's a fucking body part. None of my men have gone missing through.So, I'm not sure what the hell this is about."Figure it out. You said he rings on the day. So on the day, tell him she has moved and you can't get into that apartment as someone else lives ther
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Speaking Things Through
DemiWe've finished eating now and have just sat talking. My dad seems to be coming around to Demitri. Out of everything, his age is the least of his worries."We're going to get home. What is your plan?" My mum looks at me."She's staying with me in a hotel I own close by for the night," Demitri answers. I look at him. "We need to talk, do we not?" he asks, and I nod.We do, so I nod."Well, thank you for such a wonderful evening, Demitri," my mother smiles and hugs him, and my dad shakes his hand."The car is waiting outside to take you back," Demitri smiles at them, and they walk away. "Come on then," Demitri says as he grips my hand and pulls me away from the restaurant to the small bar area.Sitting, I look at him."I did mention that this wouldn't work going forward, us two just kidnapping each other once a month." He smiles at me, and I nod."I know, but..." But... but what? I rub my face and try to figure things out. "So we're dating?" I ask, and that feels weird to say out lo
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Something More
DemiI am amazed that Demitri didn't even seem phased by the fact I don't want kids or to get married. I'm used to the usual bullshit of 'Oh, you're a woman; of course, you want to', which isn't true.Part of me was sure he would want a kid, the Don usually passes the title down to their child, so how will it work if he doesn't have a kid?"You're thinking too much," his words have me laughing. "I can see by your expression. Just ask rather than go over it," he smirks, and I nod."When we get into the room," I reply. We're waiting for the lift. I hear it and relax."Sorry, guys, this lift is taken. Wait for the next one." A man's voice almost makes me groan until Demitri walks forward and steps into the lift. I stare at him, confused.He chuckles slightly and the guy stays standing outside the lift as the door closes."I thought the lift was taken?""It is, by me. My hotel, remember?" He puts the key in, and the lift moves. Ah, yeah, he can't do that with others in the lift, or he can
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DemiI woke up with this morning playing in my mind. He did what he said. I'm not sure how long we were in that room. I know by the end I just passed out his arms as he stepped into the lift. I can't remember after that. My hair is slightly damp, so he must have showered with me.My body hurts, but that just makes me smile more because it reminds me of last night.Getting up, I look around and see a note on the side. Picking up I smile while reading it.I had to go do some work. When you leave, a guy named Sean is downstairs. He will drive you to work if you wake up before your shift ends.Getting out of bed, I glance around and realise I have nothing to wear. I reach for my phone and see the message from him saying clothes had been sorted and put with his.Walking over, I open the door and stare. That's too much. I doubt I will stay here enough. Walking in I get dressed and leave. As I get downstairs a man steps in front of me."Demi, right?" I nod at his words. "Car is this way," he
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DemitriI left Demi in bed and went to work. My plan is to do as much as I can here rather than going home, so I can see her more.Today, I've avoided calling or messaging her. I know I will get lost in her, and things won't get done if I do. So, my focus is on work, trying to get Dean to fix the issues he caused.I'm expecting his call to be told he's found a place to stay where they can send this package. He's had long enough but doesn't seem to want to speak to me."Phone's off," Paul looks at me."Then find him," I thought he would realise that's the next step."Spoke to the woman he had lived with. Turns out she caught him cheating. She hasn't seen or spoken to him since. I went to his parents, but they disowned him and won't speak to him. He's hiding," Evan explains."This is what happens when I'm nice and don't kill someone," I groan slightly."You needed him alive you said," Paul reminds me, and I know I said that, but now it would be less stress and hassle if I could just kil
