All Chapters of Take My Rejection Back!: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
145 Chapters
Chapter 101 Sex at the office (41)
"What did I ask for?" Allison asks, already slightly panicked."To prove to you that you are mine and only mine," Kellan tells her as he gently strokes her face with his fingers, without taking his eyes off Allison's lips, which simply mesmerize him.Ho, ho...but Kellan Kyle chose the wrong woman to ignore because Allison will never accept being a man's puppet. Allison wants stability, a family and love. Not an indecisive man like he was three days ago and now what ? Does he change his attitude completely? Who guarantees that in three days this Kellan Kyle will not change his mind again?So she puts her hands on his chest and pushes him with all her might, but Kellan doesn't move an inch.“NO. I DIDN'T! ” she turns her head to one side, snorting angrily.Kellan immediately puts his lips deep in her neck and starts kissing her. At first, some shy pecks, but the more he touches her, the more Titan takes control and his kisses become wild and passionate, making him completely lose contro
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Chapter 102 I love them (42)
"Where have you gone?" Donny asks as soon as Kellan returns to his hospital room and starts getting dressed. He is damned furious."What does it smell like here?" Frank asks, glaring at him."Did you just had sex?" and both Frank and Donny give him a high five and start laughing." That girl has no chance in front of you. You had the best teachers, ”says Donny, laughing."I had a fucking shit!!" said Kellan, stepping out the door as soon as he was dressed and scurrying nervously."Hey, since when has sex shocked you?" Frank asks, running after him."Since it's not enough to make your mate accept you next to her," says Kellan, continuing to walk out of the hospital."What? !!?!?!?" Frank asks in panic and puts his hand to his heart."The sex is not enough?" and looked at Donny in horror. All their lives they have seen their parents arguing and then reconciling, obviously having sex, so in his mind even though he is almost 21 years old he always thought that sex is the solution to all p
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Chapter 103 Too much for her tiny heart (43)
It's been more than two weeks since Kellan snuck out of Allison's house early in the morning, letting her sleep, and although nothing seems to have changed, he ends up in Allison's bed every one or two days, only to leave early in the morning so he doesn't have to face her when she wakes up.Allison has become accustomed to his presence around her and already knows that every time Kellan appears at her door, she will not be able to resist them and will end up in the middle of refreshing activities."How are you feeling today, mommy?" Allison asks, hugging Autumn."Good enough to let everyone know about our family's new addition." she says laughing. "Dad and Mom are visiting us tonight and it's the perfect time to let them know.""You're almost halfway through pregnancy and I can't believe your tummy is barely visible," Allison tells her, looking at her."Are you ready to find out the sex of the baby?" Allison asks with a laugh."I want a girl!" says Sean, helping Autumn into the medic
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Chapter 104 The surprise of the day (44)
"Why are you here?" Allison asks."What do you mean why am I here?" Kellan asks irritably. "You passed out!""Aren't you afraid that someone will see you with me?""And why would I care if someone saw me here?" Kellan asks nervously."It's just that ..." says Allison and Kellan gets up and looks at her."What do you mean, Allison?""I can't go on like this anymore." Allison tells him."like what?""To live in secret, to let you get closer to Heidi without intending to stay with her. I know you said I was yours, but I feel like it's just a fad and it hurts to know you are not determined to stay, "says Allison, crying."I can't sleep and I can't eat. It causes me a terrible state of stress. If you still don't want something serious, why don't you reject me? she asks."Are you nuts?" Kellan asks, getting out of bed angrily."Let me tell you…" he yells but just then the door opens and Kendrick and two nurses enter the room."How are you feeling, All?" he asks and comes near her making Kel
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Chapter 105 A world full of babies (45)
That same evening, in the house, all the people gathered around the table. Autumn and Sean came to see Dominic and Elle. And for the first time, they are almost out of the table and never the house has been so full. Christian holds Kaleigh in his arms and refuses to let her sit in her chair."Do you know she can sit and eat on her own?" Dominic asks, laughing. "I learned her myself when she was two years old""Daddy, let us be." Kaleigh tells him, sitting comfortably in Chris's lap and rubbing lightly against his hard cock that is popping in her ass, making her very excited."Why are you smiling like that?" Kenneth asks, looking at her doubtfully."I'm just very happy," says Kaleigh, and she moves her thighs lightly on Christin's lap, making him put his hands on her hips and tell her through the mindlink."Don't move or I'll take you directly to this table with everyone here. I just cum in my pants like a 16-year-old teenager, for the goddess name. " and Kaleigh turns panicked and loo
