All Chapters of Take My Rejection Back!: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
145 Chapters
Chapter 61 Triple Trouble - The triple K (1)
(The story of Elle and Dominic's kids)"Elle?" says Dominic, slightly frowning as he enters the living room with Jason. "Did you see the triplets?""Aren’t they with you?" Elle asks, turning her head in astonishment and looking at Dominic. "They told me you called them and that you needed them.""Of course I called them, but those little brats blew from our noses. They're out of training. Stephan has been waiting for them for two hours and they can't be found. ""These three will eat my heart. I am just an old man, and they don’t let me live in peace" says Dominic, putting his hands on his chest."Old men?" Elle says laughing and approaching him."You're only 43, Dom." She takes him in her arms and kisses him and whispers in his ear, "And I know how old you are because you're still awake all night.""Mom, do you want to change your subject?" says Jason, looking at them disapprovingly. All his life he saw nothing but his parents harassing each other. But it is not harassment that will
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Chapter 62 The chronicle of a bad day (2)
Dominic’s Kyle povI died today.The moment Jason shouted desperately in my mind, "Dad, Kaleigh is being attacked by rogues and we're not near her," my heart actually stopped. There is no point in life where a father's love for his child can be said to have come to an end. There is no warranty period and after that you can say, from now on you are on your own. I don't know how others are, but I know how I am. Until the last breath the kids and Elle will be the only thing that matters in this world for me.I died today.Elle immediately knew that something had happened to one of the children because she knew me better than I do sometimes and seeing me transforming on the palace stairs and running like a mad wolf, she followed my example and came after me. . And after us came the guards alarmed by our reaction.It took 15 minutes for our crazy run to the place where Jason told us it was Kaleigh. 15 minutes of nightmare."Goddess!" I hear Elle screaming as soon as she sees Kaleigh in Jas
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Chapter 63 Tiny steps (3)
"Mom," I say, opening my eyes. "What am I doing here?"I look around and realize I'm in my parents' bedroom."Oh my goddess, Autumn!" I say and I start to cry directly. "I missed you so much!""I am here, sis!" Autumn tells me, hugging me. "How are you feeling?"“I don’t know… but I think I am fine. In the end, nothing happened that could not be repaired. I'm whole. I was terrified, but I'm whole. ""Did that rogue really save you?" ask my mom."Rogue?" I ask, being a little puzzled."There was a man with you." says mom.“Oh, yes… he did. He was very kind to me, I don’t know why he risked his life for me. ”"Are you really fine?" Autumn asks me, analyzing me."Now I am." I tell her, taking a deep breath and trying to calm myself.As soon as the boys found out I woke up, the whole castle began to whistle."How's my little shrimp feeling?" Sean tells me to start laughing.“Mr. Taylor ”I say with a British accent, taking a serious attitude and looking at him arrogantly. "That's not the w
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Chapter 64 The real plan (4)
I must confess that kissing this girl is from another league.I am not a saint and I am convinced that you already suspect this. I knew from the beginning that if I tried to get close to any of the king's daughters, the king would put his hounds to follow me. And by his hounds I mean his sons.The plan is as simple and concise as any plan my father has . And he has been thinking about this for 20 years, so nothing unpredictable can surprise us.You may be wondering who I am. Well, surprise! I'm not some damn rogue. I never was. I smell like one because I have the support of a witch who helps me mask my smell.Dominic Kyle was elected king 20 years ago but he doesn't deserve this title. He was strong, he was brave, but my father was more than he was. He was worthy to be our king but in the opinion of the council of elders this is worth nothing without that great heart.That's why I'm here now, to steal Dominic Kyle's heart and he seems to be more easy to do it than I thought we would b
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Chapter 65 Christian Rosman (5)
"Did you let that bastard touch your sister?" Dominic asks, looking at Jason and actually smoking from fury."Did he touch my angel? Did he touch my princess? How could you leave him? ” Dominic asks, almost with tears in his eyes. "My princess!""Dad," says Kenneth, speaking without his brain at work as usual, "If a good-looking young woman had jumped on me and kissed me, you wouldn't have commented so much!" but he immediately swallows his words after seeing Dominic looking at him ugly."Goddess," Elle says, laughing out loud. “Do you all want to stop? My girl just had her first kiss. ” and puts her hand to her heart."Thank you Jason for letting her enjoy the moment, though I honestly don't know how she'll react when she finds out the truth about Callum.""Callum, my ass!" says Kellan."Watch your mouth in front of mom, Kellan!" says Sean looking straight in his eyes."I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him in prison," Sean said. “To pretend to be a rogue — these two Rosman must
