All Chapters of Chosen Luna's Chosen Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
64 Chapters
Chapter 21
ShannonThere was a light knock on the door."Alpha Vernon, it's time for your meeting now," Adonis said as he stood by the door."Alright, I will leave you to it." I nodded at Vernon as I turned to leave his office, he grabbed my wrist as he was reluctant to let me go."Don't go far, okay? You can explore the Pack House, use the library or the cinema if you feel bored.""I will." I didn't want to keep other people waiting for him, so I quickly walked out of his office without turning back.I felt my stomach grumble. I was hungry. I supposed I should head to the kitchen and grabbed something to eat.As I made my way to the stair, I passed several pack members, they all nodded to me and even said good morning, as if they knew who I was. I, of course, nodded back and told them good morning as well.But this got me thinking, what was I in this Pack?After I finished breakfast, I walked around the Pack aimlessly. I found the Bloodlust Furs Pack was really different from the Crescent Manes
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Chapter 22
Shannon"Lun... Miss Shannon, are you okay?" Adonis asked me as he carefully observed the wound on my arm.I twisted my head to check the wound, it was not deep, just a scratch. So I didn't know why he cared so much about the wound."I'm okay." Still, I gave him a reassuring smile. He showed kindness, I guessed I didn't want to worry him for no reason.Suddenly there was a round of applause, a much delayed one as if everyone was waiting to know that I was alright so that they could clap their hands.I was a little bit cocky after I won, but now with their applause, I was feeling a bit embarrassed."Miss Shannon, you did very well, but I would rather you not do this again. If you are hurt during the fight, the blame would be on us." Adonis said.It was weird to hear him say this, who would blame them? Vernon? I didn't think that I mattered this much. Besides, it was just a spar, I couldn't get seriously injured just from a spar."It's fine, no one would blame you. And it was just a spa
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Chapter 23
ShannonHe didn't answer my question, instead, he looked at me with intense eyes. I was starting to feel the effect of his aura, although Vernon's aura was stronger than his, but he never intentionally let it out to intimidate me. Gosh, this guy must be related to Vernon somehow.Just when I was struggling, I heard a laugh from this guy. It was not a welcoming laugh, his tone was cold and his expression didn't change a bit."I nearly forget that he got a used good back to be his bed warmer. Didn't expect it to be you." He said in a cruel tone."What the hell, how dare he?" Kaela was mad before I could retort. Rightfully so, she always had a temper.Ever since I came here, I heard the term "used good" less. Hearing it again from his mouth made me feel disgusted. Who was he to judge if I was used good or not? I had a husband, so I was used good. What did that make them then? I was sure that they slept with more than one woman, hell, Vernon even had a harem for goddess sake!"And what ma
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Chapter 24
VernonI didn't expect to see Melvin here. I couldn't even remember the last time I saw him. But here he was, standing there threatening Shannon and me.I could tell Shannon was curious about Melvin. I only told her that Melvin was my brother. I didn't want to be associated with him somehow, certainly not in front of her. Melvin represented everything I loathed, I wanted to be as far away from him as possible."Come on, let's get your wound treated, okay?"I knew she thought it was no big deal, but when I looked down at her arm, it was swollen and raw, normally wounds like this would heal itself quickly, but somehow hers never did. It was best to get it treated.Before she could answer, I took her hand and led her to the Medbay. She said she couldn't find the way, a sign for the Medbay was needed soon I supposed.When we walked in, 2 medical staff offered their help, but I wanted to do it myself, so I told them to leave us alone. She sat down on the chair, a little tense like she wasn
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Chapter 25
Vernon"Just a little?" I asked her.I felt all the burden of confessing my past to her gone after hearing her say that. Nothing else mattered right now, Shannon was the only thing I see."Well, maybe not a little, a little bit more was the correct word.""Oh but only a little won't do, what do I need to do to have all of it?" I teased."You can have all of me right now."I stopped, not sure if she meant what I was thinking. I was holding her close at this point, her arms were still wrapped around my middle because I asked her to join our training earlier.Her soft warm body was pressed against mine, there was no space between us. I felt her sweet iris scent wafting up to my nose, mixed with the body wash I was also using. She had my scent on her as well now. This idea filled me with so much satisfaction that I couldn't even begin to comprehend it.I liked being this close to her, this close proximity gave me the illusion of our heartbeats were synchronizing. I could see how much her
