All Chapters of Take My Rejection Back!: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
145 Chapters
Chapter 111 Bringing the child home (51)
"Can I hug you?" he asks Franny.Franny looks at Gisele and after getting her approval she tells him seriously:"Hug me!"Taking her in his arms is the best emotion he felt in his life. And he kisses her checks and getting up with her in his arms he goes to Gisele's bed."How could you not tell me?" he asks, looking at her."You didn't want me, I didn't want to force you to come in because you clearly didn't want to.""You are my mate," says Frank, "I'll fix things for you.""I don't need anything from you," Gisele tells him, spectacularly resisting the bond between them, though Frank only wants to take her in his arms and kiss her.This poor woman, on whose face the shortages and suffering can be read, is his mate.“If you really want to do something, do it for Franny. But I don’t need anything for myself. ” she says.“Franny “ ….Francesca and Frank. She named her after him and again he feels tears welling up in her eyes."You are my mate, you need to stay near me" he said playing th
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Chapter 112 The Soup (51)
In the kitchen in the middle of the table, Franny looks happily at all the food Isabel has put in front of her and she doesn't know what to eat first."Daddy !!" She yells as soon as she sees Frank. "You have so much food!" and begins to laugh happily "You have even fluits!""Yeah, baby," he says, coming near her and hugging her and sitting at the table with her in his lap."What do you want to eat?" he asks, smiling at her."Grandma?" asks Franny “what is that?” and she shows some pizza slices.“This is pizza. Do you like pizza? ” she asks."I nevel ate pissa" she says."Let's try it!" says Frank and starts to feed the little one. She ate a lot and tasted a little bit from every dish on the table with a childish happiness that warmed the hearts of both Frank and Isabel.“Will you forgive me, mom? Will you forgive my stupidity? ” he asks through a mindlink looking at Isabel.“I love you Franky but this is too much. Look at her! Look how much we've lost in her life! When I think about
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Chapter 113 Meeting the Fernandes (53)
Franks POVThe next morning, as soon as I opened my eyes, I began to laugh. Franny is lying on the other side of the bed, her head on the pillow next to me, sucking her little finger and her feet are actually in my head.Mom opens the door and chuckles from the door and looks at us, while Dad comes behind her and hugs her."You slept the same way when you were babies," she says, bringing her hand to her heart. "Do you remember, my love?" she asks."I remember it as if it happened yesterday, my love," says dad, and I can swear he has tears in his eyes."Your grandfather and grandmother are coming to visit today." Mom says, "Do you think Franny will want to meet them?" she asks me and I look at the little baby girl that is in the world of dreams and I smile."I'm sure she won't mind." and I see them moving away, but immediately Dad turns to me and says:"Allison has announced that she will be releasing Gisele today."What? Already? I just went to her yesterday and she was not fine."Wha
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Chapter 114 Last evening together
(The evening before KKK’s leaving)“I can’t believe that you are really leaving,” says Lily crying. "I'm used to you here, and I love you like you're my kids!""Mom," says Elijah. “Your only child is staying”"Who are you?" Lily asks laughing, but immediately gets up and takes him in her arms. "Don't you dare leave me, have you heard?" And Elijah bowed and kissed his forehead."Never mom, never" and looks at Erin who is excited and has tears in her eyes. She misses her parents so much, but Crescent Moon becomes her family in a very short time.Christian sits on an armchair with Kaleigh in his arms, caressing her back lightly and kissing her neck, while Kellan stays on the sofa with Allison also in his lap and with his hands on her belly which is more visible day by day."A son .." says Gisele shyly. "When I was pregnant with Franny I thought I was going to have a baby boy, but I was so happy when I found out I had a baby girl." She says visibly excited and Frank looks at her from the
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Chapter 115 New home (55)
"This place is insane!" says Kenneth as soon as we get to the Boreal Moon pack."Daddy!" Kaleigh yells and immediately throws herself into Dominic's arms, leaving me alone. I'm even jealous of her dad. I'm addicted to her . The only thing that makes me happy is that in this house I don't have to stress about not bothering anyone because here I will have at my disposal the alpha apartment which is perfectly soundproofed, so I can only look at Kaleigh and I imagine what I will do to her. Ever since we got back from Vegas we had to refrain and sneak in because everyone was watching us like a gas cylinder.The place looks fantastic and in just one week Dominic and Elle helped us change the face of this place and leave no trace of the memory of the sinister place that was once this pack house. I even have flowers in front of the house, what the hell!"Are you ready to take your pack?" Dominic asks me, smiling."Can I refuse?" I ask laughing but Dominic immediately raises an eyebrow and loo
