All Chapters of Take My Rejection Back!: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
145 Chapters
Chapter 121 You don't give me a choice (61)
"What are you doing here?" Kellan asks as soon as he sees Kenneth returning. "I thought you were going home""I changed my mind. I suddenly feel better.” Kenneth says and scans the place trying to find Cath with his eyes and as soon as he sees her he gets terribly angry when he sees her laughing with a group of young people.She lied to him that her name was Rose, she lied to him that she was born without a wolf when in fact she was underage and she hadn't even met her wolf, but the worst thing is that she is the daughter of Alpha Carter and if he finds out that twice times they had more fun than they should, he risks a monstrous scandal."Stupid bitch!" He says it in his mind and angrily starts walking towards her.Cath feels his presence behind her and her heart starts beating wildly but at the same time she is angry because the one she slept with not once but twice, the one who made her feel like she was living for the first time and offered that pleasure she had only heard existed
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Chapter 122 It's my pleasure (62)
Kenneth Kyle povI’ve fucked up royally. That's exactly what I did, but I'm smart enough to realize that I can't change the past. I’ve been with Catherine twice, and it was the best experience of my life and after that I found out that she is some apha daughter. She caught me having sex with an omega, and not that it was a problem, but she caught me doing it when she found out I was her fated mate.So, yeah I'm the wonder boy who eats jam and poops plum. That’s me. I failed in every way.Do I want her? Of course I want her but seeing how angry she was with me and seeing how she spoke to me I realized that I have no chance to be with her."But I want to be with her, Ken," says Kodi. "I want to fight for her.""I will not fight for her, Kodi. We will stay still and let her be. I fucked up. ”"But we want to take her back," says Kodi, begging almost."She rejected me and then asked me to reject her. She told me that I am an egotistical jerk, ”I tell Kodi nervously."Well, aren't we?""An
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Chapter 123 To be her friend (63)
Catherine follows me shyly and embarrassed with a totally different attitude than the one in the house, but I don't let her retaliate at all. And I take her by the hand as soon as we get out of sight of those in the house."What are you doing?" she says shocked when she sees me pulling her after me, taking her hand in my hand."I'll give you the tour of the pack," I say without letting go of her hand, and I feel the tinglings begin to run through my hand, making me hold her hand in my hand even harder."Let me go!" she says angry but I don't even pay attention to her and I start to show her the huge garden behind the house."We spend all evenings here," I tell her, not caring that she's been trying to get her hand out of my hand for 10 minutes, and I feel her begin to calm down a little, looking at me."This is the most used part of the garden and this is where Heidi runs from morning till night," I tell her, walking with her among the old oaks and bringing her to the rose garden."Oh
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Chapter 124 You're asking me the impossible (64)
Last week was a challenge. I really don't know how I'm going to get it done. With each day that Cath appears before my eyes I realize how stupid I could be and how much I am falling in love with her more and more every day.I should never have spoken to her like that, and I should never have gotten to the point where I would take revenge on a woman by sleeping with another woman. And the worst part is I can't even talk to anyone about it. I sit and boil in my own juice trying every day to make her suffer as little as possible because of our mate bond.I love her, but I am a toxic person for her. Cath doesn't want to deal with me."I don't want to be friends with him, daddy!" she said as soon as Steve told her that I would visit their pack frequently.“Cath! What is this attitude! ” tells Steve, visibly upset. "This is not the right way to talk to our prince," he says, pointing to the respect I deserve but which I do not want at all. He should be my father in law, I don’t need his resp
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Chapter 125 You have a perfect English breakfast (65)
But as soon as she lifts her leg, I know she will fall again, so this time I grab her by the leg, holding her with her foot in the air."What the hell are you doing?" She asks me nervously, trying to free her leg."Stay still, please," I tell her, keeping her leg up and walking behind her. "I will teach you how to keep your balance." and I slowly lower my hand to her inner thighs and feel her tense as I touch her."It's going to be funny," says Kodi, rejoicing in happiness.I lower my hand slightly, letting it slide the entire length of her leg and I stop just before I touch her intimate area and I feel her breathing stop but she doesn't make any sound.I sit behind her and stick my body to hers. I feel a state of frenzy and everything I want is to make her mine here and now. I could so easily stick my fangs in her neck and mark her , and I am horrified by the way I felt compelled to do it right now."Not now Kodi!" I tell him commandingly and I hear him swear at me and take a step ba
