All Chapters of Take My Rejection Back!: Chapter 141 - Chapter 145
145 Chapters
Chapter 141 My turn! (81)
She has nowhere to run. This is the only living place in this wilderness. So she must stay with him if she wants to be safe."Cath looks into his eyes and blushes and says nothing."I want you Rose," Ken says with a laugh."And I want you," says Cath, looking into his eyes."Who am I?" asks Ken."You are my John" says Cath laughing and ending with the theater."I must punish you," says Ken. "You've been playing with me for weeks""I was afraid," says Cath, looking down.“Of what? Don't you know that if I am with you, nothing can happen to you? ” Ken says, squeezing her to his chest with one hand while holding her other hand under her ass, supporting her."I was afraid of you, that you won't want me anymore, that I won't be enough for you." she says. “I heard stories about you, about your appetite in women, and I know how energetic you are.”"Look at me!" says Ken, lifting her chin."I was just afraid," she says with tears in her eyes."Since I discovered that you were my mate I never
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Chapter 142 All starts and ends with Kyle (82)
Being with Cath again is unreal. Last night I marked her, and she marked me, twice by the way. Kodi is extremely upset and doesn't want to talk to Asa saying that he feels raped, and I can't stop laughing when I see him so tormented and irascible.I wake up with her in my arms and she is smiling at me.I say "I love you" pulling her towards me as she puts her arms around my neck with a grin large to her ears."Why are you smiling?" I ask her, wondering what still thinks about."Asa" she says. “She wants to mark Kodi”"Nooooo, please, don't let her!" says Kodi “She will bite me by my … my… no, please, She is crazy!”And I start laughing."Did I say something funny?" Cath asks, looking at me laughing like crazy."No, but Kodi is terrified that Asa will mark him in the same place where you marked me. “"Don't worry, Kodi!" Cath says with a laugh. “That was only an all-inclusive service for Kenneth, I know that you are not a manwhore like him. Asa just wants to lick your balls ”she says a
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Chapter 143 The End (83)
"This is our family," I tell Cath, pulling her close to me."Did you mark my daughter?" asks Steve, looking at us."Yes I did!" I say proudly."Did he force you?" he asks her."No, Dad, and if you want to know, I've marked him twice." and I look at her in horror. Does she really have to talk about this in front of everyone?"I see a single mark on his neck," says dad. "Where's the second one?" and already everyone is looking curiously at me ."On his di…" but I immediately put my hand to her mouth and stopped her, but Cath wouldn't be Cath if she kept quiet and she bit my fingers making me scream."Oops!" she says. ” I learned to bite ”and everyone laughed."We've got news," says Donny, drawing attention to him and immediately taking Karo and placing her on his lap.“We are pregnant too” he says and Isabel jumps in Morris arms and kissing him she yells like crazy:“More grandpups! We are blessed, Morris! We are blessed!”"We are expecting twins," says Karo smiling."But you didn't sta
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Chapter 144 EPILOG 1 (84)
“Granny !!!!” A chorus of children is heard shouting as soon as Elle and Dominic get out of the car."Oh my goddess!" Elle laughs at the crowd of children running towards them."Are all of them ours or have they brought some other kids from neighbors?" Dominic asks, laughing out loud.Elle and Dominic don't take even two steps as soon as the children attack them and start shouting at each other to be hugged by them.“Granny” yells one of the girls “Look how big I am!”“I am bigger” says another one."Grandpa, I've been missing you every day!" says one of the boys."Grandpa, Daddy has a new car!""Hey!" Jason is heard shouting. "What happens here?""Granny and Grandpa had arrived, Uncle Jas!" yells Heidi clapping."Let them breathe," laughs Jason. "Don't you see they're old?" and he looks slyly at Dominic."I'll give you a healthy beating, old man my ass!" Dominic laughs.“Grandpa!” yells little Eva ” you said ASS?” and she puts her hand to her mouth, completely shocked by what she has
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Chapter 145 EPILOG 2 (85)
"Come here, old man!" says Dominic, helping Liam Kyle to sit on the sofa."How are you, Dad?" Dominic asks, smiling at him and looking at the old man in front of him. Liam is his beloved father, the man who supported him and motivated him all his life. He's 80's already and Dominic knows that from now on every moment with him and Esme must be cherished because he doesn't know how long he will be with them.This is the man who taught him to love. Liam Kyle is the man to whom he owes every moment of happiness in his life."I'm fully fulfilled, Dom," says Liam, looking at Dominic. "My life was wonderful because of you and Lily.""I love you, dad." says Dominic with tears in his eyes.“You made me proud, son. And looking at your children and grandchildren I am even more proud ”"Will you come with Elle, on the weekend at our ranch?" asks Liam, because they are at least 5 years old since he moved with Esme to their Bozeman's ranch. He needed peace, and he needed to have more time alone wit
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