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Chapter 26
TerryI couldn't contain my anger after I read the letter from the Moonhunter. What he asked for exceeded my expectation and not in a good way. I knew he would ask for Javier's land since he was the one who started this mess, but I never expect him to make me pay annual tributes.And worst of all, Shannon was not coming back to me... Why would she stay with him? Did he not show her my letter to her? Shannon loved me so much, there was no way she would stay there voluntarily. Even... Even I was the one who left her there in the first place...I couldn't help but throw my hands on the desk. This was humiliating! He attacked my Pack and now he was demanding I hand over my land and my money, I couldn't even get my wife back!How did this happen? What went wrong?After some back-and-forth negotiation, I learned that the Moonhunter was not backing down from the conditions. Of course, when did he ever back down from anything? I had already lost too much, if I ever needed to get Shannon back,
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Chapter 27
TerryWhen I opened my eyes, I was surprised to feel that I wasn't hit with the feeling of overwhelming discomfort, the kind one might feel after being in great pain. I should be covered in sweat and dirt from rolling on the ground. But when I realized I was lying in my bed, I felt surprisingly refreshed. Like someone had cleaned me and wiped away my sweat.I looked around to see Kaia resting beside the bed, she looked so tired, there were dark circles under her eyes. It seemed like she had been taking care of me the whole time.Everything rushed through my mind all at once. I lost a part of my domain, my wife Shannon stayed with the Moonhunter and had sex with someone else, and my fated mate was possibly pregnant with my child, but she had to take care of me all night... I had always been a confident Alpha, but now all I felt was that I was a loser.I didn't protect my land and my people, I wanted to keep my chosen mate and fated mate at the same time but I was about to lose them bot
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Chapter 28
Shannon"Ah..." I let out a pained yell as I got out of the bed. My legs nearly gave out under my weight."What is it? Are you okay?" Vernon who was sleeping beside me immediately woke up and rushed to my side to hold me stand.I gave him a stare and he looked almost embarrassed after he understood the reason behind my situation.Ever since that day at the medbay, he started a rampage if I could put it that way. Although my sex life with Terry was okay before, he would never leave me feeling my legs quiver. I always thought that was a myth or something inside the erotic novel, that sex could be so good your legs would feel weak the next day. Now I knew that was a real thing. Vernon was truly the strongest Alpha."Sorry, I kinda lost control last night. Are you hurt? Do I need to call a doctor?" He asked as he helped me to sit back down. I winced a little as my ass touched the bed."What? Call a doctor and tell him I had too much sex last night that I'm feeling sore? No, thanks!""Wow,
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Chapter 29
ShannonIn a haze, all I saw was Domenica and Nora's panic faces move closer to mind. I didn't realize when the tears welled up, I couldn't see anything clear at this point.They were saying something to me, maybe asking me what was wrong, but I wasn't able to register any of it. I was in too much pain.All I could think about was when will this stop. Would this pain go on forever? I didn't know how long I was in pain, could be seconds or minutes, For me it was like an eternity had passed.My head started to hurt as well, I was feeling sick, like I was about to throw up. I now knew why people had been renounced and said that this was the worst pain they had ever been through. My whole body was hurting, I couldn't even point out which part of me was fine. Finally, I think the last straw broke, I fell unconscious as I saw Domenica cradling my head."Call a doctor for her!" Domenica's worried voice was the last thing on my mind.I opened my eyes, blinking to see the white ceiling. I turn
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Chapter 30
VernonThe uneasy feeling in the back of my mind didn't leave even after she went to the gymnasium. I already notified Adonis and told him to walk her through the training routine, Everything should be fine, and I should have nothing to worry about."Alpha Vernon, Miss Shannon fainted in the gymnasium." Adonis mind-linked me."What? Was she hurt? What happened?" I knew I felt uneasy for a reason, but I hated to be right in a situation like this."We didn't start training yet, She just fell on the floor, she looked like she was in a lot of pain. Domenica and Nora already called the doctor for Miss Shannon."I should have come with her to the training. I silently regretted my decision and rushed to the gymnasium.Everyone was gathered at the center when I walked over, her friend was holding her close. The doctor was already there.I couldn't even suppress my anger when I saw her lying there, riving in pain. My aura was all out, and everyone present felt it surely."Alpha Vernon, Miss Sh
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