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Chapter 116 Hot night (56) -1
"Oh my goddess," says Allison, holding Kellan's hand as Heidi sits on Kellan's shoulders.“This place is fantastic!” and she begins to look around not knowing what to look at first. The royal pack seems torn from fairy tales.Although only a week has passed since they moved into the Boreal Moon Pack, here's the whole gang reunited for the coronation of Jason and Maria."Flanny!" Heidi yells as soon as she sees Frank and Gisele getting out of the car, with Isabel and Morris holding little Franny in his arms. Franny already looks like another baby in just one week. She got a little fatter and she is dressed in the gorgeous clothes that Isabel orders her every day, she looks like a little princess.The old nursery from the pack house attic is now Franny's playground and her nannies are none other than Isabel, Lily, Erin and Gisele who can't get rid of her. In less than two weeks, Franny has become the most beloved child in the universe and what is wonderful is that she doesn't even seem
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Chapter 117 Hot night (56) - 2
Meanwhile, leaving the party, slightly upset that apart from him, only Donny is alone, Kenneth sneaks out and goes to a nearby bar to get drunk . He is sick being single and he has needs. He's a little scared of what happened to Frank, but he wants to relax.After a few glasses of tequila he starts to look around, looking for a woman to warm his bed tonight and sees in the middle of the ring dance the most beautiful girl he ever saw. Her tiny frame makes her look like a doll. She has light brown hair that comes to her shoulders, slightly wavy. Her light green eyes are very seductive and her lips are so kissable.Kenneth knows exactly what he wants to do tonight. He wants to be in her . As deep as possible. Eventually he gets lost and no one gets him out of there. He feels an inexplicable attraction to her and doesn't understand why his wolf doesn't recognize her as his fated mate, feeling so attracted by her.Heading towards her, he embraces her from behind and starts dancing with her
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Chapter 118 I will die, Frank! (58)
When Autumn gave birth a week later, the whole family came running in the Golden Moon Pack to see the babies."Oh my goddess!" yells Elle. “My grandpups! Look, Dom, they are so tiny and sweet. ” and not only are they sweet, but they look like a faithful copy of Elle and Dominic.“They are 100% from Kyle!” says Dominic, very proud, making Jake and Camilla laughing."But they will be 100% Sullivan-Taylor in their hearts," laughs Jake, making Dominic run after him, just as they did in their youth when they contradicted each other."I can't wait for Allison and Maria to give birth," Elle says, looking at them. "I want my arms to be full of babies. Now that I've got rid of responsibilities, I want to enjoy peace and family. ""Why don't you move back to the Crescent Moon?" Elijah asks. "These old folks," he says, pointing to Lily and Michael and the rest of the gang,” are talking about you all day.”Elle immediately looked at Dominic, then at Liam and Esme Kyle nodding."My love, can we do
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Chapter 119 Only when you're sober (59)
"Will you take care of Franny for me?" she asks, but Frank nods disapprovingly."If you die, I will die with you," he says, shocking everyone."Something needs to be done!" said Frank, looking at Allison."Unfortunately, only time will tell us what to do, we'll see how the tumor progresses," she said. " But until then you have to make sure that Gisele doesn't drink anything and eats healthy. Can you do that, Frank? ” asks Allison, smiling at him."I will do it!" he says. "I can't lose her!" and he starts to cry.Seeing him like this, Gisele feels a little guilty for making fun of him, but he must learn that she can also play him on her fingers. She reaches out and strokes his hair lightly."Can you leave us alone for a while?" She asks the others and immediately finds herself alone with Frank, motioning for him to sit in bed next to her . Now she understands why she longs for him every day and why her wolf was bothering her to be with him."What are we going to do with this thing, Fra
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Chapter 120 This is my daughter, Catherine! (60)
"What are you going to do?" Kellan asks Christian, who is sitting and looking out of the huge window of his office at Kaleigh, who leans in a rocking chair in the shade of a oak tree, stroking her pregnant belly, and feels his heart begin to beat faster. He would like to leave from here to run away to her but the pack needs him at the same time.It's been a month and a half since he became alpha and he can't believe how his life has changed.He is loved to the point of adoration by pack members who adore KKK's and Christian. Allison works as a doctor in the pack and seeing that the pack paradoxically did not have a doctor makes a huge effort even though she gave birth just a week ago and consults the sick ones.Little Heidi and Emmett accompany her everywhere and they are the most beloved children in the pack, because both Kellan and Allison have taken their beta roles seriously and give their best.Kenneth, as frivolous as he looks, is a great gamma and has managed to organize warrio
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