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DemiI finish work, grab Yas, and we go straight to the bar. I'm done. I've had enough stress today. I don't care anymore."This new guy is an asshole," Yas looks at me."I'll be quitting, Yas. I'm just letting you know I am not working for him. As soon as I get another job, I'm gone!" I explain, and she nods. After I moved to my desk, he began to go over the rules making us aware we're basically his workers and follow his orders.Then we had a shouting match because he was pissed off that the buyer pulled out at the other location. He blamed me, saying I said it was a done deal and clearly wasn't. It was as if I had been the one there. It was a done deal and ready to be signed; they pulled out because I guaranteed I would guide them through it, and he removed me."Just let me know before you leave." She finishes her drink, and the guy at the bar refills it. "Now, you and Demitri?" She smirked at me, and we moved to a table."Well, my mum and dad seem to like him and not freak out abo
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Kidnapping Her
DemitriShe's going to run, and I can't blame her."Find out who the hell brought it. Get whatever you can from Dean's phone today." I shout, and Evan nods quickly."Maybe send some of your guys to watch her, as that sounded like they are planning to get her," Paul looks at me, and I nod."I don't get why or how they know?" It's not like I've been dating her or that she's moved in. She shouldn't even be seen as important. This is too quick."Maybe Dean said? They would know everything if he agreed to work for them and tell them. They keep him safe and alive from you. He gives them information," Paul looks at me."Find out who the hell that head belongs to, as none of my men have gone missing. Then get rid of it, and someone needs to clean up her fucking bed," I walk out and sit in the car.Something is going on, and Paul has to be right. He's told them everything, which is how they knew, one way or another, I would see what was in that box. I spent hours working while trying to get De
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DemiI realised that most of the issues were Dean's. The head was Dean. Sure, part of it is Demitri, but it started because of Dean. While I wanted to argue and fight with Demitri, I couldn't because he was trying to protect me.Sure, whoever it is wouldn't want to hurt me if it wasn't for him, but it's too late to do much about that now. I walk upstairs, and turn towards his room but stop, he kidnapped me. Who said I was to behave?Laughing, I walk through the hall and open a door. Walking in, I glance around the room. It appears to be a guest room. Walking out, I go into another room, this one an office. Stepping in, I close the door and begin looking around.Opening the drawers on the desk, I stop when I see the gun. Where do people usually hide things? I feel around the drawers but don't feel any catches or anything that could be a hidden compartment.So, I begin to lift the photos off the wall slightly and peer behind them. When there's nothing behind them, I walk to the bookcase
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Wild Ways
DemitriI don't understand Demi's worry about her parents, but she seems to not want to spend time with them. Maybe it's more because her mum is wild like her, which means she is worried about what I will think.That makes no sense, though, as if I would think badly of her mother and her ways, I would of Demi. If anything, it's highly amusing.We say goodbye to her parents and they leave, Demi kisses me and walks off clearly exhausted from her fun."Want me to search him?" Paul looks at me, and I don't even need to ask who to know. It's strange that the owner sold up and disappeared.It's strange that the new guy is giving her a hard time as well on day fucking one."Yeah, look him up and see what you can find," I mutter and my dad sits smiling. "What?""Oh, nothing...except what happened to. 'No, never, I'll never date anyone or find anyone remotely entertaining enough?' You seem to be in a place where you would marry that one," he says while smirking, and he's right. I would marry D
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DemiI get to work on time, with a few minutes to spare. Sitting at my desk, I prepare for today."Demi, a word," his voice travels to me, and I stand walking to my office, or at least it used to be. I step in and sit down. He stands and walks around, closing the door and blinds.Great, I'm getting told off again. I fight back the laugh."Today, I will be observing you as you work. These are the properties that we're trying to get signed." He hands me the papers."Why are you watching me?" I ask."Your sales seem...Too good," he mutters, and I laugh."What? Do you think I'm creating fake people and buying buildings and homes myself?" I laugh slightly."This isn't a game or a joke." He glares towards me."And if I refuse?" I ask, and he points towards the door."Then you know where to leave. Just don't come back when you're struggling for money," he explains, and I sigh."Fine," I go to stand, and he stops me."You're staying in here and working from in here. These are clients who want
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