All Chapters of Take My Rejection Back!: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
145 Chapters
Chapter 41 History lesson
I don't know how others are, but Dominic can't live peacefully knowing that danger looms large at his door. And he was entitled to feel that way. Things in his life seemed perfect from afar, but Dominic knew that everything was just an illusion under a fragile glass globe.Morris and Isabel have moved back into their pack house where they have an apartment spacious enough to grow ten pups if they want. Elle can give birth at any time and Lily and Michael have been providing “services” since dawn to increase the pack's birth rate.Every day seems normal but Dominic knows very well that this is not the case.Ever since she found out she was pregnant, Elle has given up training and long walks. She understood Dominic's fears and tried to avoid unpleasant discussions on the subject because at this point Elle knows that Dominic is right.No matter how strong Athena is, being pregnant is a must to avoid any fights and also to transform so as not to cause suffering to the pup. So her only cha
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Chapter 42 Her water broke!
Dominic’s Kyle pov"We need to increase the defensive capacity of our pack," I tell Philip. "Training needs to be more productive and I think we should give everyone in the pack the opportunity to train.""What do you want to say?" Morris and Philip ask at the same time. "What do you mean by anyone?”"Every member of this pack should train regularly. Attacks like the last two months ago must be met with all force. ""I agree with Dominic," says my father. "Our pack members are strong and in good shape but we can help them be even stronger if they want to. The pressure would be less on our warriors if regular members of the pack could fend for themselves.""And how are we going to do that?" Philip asks, looking at us as if we've said something completely unrealizable."I work hard and I don't know where I will find time to train also the members of the pack""Philip is right. His mate helps him too, I help him too but we will not be able to do that with the resources of now”. says Morr
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Chapter 43 Autumn
Dominic Kyle povI ran to the hospital as if my life was hanging on to this. And there is nothing wrong with what I am saying because my life is really at the end of this run. Elle is alone at the moment giving birth to our pup.As soon as I got to the hospital, the doctors took me."Good thing you're here, alpha. Luna Elle doesn't want to work with us and wants you to be with her. " one of the nurses tells me.My sweet and pure mate, of course she wants me by her side. We've talked about it countless times. It's not that she couldn't give birth without me but I asked her to let me be with her. I want to be there when my pup is born. I want to be with him from the first second of his life."I'm here, Elle," I tell her as I enter the delivery room as the nurses begin to properly equip me and help me disinfect."Finally!" Elle says as if a burden has been lifted from her shoulders."Can we start now, luna? "Ask one of the doctors." Alpha , she didn't even let us check her. Please help u
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Chapter 44 Rejected again
The last two weeks have been a complete blessing.I can't find the right words to describe the state of ecstasy I live in. I just feel peace. Only peace. Autumn is the sweetest child possible. She falls asleep on my chest, she doesn't wake us up at night but we wake up to look at her and we are amazed by her presence in our lives. It's like we're under a spell.Dad always laughs at us and tells us that we lost our minds and maybe that's the case, maybe we even lost our minds if we woke up at night just to look like two stupid people at a sleeping child.For me at least Autumn is a miracle. She appeared unexpectedly in our lives, in a difficult moment and gave me the strength to move forward and not live in fear. My only fear is that she will never be hurt. And I know Dominic has the same fear.Just blissful. This is the state I have been living in for the last two weeks, but since yesterday afternoon Dominic has been agitated. Today he left very early, he jumped over all the meals. He
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Chapter 45 Whose fault is it?
