All Chapters of Take My Rejection Back!: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
145 Chapters
Chapter 91 KKK's no more (31)
"Is Jason back?" Philip asks, slightly agitated."Not yet. You don't have the patience anymore, do you? ” Michael asks, laughing."He told Maria that they were going on a date and there are already three days since then, I don't have a good feeling about this date," says Philip agitatedly."And what can happen?" says Morris, laughing. "To become a grandfather again?"And immediately Philip looked at them in horror."Calm down, dad," says Marcos. "Jason is our future king, he could not even talk to us and get what he deserves, taking Maria away from us directly. ""But she just got back home," says Philip sadly."At least she has a mate," says Morris. "Look at me and Dominic. We will die without grandchildren with these twins of ours. ""I don't need any fated mate to be happy, dad!" says Frank."And besides, my mother wanted one of Kyle's daughters as a daughter-in-law, how can we take another woman home?""Bullshit," says Morris, "You know she wasn't serious.""But we listen very ser
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Chapter 92 Reaching a consensus (32)
"Where is she?" Dominic asks as he enters the Crescent Moon pack house like a madman."In her room with her mate and Michel and Lily," Morris replies."Calm down!" Philip tells him, trying to slow him down, as soon as Elle enters the door of the house .“Don’t start Philip!” Says Dominic. “Where the fuck is Jason? How could this mess happen? ”"Jason knows nothing. He's gone with Maria. I didn't tell Autumn either, "Philip tells him, looking at Dominic as he has a little left and implodes.He immediately runs upstairs with Elle coming behind him and enters Kaleigh's bedroom without knocking.HIs sweetheart ,Kaleigh, is sitting in the middle of the bed in the arms of Christian and Michael, who are talking to her and stroking her face lightly and trying to calm her down."Kal!" Dominic tells her, looking at her so crying and bitter. "I'm so sorry!" and immediately runs and kneels before her.Elle looks at Lily and without daring to say anything she asks Lily through the mindlink:“What
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Chapter 93 Deja-vu (33)
After all the unprecedented madness, Christian and Kaleigh were inseparable and it was time for them to be free to live their love unhindered by anyone. Christian moved into Kaleigh's room, but contrary to Kaleigh's hopes, Christian did nothing but sleep with her in his arms and kiss and caress her.Kaleigh loves to be touched and loved in this way but she wants something else. All the madness was caused because she wanted to mate with him and now Christian seems to ignore her and not want a fuck her all.Kaleigh sits in the middle of the bed and stares at the bathroom door."Do you think that if I get into the bathroom naked , I'll make him mate with us?" Kaleigh asks, confused."We tried this yesterday and in vain," Angel tells him."I don't understand," Kaleigh snorted."He doesn't want us anymore?" says Kaleigh, and tears are already filling her eyes."Impossible!" says Angel. "Why wouldn't he want us anymore?"And immediately Kaleigh gets up and runs in front of the mirror and an
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Chapter 94 Finally marked (34)
"Where are we going?" I ask when Chris parked the car at a private airport."Las Vegas" he tells me like it's normal."WHAT?" I say shocked. "What are we going to do there?" I ask him, looking at him as if he had grown another head."I have an important meeting," he says smiling. "I need you too. You'll see""But Vegas?" and I can't help but look at how I'm dressed… makes sense to be equipped for an elegant evening but this isn't really a Las Vegas outfit.As soon as we land we are picked up by a limousine and taken to the Four Seasons Hotel, near Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino."What's going on, Chris?" I ask him and I take him by the hand and turn him towards me.Chris smiles at me and pulls me towards him and kisses me lightly, then takes my hand and pulls me after him in the hotel's luxury elevator.I would be lying not to admit that my heart is like a flea now.The valet opens the door for us and in front of us opens the most luxurious suite we have ever seen. From the liv
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Chapter 95 One more bachelor is gone (35)
"Happy birthday, Lily!" We all shouted in unison trying to surprise Lily but Lily looked at us in shock.“What happened, love?” Michael asks, looking at her in panic."I ..," she said, looking around with tears in her eyes.” I forgot it was my birthday ... ” Lily says, unable to believe it."What are you saying?" Michael panics and immediately Dominic comes next to her and takes her hand and puts her on the chair.Esme and Liam come to her and start checking on her, trying to make sure she's okay. Every year a traditional surprise party is organized for Lily's birthday and every year Lily pretends to know nothing."Is it my birthday?" she asks, looking at Michael and bursting into tears."Sweetie, please don't cry!" he says, taking her in his arms. "Get a doctor urgently!" Michael shouted.“There is no need… I am fine, it's just that…”"Mom, what happened?" Elijah asks."She is overwhelmed," says Dimitra." The stress from the last period was too much for her.""You should take more c