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Chapter 66 I only want you (6)
Kayleigh Kyle povTomorrow I will be 18 years old.I've been waiting for this moment my whole life. Growing up in the most loving family that could exist on this earth, all I wanted was that when the time came I could have the same immense love in my life as my parents had.I want my fated mate, but the thing is I want Callum too."Moon Goddess, can't I have them both, please?" Can't I have two mates? ”I really like Callum's company. My family is constantly watching him but somehow they seem to have given up on threats and are just watching him in silence."Please, Moon Goddess, may I have him?"I get out of bed and look at my watch. It's past midnight. In recent days we have been inseparable whenever my father or brothers were not around to dismiss him."Would it be too much if I dared to go.." I wonder knowing that what I want would upset my father.I immediately leave the room trying not to make a fuss and I sneak to Callum's door and slowly knock on it.The door opens and in fron
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Chapter 67 Choose me tomorrow, please! (7)
Christian Rosman povI was struck by lightning. This is exactly how I feel now, something hit me hard and destroyed me to the depths of my heart.I look at this frail and delicate woman who sleeps in my arms and I don't know what I could add because tonight I had the most sublime experience of my life.As she sits in my arms and sleeps peacefully on my chest, with the moon's rays falling on her face, I can say that I have never seen anything more beautiful. I want to stop all this insane plan but at the same time I realize that if the plan succeeds I can stay with Kaleigh all my life. She could be mine for real and I would do anything to make this happen.She rocked my world in less than one week.I have NEVER believed in love and I still believe that love does not exist but in less than a week in the middle of Kyles I had seen a lifestyle totally unknown to me. They really love each other and really defend each other.Elle and Dominic Kyle are scary. They are our fucking king and que
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Chapter 68 Rejected (8)
As soon as I opened my eyes and realized that I was in my room, I felt like I had lost something.I was hoping to wake up in Callum's arms. Last night was the best night of my life."Good morning, horny girl!" I hear a voice next to me.I immediately jump to my feet and look around but I'm alone. Can not be…"But that's it!" says the voice.I run to the bathroom mirror and start laughing, seeing my eyes shining like two crystals. My gray eyes are like diamonds now. They are beautiful. I look very exotic with these eyes."Hi, you!" I say looking in the mirror and smiling."I am Angel," said the voice "your wolf.""Did my father choose this name?" I ask laughing out loud."No, but I wouldn't be surprised if he would pay for it.""Girl, you look fantastic," the voice says."And you just sound..." and I start laughing again "just like me.""Kaleigh?" I suddenly hear my mother's voice in the bedroom and I immediately run to her."Oh, my goddess!" she says looking into my eyes."Angel, meet
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Chapter 69 Losing her (9)
Christian Rosman POVI watch her walk away from me. I hear her angrily say, "I hate him!" and I can't react in any way, I'm just paralyzed."She was our fated mate," I told Franco.Falling to my knees, I bow my head and weep in silence. And I keep repeating in my mind what happened in the last few days. I'm trying to figure out what happened to me and why I'm crying now for something I never wanted.What changed in me?"Take him to the dungeons" I hear Dominic Kyle say and he immediately turns his back and leaves as if my presence doesn't matter to him anymore.Immediately the other two K.K. come and take me by the arms and lift me up. Kenneth would be able to tear me apart, but Kellan looks at me with compassion. He looks at me in a way that I don't deserve to be looked at. Yes, I was wrong. I should never have come into this family's life and disturbed her in the way I did. But who would have thought that out of all the women in the world, my lifelong prey would be my fated mate? Wh
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Chapter 70 The kids are leaving (10)
Dominic’s Kyle POVI take Elle in my arms and kiss her.“You did it your way, didn't it?” and she started to giggle.“ You can say that I did it my way, because simply after so many years I still can't stand the abuse of any kind. Did this man hurt my baby? Definitely yes? Does he deserve to be severely punished? Certainly. But who am I to punish him? ” She tells me, "He loves her.""Your heart is too soft, my love," I tell her, kissing her temple and hugging her to my chest. I hid and watched the whole conversation between her and Christian.She believes in him so I will not intervene. I will let Moon Goddess play her game because if I have learned anything in this life it is that her plans will be fulfilled sooner or later. If Christian Rosman is the best thing my daughter could get, so be it. That doesn't mean I forgive him, and it doesn't mean that if he goes wrong, I won't settle accounts with him."Do you have any news?" Elle asks me, clinging to me. "Is she safe?""Yes, Lily co
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