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Chapter 126 You despise me (66)
"I see you go to Rocky Mountain Pack every day, should I worry?" says Chris, laughing as we all sit down for breakfast."Really, you have a little more and you move into their pack," says Kaleigh, rising from the table and walking into Christian's lap, who is helping her to sit comfortably in his lap stroking her belly."I hope you're not having sex in front of us?" I ask her , trying to change the subject, but immediately Allison and Kaleigh throw at me ,one with a slice of bread and the other with a banana, hitting me in the eye."Hey!" Kellan shouted, "There are little children here too!" but Heidi doesn't seem to hear anything as she eats half-asleep her cereal milk."I promised Steve I'd teach Cath to fight, that's all.I'm serious. Nothing special""Are you just teaching Cath?" Kaleigh asks, looking at me intently as if she had something in mind."Jack says so," says Kellan. "Kennet comes every day and takes Cath and goes with her into the woods to train.""There's something rott
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Chapter 127 I will fix things (67)
"What happened to you?" Kal and Kellan ask me as soon as they see me."I'm fine, I just need to be alone," I tell them, and I go to the back of the airplane. I need to talk to Cath urgently or I'm going crazy. Since yesterday I have been trying to get in touch with her but she totally ignores me. As soon as I got home I wrote her a message. I explained to her that it was just a misunderstanding and I told her that I was sorry and that she had really misunderstood me, that I wanted her to be mine but Cath blocked my number.I did not sleep at all. I'm a walking disaster."Hi, Jack!" I hear Chris greeting him. I look at him and see him alone. No, no, no, that was my chance to talk to her. I immediately get up from my chair and without greeting him I ask him directly, without caring that my brothers are looking at me strangely and that they would realize that everything they know about me and Cath is a big lie."Where's Cath?" I ask him desperately."Cath is not coming with us." Jack say
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Chapter 128 Reunion (68)
"Donny, boy!" Elijah shouted as he saw him and lifted him up."Put me down, you fool!" Donny laughed. "You are making me to look stupid in front of the pack" and everyone laughs."Do you think I care?" Elijah tells him and immediately jumps into his back just like he did when they were children."These two will never change," Lily says, nodding and looking at Isabel."No,." says Isabel, nodding disapprovingly. "Do you think we drank poissed water in the Crescent Moon?""Yeah ,That must have happened. They drank poisoned water when they were little and broke down.”"Dad," says Isabel. "Are you sure you want him here, don't you want me to send him back to Crescent Moon?" Isabel asks, looking seriously at Jose Fernandes."You'd rather recognize that you miss him and leave my grandson alone.” Jose says and gives Donny an elbow."Didn’t I tell you she'd try to persuade me to send you back?" and laughs.Donny walks over to Isabel, who looks at him from head to toe. Her son will be alpha. An
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Chapter 129 Will you submit to me ? (69)
The next day, dressed as on a holiday, they all sit around the stage where after almost two months of training and familiarization with this absolutely wonderful place, Donny becomes alpha and everything goes great and everything is exactly as Jose and Francesca they planned.But as soon as Donny swears his faith to the "Delincuentes bajo al Luna'' pack, a big commotion ensues."What the fuck is this?" Jose Fernandes asked, watching as someone split the crowd in two and headed for the stage."It's my right to take over this pack!" a loud voice is heard and immediately in front of the stage an Amazonian woman appears.It is a fucking Amazonian woman!. She is from another world. She is a top model, for god's sake!"Karo!" Jose yells, jumping down the stage nervously. "You have no right to claim the alpha position of this pack.""But I have!" says the nervous woman."My father was your beta." says Karo Gonzales. “I am strong. And I know this pack better than anyone. What do you recommend
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Chapter 130 I'm going to beat your ass (70)
"Is he really going to fight with a woman?" Jack asked, looking at Kenneth."It seems so," says Kenn, laughing."But she's a woman," Jack says in shock."Look at my mother," Frank says with a laugh. "Do you think she's a woman? Or Lily..or Elle… They look like a woman, but they can put a man down at any time. Elle at least even more. That's why we had peace for so many years, for fear of Elle.""Does that mean Donny can lose his alpha position tomorrow?" Jack asks, looking at them."Let's hope he knows what he's doing. But as far as we know, he is definitely looking for something else. "The next day at 9:00 a clock Karo was waiting for Donny to fight, but Donny had no intention of rushing. He is sleeping and when it is finally 10:00 Karo is already starting to get agitated. Frank and Kellan come to her, but Donny is nowhere to be found."Donny will be a little late," Frank says with a laugh. "He was detained on official duty. Can you wait for him? ” he asks her."Is this a joke?" she
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