All Chapters of Take My Rejection Back!: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
145 Chapters
Chapter 71 She is stronger (11)
6 month later"Elijah !!!!" Kaleigh shouted loudly! "May I know what the hell you're doing?""I am helping you?" Elijah asks, laughing out loud as Kaleigh snorts nervously.“No, Elijah! You are not helping me, you just confuse me! ” Kaleigh tells him nervously."But how can you say that, my sweet angel?" Elijah asks, sitting comfortably."Elijah !!!!!" Kaleigh shouted “you would weigh a ton! Get off my back immediately! ”"You hurt my soul, sweet angel! says Elijaj theatrically, leaning even harder on Kaleigh's back.She is trembling and she is cursing and when he feels her strength start to give way Elijah gets up and runs to the exit door of the gym but only to run into gama Philip.Elijah nods and tries to sneak past him, but Phillip puts his hand on his shoulder and, looking at Kaleigh, who comes running towards them, says:"Stay still!" and he shakes his head and straightens his position. " Here we go again…""You!" Kaleigh shouted and turned on Elijah and immediately jumped on h
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Chapter 72 They are coming after you! (12)
"How are you son?" Uncle Michael asks me."I try to cope without the gang of lunatics I'm used to. Don't you really want to send them back? ” I tell him laughing." I feel like I've had four Elijahs on my head since they came to the Crescent Moon, ”he says with a laugh."But you will miss them if they return." I say smiling "Dad and Mom are thinking of calling them back every day."“So? Tell me why you're here today? I know you love me, but surprise visits are not your specialty. ""The Rosmans are the reason." I say sighing."Are we calling the others?""I promise Kaleigh we will never try to protect her again without her knowledge. We will discuss everything related to her only in her presence. ""That's what you had to do from the beginning." Michael tells me. "She wouldn't have gotten here.""I wanted to protect her, but I was wrong. She's stronger than we thought. ""She's like Elle, without that part of that Arcadian boo-hoo-hoo, but Kaleigh is scary."says Michael laughing.Imm
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Chapter 73 What's the point of breathing ? (13)
Christian Rosman storyIt's been six months since I lost my reason to live.Yes. Loving someone who hates you is the safest way to learn what love is and what its limits are. It's the safest way to convince yourself that you love someone.I'm so hurt and I feel so depressed that nothing seems to connect in my life.Franco screams in my head every damn second of our existence to go after Kaleigh, to explain to her what she means for us and I'm willing to give up everything but how could I convince her that I'm telling the truth when I entered her life like a thief ? When I took so much from her.As soon as I returned to the Boreal Moon Pack, I actually had to face the typhoon of my life. If until six months ago I lived like the last dog in the world and always had to fight for recognition in my father's eyes, to return without Dominic Kyle's much-desired daughter was perhaps the trigger for his madness. No, I'm definitely wrong. He's always been crazy. You can't hate for so many years
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Chapter 74 Family reunion (14)
"Is everything ready?" my mother asks as soon as she sees me entering the pack house from Crescent Moon."Yes," I say with a laugh. "Maria will come in any second!" I tell her, squealing with joy.The wandering daughter returns. Maria and Autumn and I are the only girls in the gang. Although she is older than us, this age difference has never stopped her from staying with us. We are the three princesses of the gang.Autumn, the bold and strong one, who always knows what she wants, I, until recently the absolute princess who was dreamy and airy, but now I am what I should have been from the beginning and I am proud of myself, and Maria is the one who enchants everyone's hearts literally and figuratively.After more than 5 years, she finally returns home and the gang reunites. Dimitra and Philip are at the height of their happiness and Marcos, although he tries to seem calm, is the same. Today Marcos is the one who went to pick her up from the airport and we stayed at home to boil in ou
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Chapter 75 Mates(15)
"No!" I hear Philip yelling. “She just came back…”Philip approaches Maria with tears in his eyes. What happens here? What mate? These are the questions that are on everyone's mind.Dominic stands in the doorway and looks at Maria in panic. Is Dominic her mate? What the fuck is happening? are the questions they ask themselves. It's impossible.Elle goes to Maria and takes her in her arms, while Maria is looking in her eyes with teary eyes.Only Dominic can be seen at the door, but immediately those present realized what was happening. Behind him Jason takes a step forward and approaches Maria in shock.The last time they saw each other was when Maria was 16 years old and Jason was almost 15. Maria was a good and shy child and Jason was a sweet and obedient boy. No one ever thought that they could both be mates. There was the age gap and also the fact that Jason was the future alpha and Maria seemed to be half witch."Mate!" says Jason, coming in front of Maria and looking at her with
