All Chapters of Take My Rejection Back!: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
145 Chapters
Chapter 51 The Fight (1)
Elle Parker pov"Are you ready?" I ask Camilla.Camilla is so skinny and so beaten that I'm afraid of her drowning. Whenever Alpha Powers is unhappy with the way I react, he takes revenge on her. This man has lost his mind, though I honestly don't know if he's ever been rational.I lift her slightly and place her in her bed and begin to treat her wounds. It breaks my heart to see her like that. She is Jake's mate. I can not believe it. They grow up together on their mate bond with Brandon's baby as their son , a little boy called Sean,and they have the full support of Kevin and Thalia Taylor. This is a soap opera, but Jake really loves her and seems to have made the mission of his life to take care of her.As soon as I place Camilla comfortably in her bed, the door opens and alpha Powers enters the room and asks me directly."Are you ready to submit?"I look at him confused. Here we go again. I have to be careful what I answer because this time I don't know if Camilla will withstand a
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Chapter 52 The Fight (2)
"Cami!" Jake shouted desperately. "Let the doctor come quickly!" and I immediately see the doctor appear beside her, and the doctor is none other than Dr. Archer.What is he doing here? I was surprised and shocked. But I can't get close to her because I immediately see that the one who threw himself at Alpha Powers to release Camilla is Dominic himself.Powers rushes at him and, embracing him, pushes him and sticks his fangs into Dominic's shoulder, tearing his flesh."Dominic!" I scream desperately, running towards him, ready to throw myself into battle, but I am caught in the back by two unmistakable strong arms. Michael!"Let him fight!" Michael tells me and Dad and Morris appear right next to us.Dominic doesn't give up. Soon all that can be heard is the sounds and blows between Powers and Dominic.All the alphas gathered around them, the elders of the council arrived too, and although they were not allowed to intervene in the fight, they watched with interest what was happening.
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Chapter 53 Long live the King!
“What is happening?” I ask Dominic in shock."I don't know," he says. "I know the king had to die before the council could elect the new king," he whispers. "The council kept talking about this since the king kidnaped you the first time, my father was present at their meetings as our representative, because of the bizarre situation in which Alpha Powers put us without our will. I didn't know they already had a name in their mind. "The elder approaches me and watches me while I cling to Dominic in panic. He analyzes me carefully and then asks me with a light smile."So you're an Arcadian?" he says in a more introspective tone.I honestly don't know what to say. My nature has only brought me trouble, ever since I found out who I am I have been constantly hunted by alpha Powers. Now the elder asks me face to face with all these alpha if I'm an Arcadian. What if I start being hunted by them too? A lump forms in my throat but Athena takes control and I see the elder staring at me in amaze
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Chapter 54 New Alfa
Dominic Kyle povWe don't know what's going on with us. Neither I nor Elle don't really know anything about what happened in the last two hours. It's like our lives are being lived by someone else. Everyone congratulates us. Everyone hugs us.I am the new king of werewolves!I am doomed! Shit! Is this real?How can I cope with such a responsibility?All my life I was a loyal subject to the king, until he rebelled against me, but I never intended to take his place. I am happy in my pack, with my family, with my friends. Can I refuse? Can I say I don't want to?"No, you can't, Dominic!" says Spirit, my wolf. "What the council decides is executed without hesitation."But I just want to be with my people and with the love of my life, I just want to raise my child in peace and quiet ..”"And you will do it from the palace, you fool!" says Spirit laughing. "We are kings!"Elle stayed with me all the time. I'm shocked to see that she seems to take this news easier than I do. I look at her an
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Chapter 55 Be My Luna!