Dominic Kyle pov“What the fuck was that?” Michael asks angrily, almost rushing at me."She's your mate, and she's your luna and you just humiliated her in front of us, kicking her out like the last omega in the pack, as if what's happening in the Crescent Moon it shouldn't interest her at all""And who do you think you are to hold me accountable about what I do?" I say angrily, rushing at him."Dominic!" my father shouted at me, stepping between me and Michael. But I'm so angry about what just happened that no one and nothing can stop me. I'm angry with myself because I lost control and I was able to behave like this in front of Elle, I'm angry that the damn Alpha Powers set his mechanism in motion and in a moment he can attack us and try to I take Elle again, I'm angry because I feel helpless for the first time in my life.Alpha Kevin Taylor called us yesterday and informed us that he had been attacked by hordes of rogues under the command of Alpha Powers. His target was clear, and
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Chapter 46 Old Acquaintances
I'm lying in bed in a room I don’t know. My hands and feet are tied with long, thick silver chains.What happens? I look around and realize I'm not in the pack hospital. The last thing I remember is the fight in the woods, the appearance of Dimitra and our warriors and then nothing.That means ..Dimitra…and the boys.."Athena!" she cried desperately."I'm here, Elle," she says in a low voice. "I didn't die this time, either," she says, trying to be funny.I try to get up but I am silent when I see that there is another bed in the room. Camilla is tied too. She is seriously injured and she stares at me with a lost look. I don't know what happened to her, but the wounds on her body clearly show the abuse she was subjected to."Are you ok?" I ask her slowly, trying not to scare her because it's clear that her mind is in a very fragile state, but I don't get any reaction from her.What happened to her? You could say that she's a lunatic."Camilla," I say softly, "I know you can hear me. P
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Chapter 47 Noise and anger
Michael Taylor pov"How is he?" I ask Lily as soon as she gets back to our suite."He's not fine at all. He does his best to get up and live without her near him, but he just can't live like this, not even for Autumn. Every time he looks at Autumn he starts crying because the little one looks so much like Elle and he can’t cope with that"I would be lying to say that I am not sorry for him, I would never not want to be in his place. If Lily disappeared from me, my life would be over. I would lose my reason to live.You may be wondering if I'm still mad at Dominic. Oh goddess… I have no words to explain how I feel, it’s like skinning him alive for the way he talked to Elle, but Lily and alpha Liam made me understand that he reacted so because he panicked, for fear of Elle to find out what's going on and wanting to get involved in capturing Alpha Powers.He made a mistake? Categorical! But we were all wrong because we didn't realize that by hiding things from her we would throw her in h
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Chapter 48 Stormy siblings
Elle's disappearance made everyone lose their inner balance.It's been almost ten days since Elle was abducted and no one is able to find any information that will lead them to the place where Elle is captive. Nobody knows why the king doesn't make any move.Liam Kyle struggles from morning to evening to keep his pack in balance, because everyone feels sorry for Dominic and they are disturbed and agitated. If a rogue attack would start now, it would be a tragedy. Because the pack seems without a compass.Liam Kyle just can't believe what's going on. But everything has a limit.Angrily he enters Dominic's bedroom, where he lies in the middle of his bed with Elle's pillow in his arms. He's in his own world. He is exhausted and the depression can be seen on his face. Guilt, loss… It's hard to put into words but Dominic is the man who lost everything. Next to him, Autumn cries in her crib , but Dominic doesn't seem to realize it.Liam approached her and took her in his arms, placing her o
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Chapter 49 We found them
Dominic Kyle pov"I need to see you," says Michael on the phone. He is no longer in our pack and we can no longer communicate through mindlinks. I never managed to make him a member of our pack, although our plans were great for him, I didn't have time. I also feel guilty about breaking up with him and Lily."Where do you want to meet?" I ask him. I know he won't want to come to the pack house so he won't meet Lily."I'm coming with Jake Sullivan and Alpha Taylor. See you in your office in an hour. " Michael tells me and hangs up without me having time to react. Michael is so temperamental that he drives me crazy. It's like a copy of myself. He is strong, he is honest and he has that nerve to do great things in life. If he had accepted to be the alpha of the Golden Moon pack, he would have been an honorable alpha.I call Morris, Philip and Dad in my office, and as soon as they arrive, Michael and the Golden Moon Pack arrive."Alpha!" says Michael, bowing to me and making me feel bad.
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Chapter 50 Kyle's night of wrestling
Dominic managed to calm Lily down. In just a few days the woman he has known since she was born, whom he knows as well as he knows himself, and whom he loves as his soul has been brought down from the pedestal on which she was standing.He watches Lily sitting in his arms, asleep from the hysterical cry from which she could hardly stop herself. Thoughts run through his mind. He knows Michael and knows how much he loves Lily. In his mind Michael's love for Lily is absolutely too great to end so abruptly. At the same time, he knows Lily and knows that when she is nervous she sometimes says things that are hard to tolerate.He places her lightly on her bed and strokes her forehead lightly."Everything will be fine, Lily!" he tells her lightly, trying not to wake her. "I know Michael loves you."He doesn't know what tomorrow has in store for him. He doesn't know if he will be able to return to normal tomorrow and all this misfortune will end, but he knows one thing.He wasted too much tim
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15 Protection Status