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Chapter 96 The Sabotage Day (36)
"What do you mean he's not coming?" Lily asks in shock."After what happened to Michael, he is ashamed to appear before him." Autumn tells , sitting in an armchair in the living room of the Crescent Moon pack house."But Elijah is at the greatest moment of his life!" says Lily, almost crying. " Michael doesn't hate him for what he did. he should come, Michael would not be angry. ""You know how proud he is. He was very wrong with Michael and even with Kaleigh, he had no right to do what he did , even if she did not agree with Kaleigh choice to forgive Christian. Also to offend Michael in such a way is something he cannot forgive himself. You should know that he is suffering for what he did.""Elijah will be upset, he need Kenneth to be here." says Lily, puzzled.Since offending Michael, Kenneth has not dared to come to the Crescent Moon anymore. Beyond the rage of Dominic, which he had to face completely, he was ashamed of the fact that he had committed it. As soon as he calmed down a
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Chapter 97 The truth (37)
I looked her in the eye and burst into tears."You are here!" I say, "You're real!" and I hear Maria and Jason laughing behind me."We have to go, Elijah," Jason tells me. "I have to see what Kellan is doing, I already feel like I'm going crazy. Can you handle it? ” he asks me and I can see on his face the total concern for Kellan's fate."Go, we'll come right away." I tell him."What happened to Kellan?" Erin asks me in a panic."Who kidnapped you tried to hurt me, but Kellan was the one who got hurt in my place." I tell her trying to avoid the details behind the misfortune."Oh my goddess!" says Erin. "We need to return urgently. But first show me how I transform back into human form." Erin tells me and I honestly don't understand what she wants to do because in the form of a wolf she can run faster."Visualize your body and it will be enough" and I don't even end saying that I see her in front of me naked and perfect. And I'm also naked because none of us had time to change when Er
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Chapter 98 Second chance mate (38)
As soon as Erin and Elijah returned to the hospital room, Lily jumped for joy!"Finally!" she says, wiping away her tears. "Something good has finally come out of this day! I thought I was going crazy. First Erin's abduction, the attack, Kenneth's injury, Elijah's cancellation of the alpha ceremony ... All that matters is that Kellan is well and that Elijah's groping through life has finally subsided. " and Lily runs away and takes Erin in her arms.“My love !!!” "Lily says very excited,” I have a girl finally, my own baby girl! ” and immediately hugged Erin to her chest.Erin can't even react and from Lily's grip she looks at Elijah and whispers softly."Help me!"But Elijah laughs out loud and tells her out loud, making everyone laugh."She is OK. She's not as dangerous as she seems. She is even happier that she got away and doesn't need to take care of me anymore and that from today I am in your care. " but he doesn't quite finish what he has to say that Lily looks at him with narr
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Chapter 99 Allison is mine (39)
Kellan’s pov“A Second Chance at Love. That's what Allison got, but what about me? ” I tell Kennet while he's sitting on the bed next to me while Kaleigh is sitting with her head on my chest, just like we were when we were little and one of us was upset."What about you?" Kaliegh asks me without lifting his head from my chest."I always wanted to have a relationship like my mother and father had. I don't think there is anything more beautiful in this world, but now I find that I am someone's second choice. I've always hoped to get more out of life. " I told her."Don't you think you're a hypocrite?" Kaleigh asks me. "If you were in her place, if you were the one with a child and your fated mate died, wouldn't you like to have another chance at happiness? ”"It's different" I say even though I know very well that it's nothing different."Have you talked to her since yesterday?" Kenneth asks, looking at me."Not. She completely avoided me. She sent her nurses to check on me or her colle
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Chapter 100 She asked for it! (40)
"I don't want to be discharged!" says Kellan nervously. "I want Allison Spencer to come and see me!""Sir, but Dr. Spencer is busy with another patient," says the doctor in front of him. "She can't.""Then I'll stay here!" says Kellan capriciously."Kellan, what does this whole circus mean?" Elle asks, looking at him and not believing that he can behave like that at this age."It's been three days since she came to see me. From that day on, she completely ignored me. She sent her nurses and colleagues to check on me, but she never came to see me again. " says Kellan nervously."Did you hear that, Frank?" says Donny, laughing. “She doesn’t want him! Good luck, you can keep looking for her. That's right, you'd be fine as little Heidi's dad, "and immediately Kellan got out of bed and hurried to Donny's."Stop it!" Dominic shouted. "What is the kindergarten here?" and then turns to Kellan.“Why should she come? To see how you ignore her? ” and Kellan looks shocked and can't believe Domini
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