Michael Parker povAs soon as we entered the Crescent Moon house, everyone jumped on Elle and Dominic. Dimitra is also here, although she is still struggling with her wounds, but I'm glad to see her much better than the last time when I didn't know if she would survive.Isabel and Esme almost kidnapped Elle, who sits with Autumn in her arms and kisses her continuously.This baby is the most delicious baby I have ever seen. She babbles continuously and is ecstatic in Elle's arms. She is so small and already knows who her mother is. Lily looks at them closely, but her gaze frequently shifts from them to me. She doesn't know what to do. I promised her we'd talk when I got back from Alaska.I look at her and I feel like crying. I feel like running to her and hugging her directly, telling her how sorry I am. She can be seen suffering. Her eyes are flat and swollen.She is even weaker than yesterday. Doesn't this woman eat anything?I look at her but I don't react in any way. As soon as the
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Chapter 56 Memory Issuess
Elle Parker povWe are in bed with Autumn between us and we both watch her sleep peacefully between us. Dominic plays with her little hand and often kisses her fat little fingers. She really is the most beautiful child in the world. I know I'm subjective when I say that and I know that all children are beautiful, but Autumn is the most beautiful child for me.Dominic gets up slightly and takes Autumn in his arms and I suddenly feel as if a part of me is leaving with her."Let her stay with us!" I tell him imploringly."I'm jealous, you know," he tells me with a laugh. "I want to be in your arms too, not just our little girl""But I missed her so much," I say, humming."And me? You didn’t missed me?" Dominic asks me, going back to bed next to me as soon as he puts Autumn in her crib and covers her carefully."Did I have any reason to miss you?" I say pretending to think."So," says Dominic, "you needed reasons to think of me while I was sitting here and my soul was mourning.""Forgive
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Chapter 57 THE END (1)
There has not been so much peace and quiet in the Crescent Moon pack for a long time. All the members of the pack know what happened and are shocked but at the same time they are happy because the one who was their alpha will become their king in two days, and the sassy Lily will be their luna.Everyone adores Lily in the pack, she was a sweet girl and as a child she was everyone's joy to meet her, so Dominic's departure to the castle puts Lily in a position where the pack members never thought they would see her. Luna of the Crescent Moon Pack.Yes, everything has settled down and everyone is happy.But the only unfortunate one is Dominic at this moment."Michael, I need your help," he says through the mindlink. "Can you bring Philip and Morris with you?" he asks him, remembering that he needs them too."What's up, Dominic?" Morris asks, stepping into the office."Where are Michael and Philip?" Dominic asked in astonishment that Morris came first."We are here!" says Philip as he ent
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Chapter 58 THE END (2)
As soon as they are ready the girls come down and unexpectedly their men were not waiting for them."It's time to go," says Esme."Are you going with us, daddy?" Lily asks happily after seeing him on the top of the stairs."Tonight I will be your driver," says Liam Kyle, coming down dressed in a luxurious tuxedo that looks gorgeous on him . Elle is fascinated by the resemblance between him and Dominic and can't help but think how beautiful it will be to grow old next to her handsome man."Girls!" says Liam Kyle, opening the car door specially designed for girls."Dad," Elle says.” Everything is extravagant. The clothes, the jewelry brought, the car too much" says a little panicked."It's our last night in this formula, Elle," Liam tells her. "Let's make it unforgettable"Lily is ecstatic and if her belly didn't bother her now she would probably melt happily in the car.In half an hour the car arrives in a dream place.“Where are we? ” Elle asks when she get out of the car, shocke
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Chapter 59 EPILOG 1
(After 4 years)"Love" says Elle trying to dress Autumn "Are you ready?"Dominic opens the bathroom door and sticks his head out the door."For another five minutes, Kenneth doesn't want to put on his panties. He wants to go naked to the party ”says Dominic, almost laughing.“He is your son!” Elle says with a laugh. "He can't wait to take his panties off. Because of you, he sleeps naked, ”Elle says, laughing out loud.Yes, Elle and Dominic have another son or rather they have three more sons and a daughter after they had Autumn. A few months after they were crowned, they discovered that Elle was pregnant again. Their second child was a boy who is a faithful copy of Dominic. Jason stole Elle's heart from the first second he appeared in the world. If Autumn is unquestionably a daddy girl, with Dominic on her little finger, Jason is his mommy boy. He is the sweetest boy, always attentive and loving, as should be the future king of werewolves. Elle and Dominic try to put in every second o
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Chapter 60 EPILOG 2
(Autumn’s 18 birthday party)"My King!" says the royal counselor "Everything is ready""Thank you, Stephan!" Dominic tells him, "Let me know when the guests start arriving." and motioned for him to leave.It's been 18 years since Dominic has been the king of werewolves. It's been 18 years since his life changed completely. He knows that if Elle hadn't been a part of his life, he wouldn't have gotten here. Dominic is a good king. People love and appreciate him, and Elle is the queen they have missed for so many years. She is good, she is loving but at the same time strong and frightening when what she loves is threatened.Looking out the window, Dominic sees Elle surrounded by their children serving lunch in the garden.These kids are a bunch of crazy kids, but they are the joy of his life. He missed Morris and Philip every day since he became king, and sometimes he wished he could be the alpha in Crescent Moon again, because becoming a king was never in his plan, but what he realized
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