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Chapter 106 Elijah's Ceremony (46)
"What time is it?" Lily asks excitedly."We have another 10 minutes and we start," Elle tells her. "Lily, you look splendid!" she says. “This dress is new?”“Of course it is new! For such an occasion, I must look exemplary. “And she stops and looks into Elle's eyes, takes her hand and says, "I want to see him alpha, Elle. After everything that happened last time, all I want is to see him as Crescent Moon alpha and Erin as Luna. ""Everything will be fine, don't worry," Elle tells her , hugging her.But they are immediately interrupted by Kaleigh who comes happy to see them.“They are here! Elijah and Erin have arrived. " says Kaleigh happily running in her long chiffon dress in a gorgeous light coral color, with a wide neckline, one-shoulder, that fits her perfectly. Immediately behind her, Christian appears, holding her hand:"Don't run away from me!" He tells her and pulls her towards him, bending over and hugging her from behind and inhaling her scent."I'm here ..." Kaleigh tells
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Chapter 107 Taking his pack back (47)
The attack was lightning fast and cruel. When everything should have been about happiness, everything was destroyed in an instant.It is said that a wise man is the one who sees the storm coming before the clouds appear. But who could have foreseen such a thing?Hundreds of rogues attacked Crescent Moon. A lot of people died and a lot of them were injured. Fortunately, none of the members of the Kyle family or their loved ones suffered any serious harm. With one exception.The whole mechanism behind today's attack appeared to have a single purpose, the abduction of Erin."We must find her" yells Elijah on the verge of collapse. "They took Erin," he cried, "They took my luna!""This is not good." Morris says angrily. " I ‘ve seen the same kind of abduction with Powers. Everything was calculated and prepared in advance. But I don't understand how they succeeded ""I agree with you, but I don't understand who wants Erin. Nothing makes sense. ” Dominic says, looking over the morbid scene
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Chapter 108 New Beginnings (48)
The road to the Boreal Moon pack house was one of silence. Nobody says anything. No one dares to think beyond what happened.Kellan and Kenneth look at Christian and for the first time in their lives they sincerely hate someone from the bottom of their hearts. He'll take Kaleigh away from them. He is the new fucking alpha of the Boreal Moon Pack. And they know that if things had evolved differently from the beginning, Kaleigh would have ended up in this pack, but this is the zero moment when KK realizes that Kaleigh will be away from them and in their hearts they feel a huge loss but they dare not say anything. To say something would be to challenge Dominic's decision and intervene again in the relationship between Kaleigh and Christian, so they have only one thing left to do. To cry. Both Kenneth and Kellan walk side by side and feel tears streaming down their cheeks without making a sound.Dominic feels them and turns and looks at them."Everything will be fine," he tells them via m
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Chapter 109 A new baby in town (49)
While Dominic and the Council remained in the Boreal Moon Pack to ensure order to explain to the pack what had happened, the others returned to the Crescent Moon to take their belongings and prepare for moving.But nothing could prepare them for what they were to find at home. When Allison arrived back, she immediately went to the hospital to take care of the patients she left in the care of her colleagues yesterday."How are the wounded?" she asks Kendrick as soon as she takes her doctor's robe."They are good but there is an omega who has been asking about you since yesterday when she woke up from a coma." Kendrick tells him."Gisele?" she asks knowing exactly who she is. Heidi and the Omega's little girl are in the same nursery and are very good friends."Yes, she's the one" and Allison immediately goes to the room where Gisele is hospitalized."Hello sweetie," she says as she approaches her. "I'm glad to see you woke up.""Allison, my little girl!" she says in a panic."What happe
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Chapter 110 When the past hits you in the face (50)
“Where is my granddaughter?” Isabel cries out loud as Morris walks over to her and takes her in his arms and starts to cry with her.“She is in the hospital. Her mother was seriously injured in the rogue attack and no one knew that the little girl was alone at home while her mother was working. I found her under a bed hidden and terrified. " and Isabel walks out of the house and runs to the hospital, with Morris behind her, but not before telling Frank, "If what Kellan says is true, I will never forgive you for what you did.""I..I…" says Frank stammering but fails to gather. He is devastated. His own blood and flesh? He had a child and he didn’t know? How was that possible? Who could be the mother?There are dozens of women who have gone to bed with him, who could have brought a baby and not told him? Anyone would take the opportunity to catch him with a baby . He is handsome and rich… How not to tell him?He doesn't even realize when he was left alone in the living room and when eve
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