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Chapter 76 Moment of honesty (16)
"Are you for real?" asks mom looking at Jason and Maria as they come back shyly holding their hands. They look great together. He is tall, and she reaches to his ear. He holds her hand and the desire for her can be read in his eyes."Yeah, we're for real," says Jason, looking into Maria's eyes. "We are real fated mates.""Dom!" yells mom jumping up for joy. "I'll have a girl in the house again!""About that .." says Jason "You'll have to wait a little bit longer.""What do you mean?" asks dad, mom, Dimitra and Philip at the same time.Jason looks at Maria and she nods in approval to continue talking."We're going to take it easy," says Jason."I do not understand. What do you mean, you're going to take it easy? ” my father asks. "Are you mates or not?""I freaked out," says Maria. "And I need time to process all this new life""But you're mates," says Dominic. "He needs you""Dad," Jason tells him, taking Maria closer to him and hugging her lightly. "We're fine, no matter what happens
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Chapter 77 It's a witch's hand! (17)
"That can't happen !!!!!" cried dad in the height of despair."How was it possible to take her right from under our noses?" and I see him fall to his knees and strike the ground with his fists. Mom is in Lily's arms and crying and KKs are in shock. Grandma and Grandpa look at each other in shock and are white as slaked lime."They took my baby girl ..." my mother says, crying out loud."How was that possible?" Michael asks. "Sean, how was that possible? How did they get here without feeling them? ”"I do not know, I do not understand anything. We took every precaution and still managed to get here without being detected. ""They're being helped by a witch," Maria says softly."What are you saying?" I ask, looking at her."I feel her presence in the air. She probably hid their presence from us with a spell. She is strong. She is probably 100% a pure witch or very close. It doesn't have a werewolf in it, otherwise I could have felt it, but she’s too strong. "Michael immediately comes t
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Chapter 78 Nuala (18)
Maria’s pov"You are here!" I heard a voice coming from behind me.I turn slightly and look intently at the woman in front of me. She must be about 45 years old. What shocks me is the tiredness and sadness in her eyes."I am here." I tell her, trying not to show how stressed I am. I start walking towards her but she immediately signals to me to stop."Don't come any closer." she tells me easily." You bothered my whole family. I didn't come to see you for pleasure. ""I wish it wasn't necessary but I had no choice." the woman tells me, closing her eyes and resting her head on her back.I look around and try to figure out where I am."What the fuck is this?" I tell her as soon as I see the view from the window of the room where I am. I feel like I'm in another century. "Where am I?" I ask, looking at her in shock."Dawson City" slowly tells me "You are in Canada."Oh my goddess, I'm a few thousand miles from home. In a few seconds I reached another part of the world.I take a deep brea
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Chapter 79 One step closer (19)
"I will kill him!" says Dominic, growling and screaming in the middle of Michael's office."This bastard will never calm down. I had to settle accounts with him from the first attempt to harm my family.”"Love," Elle tells him, coming over to him and trying to calm him down. “The girls will be fine. Kaleigh is strong now, she has not been a fragile girl for six months and Maria I am convinced that she will manage and wait for us. I don't think she'll risk trying to save Kaleigh on her own. "“I need to go, dad. I need to go right now, ” says Jason, already panicking. The love of his life, his fated mate that he has been waiting for so long and his beloved sister are alone in the middle of a frozen hell. If Armand Rosman doesn't kill them, the terrible polar cold would do it.Dominic immediately alerted the alphas and alerted them by mindlink about what was happening. Many are shocked, to touch the king's family is an act of madness. No one disputes what the king will do. The only dile
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Chapter 80 Help our mate! (20)
Kaleigh Kyle povEvery particle of my body hurts. I don't know if there's a cell in me that doesn't scream its pain. It's been at least two hours since I woke up in this place and I can't figure out where I am. I could swear I'm underground or under the ice. Nothing makes sense from what I see here."Angel," I say softly. "Are you there?""Yeah ... I just woke up" she says and I feel her a little dizzy, not that I'd be better than her.“Goddess! What happened to us? ” I ask her in a panic."I think they shot us, Kaleigh. And not only did they shoot us, the bastards knocked us out with a bunch of wolfsbane. "Wolfsbane? I must admit that I did not expect to react in this way at wolfsbane. I had heard from my mother about the power of this poison and how it incapacitates you, but I am simply shocked. The pain is inhuman, it is beyond description."Angel, do you know where we are?" I ask her, already starting to get stressed. Last time I was home. Oh my goddess! My family! Are they okay?
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