All Chapters of Chosen Luna's Chosen Alpha: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
64 Chapters
Chapter 31
VernonMy biology clockwork woke me up right after sunrise. But I decided that I could stay in bed today as I looked at Shannon who was sleeping so soundly in my arms.I knew if I let go of her she would certainly be stirred or even woken up. I didn't have the heart to do that, she was in so much pain yesterday and tired out from the sex later. I didn't even get to finish when she told me such. But at that point, all that mattered was her, so I just held her in my arms and lulled her to sleep after cleaning her up.She was sleeping so peacefully, it almost made me proud. Proud that I tired her so much, proud that she was trusting me enough to fall into deep sleep in my arms. She really was so cute. She was so gorgeous even without anything on her face, now that I thought about this, I had never seen her in makeup before, nor did I ever see her wear clothes that would bring out her features.But I didn't really mind that one bit, she could dress up or down, or be naked, I wouldn't mind
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Chapter 32
Shannon"Thank you," I said in appreciation.But it was weird for me to hear this. Terry wouldn't allow me to wear a dress because he said he would get jealous when other men looked at me. Did this mean that Vernon doesn't like me?Or maybe he didn't mind when other men looked at me? I now realized how little I knew about man. All my life I had always been with Terry, now that he was gone, I only had Vernon. Because of Terry's jealous tendency, I never even made any male friends. So now I was feeling puzzled about why they behaved so differently."You can try different styles you like when we hit the mall. I will give you my honest opinion, don't worry, I won't rush you. You are starting a new life now, so maybe trying new clothes wouldn't hurt."Vernon said at one of the red stops, his hand put over mine to give me a light squeeze.His words rang a bell in my head. Terry already rejected me. I was starting a new life here in this pack, I was no longer a Luna, I was not Terry's wife a
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Chapter 33
ShannonI froze as I heard him ask me that. I didn't expect the sudden change of face, and I thought he wouldn't be jealous seeing his attitude about my fashion choice."I... I just didn't really have time alone with Nora ever since we came here, as her friend, I just want to know her relationship status with your best friend, that's all." I said in an almost meek voice, I was scared that he would act like Terry.His face softened after hearing my explanation. He put the shopping bags in the back truck and then opened the passenger door to let me in, after he got into the car as well, he put one hand on my kneel."Sorry, I overreacted. I should have known that you were just looking out for your friend. I know you care a lot about them. If you wanted to know how they were doing, how about we go on double dates with them?" He suggested.Which took me by great surprise. I had the concept of a double date, but I had never done that before, after all, who would go on a double date with the
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Chapter 34
AdonisMabel was the kind of girl you couldn't resist, I knew this the first time I set my eyes on her. She carried herself so confidently when she walked into a room, it was like the light was following her around.Her blonde hair reflecting bounced off the natural light, the heat of the sun made her rosy cheeks even more rosier."My name is Mabel Jacobse, I am the daughter of Alpha Roderick Jacobse from the Brutal Shadows." It was the first thing she said to me.It was a shame really, someone like her was already in Alpha Vernon's harem. She would never belong to me, this fact made me a little disappointed."Hello, my name is Adonis Lebsack, I am the Beta here," I said as I extended my hand for her to shake, she took my hand with a warm smile. I swore I felt a wave of electricity run through me when her hand touched mine.I studied her, but her eyes were only trained on Alpha Vernon. Of course, since she was here to join his harem.As I looked around to see all the women from other
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Chapter 35
Shannon"Shannon! I heard we were going on a double date!" I was startled by Nora's energetic voice coming suddenly behind me."Eh, yeah, did Adonis tell you that already?" I asked, feigning ignorance.The truth was, I didn't know how to face Nora ever since I found out about Adonis and the other woman. I thought Terry finding his fated mate at my birthday party was the most dramatic thing that ever happened in my life, but no this was so much worse.Should I tell her? It was eating me away if I didn't tell her. But knowing what she had been through, I also knew the truth might crush her. Poor Nora, she had been through so much, I didn't want to add any more pain to her. But if we were going camping, I would have to spend the next few days with them, I didn't know if I had it in me to keep this a secret.Damn you Adonis, why did you have to cheat? Why did I have to be the one who found out?"Yes! I'm so excited! I have never been to camping before. I'm glad I can do it with you!" She
