All Chapters of Accidentally Kidnapping The Don: Chapter 41 - Chapter 46
46 Chapters
Demi POVHis eyes focus on mine. "I spoke to your parents, you know." My body runs cold at his words."Don't," I shout and he laughs."Oh I will. Just how many relationships have you destroyed with your self-sabotaging?" He sits looking at me."I don't self-sabotage anything, men just couldn't handle me," I argue and he laughs."No, there's your crazy, then there was you last night. That was you self-sabotaging, not your crazy side. That was you looking for any small fucking thing to use so you can destroy the entire relationship and feels safe. Did you feel safe this morning waking up in a random guys bed?""Fuck you!" I shout and he laughs."That can come later Doll, when you accept that last night was wrong and was you trying to destroy things so you felt in control and safe," he looks at me and I glance away from him."Doll.""Can you just leave me alone?" I stare at him and his head shakes."No, you might want to push me out and destroy this but I won't let you. Why didn't you ev
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DemitriWhen I got here, I didn't expect her dad and mum to pull me to the side and tell me things. Apparently, they assumed I would have known, but I didn't. Last night made them realise I didn't know.I stand with my arms around her, and she's still distant and I feel like she's about to run which I won't let her do. She needs someone who will fight for her, and keep her there. She needs someone to prove they won't give up and confirm her worst fears."Tell me about what happened, Demi. Your parents did, but that isn't your side," I lift her head so she's facing me. She's wild, but I now wonder how much of that is her barrier? A way to keep her safe?"I don't know what to say," she whispers and I pull her onto the bed and sit with my arms around her still."Tell me what made you leave?" I ask. I know the simple version. She had been dating a guy since she was fourteen. Moved in with him at seventeen. She suspected he was cheating, and he gaslighted her. Things got physical, and agai
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DemiWaking up, everything floods through me. Hate began to build at how reckless and stupid I was. I overreacted far more than I ever have before.For a change, I feel disappointed in myself. Groaning, I pull the cover over my head and try to hide away. Maybe later, I will come back to reality, but right now, I'm not ready to face it.I feel his fingers run down my spine."Morning Doll," he whispers, pulling the blanket from covering my head before kissing my neck.His forgiveness makes me feel worse. I don't deserve it. I feel him grip me and roll me over before he climbs onto me and peers into my eyes."I was hoping you would be back to your usual self when you woke," his head tilts slightly before he kisses me, and I push him away."You should hate me," I reply, knowing that he should. "You shouldn't want to share a bed with me, let alone touch me after I slept with a random guy." He's too fucking good for me."Doll, if you were in any stable state hours ago when I came to your pa
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For Him
DemiI get ready and walk down. Finding my bag, I take out my phone. I want to do something for Demitri, but I'm not sure what I can do.After how bad I was, I wanted to prove to him that I did love him, and the other night was just one big messed-up situation.Staring at the phone, I consider it."Demi," I turn and see Cisco walking over. He sits and faces me."You can tell me off. I deserve it," I whisper, and he laughs."I trust my son to deal with it in the way he thinks is best. It's his relationship, and I know he can deal with the issues himself without coming to me for advice."Well, at least he doesn't want to tell me off and shout at me."You're quiet. Are you okay?" he asks, and I nod."Yeah, I just feel lost," I sigh. "I want to prove to him that this isn't just fun and that I value it and him. I want to prove I love him, but I'm not sure how. Women, you can give them a puppy, and it helps." I shrug slightly."Yeah, I doubt a puppy would help in your situation," he smirks
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Her Proposal
DemitriI get lost in kissing her. I've missed her fire and fight, and I felt like I was about to lose that side of her. So seeing her wanting to kill my staff makes me want to fuck her.She pushes me back and breaks away from the kiss. So I pout at her and sulk."Behave, are you really going to pretend like she didn't say that?" She looks at me.I'm not pretending anything. I will deal with Anne later."I don't want to ruin our time together by complaining about her acting up," I shrug slightly. Anne can wait; she's not important right now."I didn't mean that. You know what I meant," she looks at me.What did she mean? "I'm confused, Doll; what are you talking about?" I laugh slightly."Her mentioning my plan to propose!" She throws her arms in the air."Wait, she wasn't lying?" I thought that was a joke. Was that actually the truth and the reason behind all of this? Shit. I stare at her, trying to process what to say."I assumed she was joking," I whisper, and she shakes her head.
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DemiIt's been six months. As we approached today, I became more worried and anxious. I asked him to marry me, and he agreed.I've taken over the company, but I put Yas in the lead. I've stepped back from the business more and more and slowly pushed myself into Demitri's world. I happily stand by his side through his work, regardless of how messy, scary or bloody it gets.Demitri told me he already had a plan for the wedding, so I let him decide, which is why I'm here. I stood behind a bit of white screen on the beach as Yas fixed my hair.Kalanggaman Island Beach isn't one I had ever heard of. It's small and private, and Demitri has done an amazing job getting everything here for today and ensuring it's private and only us—well, us and our family.Standing, I look between everyone and feel scared."You can't say no now," my mum laughs. "Your face says you're planning to run. His idea to do it on an island is good, you have no where to run," she laughs and I nod."I'm not running," I'
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