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Chapter 36
VernonSurely I must have heard her wrong. Why would Shannon ask to sleep in the same tent with her friend? The point of this trip was to spend time with her."No, why would you do that?" I asked her."I..."Her expression changed and she was holding something in. What was she hiding?"You are acting a little strange lately. What happened? Did I upset you in any way?"Hearing this she immediately shook her head."No, no, it's not that... It's not you. I just..."Again she didn't elaborate. But if she said it was not me, was it because of her friend?"Is it about your friend? Did something happen between her and Adonis?" I asked and I had to physically restrain myself from looking in their direction. They would certainly know we were talking about them if I turned to look their way.But from what I remembered their interaction today, was fine. It didn't seem that they were in a fight of any sort."No... I..." She was really starting to make me worry now."What's going on? You can tell
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Chapter 37
ShannonI was awoken by a soft bird chirping. There was something special about waking up in nature. Everything felt so fresh even though I was only in a tent. The sound of running water, the fresh air that came with the wind, and the heat natural sunlight brought, were so refreshing.This was the point of camping, I think.Vernon's arms were wrapped tightly around my waist, his face was buried on the back of my neck. I felt his breathing rhythm changed slightly, indicating that he was awake."You are up so early," Vernon said, his voice was low and husky from sleep."The birds singing woke me up," I said simply. But I wasn't complaining.Vernon only made a hum in response."What are we doing today?" I asked him out of curiosity."Hiking, but I didn't know if your friend could still do that after last night.""Quit it. Don't say this in front of them, she would get shy.""Of course, I wouldn't. What kind of person do you think I am?""Yet you are saying that to me." I rolled my eyes.
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Chapter 38
Shannon"You should be fine after a few days of rest, don't tire yourself too much, okay?" The Pack doctor said as she checked my ankle for the last time.I nodded, and facing me were Vernon, Adonis, Nora, and the Pack Doctor. I could feel their gazes were all on me, I was a little afraid of lifting my head because of this.Vernon sensed this."Okay, you two can go back and rest. I will take her back." He said to Adonis and Nora.Nora left with Adonis, not before telling me to take care of myself. The doctor also left the room.Vernon bent down to pick me up, and I panicked."I can walk!" I yelled, not wanting to be picked up by him all the way back."With that?" Vernon pointed at my swollen ankle. Yeah, it looked pretty bad."I can't have you carry me everywhere," I said, somewhat embarrassed.It was bad enough that I twisted my ankle, resulting in our trip had to be cut short. Now if his Pack members saw he was carrying me back to our room, what would they think of me?"It's fine, y
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Chapter 39
Shannon"It's okay, they wouldn't try anything when I'm around you," Vernon said when he put his hand above mine and gave me a light squeeze.I was a little nervous about meeting Vernon's father, and rightfully so. From Vernon's statement and what I heard from others, I knew his father might be a handful. His words didn't help either. He said they wouldn't try anything when he was around, but what if he was not? Would they try to do something if Vernon was not around? What would they do? What could I do to protect myself?A lot of thoughts were racing through my head right now. I didn't even reply to Vernon when he comforted me. He noticed I was absent-minded, and he gave me a light squeeze again. I looked down at my hand and looked back up to his face. I forced a smile."I'm fine," I said to him."It's okay, I will be by your side." He said as his hand reached to my face and brushed a strand of hair out of the way.Realizing we were still in a car with Adonis driving, I blushed a lit
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Chapter 40
VernonI already knew what my father was going to say when he summoned me to see him. It was funny I thought time could wash away my resentment towards him. But when I saw his face, every emotion I had ever felt for him came rushing back.When I saw his face, I could see myself in my old age through him, but I knew I would never become him. Whenever I saw him I saw my mother, and I was forced to remember how she left us."Mom, why can't you be with us during the day like Adonis's mom?" 5-year-old me asked my mother."Because I am the Luna of this Pack. I need to train and work to make everyone's life better." My mother said as she stroked my hair.She was so beautiful, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in the span of my five years of life. Her golden locks were tied to a bun, the morning sun framed her ever so gently, and she was glowing like an angel. I was puzzled as to why couldn't she stay at home like most other moms do.She had just given birth to Melvin not long ago, now
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