All Chapters of Chosen Luna's Chosen Alpha: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
64 Chapters
Chapter 41
VernonWhen I got downstairs to see Shannon, she didn't look so good. She looked pale and was deep in thought, she didn't even notice me until I walked right in front of her face. I looked at her up and down, trying to see if anything was wrong, but it didn't seem that she was hurt or anything."Are you okay? Did they do something?" I asked her."No... I'm fine. Are you done talking to your father?" She just shook her head and asked me."Yes, let's get the hell out of here," I said to her.Truthfully speaking, I didn't want to stay here as well. This was the house I grew up in, every spot of this house carried some memories, good or bad. They were the days I couldn't go back. All I could do was leave them behind and go back to the reality I built.When we walked out of the house, Adonis was already waiting for us in the car because I mind-linked him earlier and told him that we were leaving soon.We got in the car. The air was tense, I could tell that something was bothering Shannon,
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Chapter 42
ShannonI woke up feeling groggy and sore. I stretched and felt around beside me to see if Vernon was still in bed. Turned out he wasn't, and that meant it must be late since he was an early riser.One look at the clock on the wall told me that it was almost noon! How did I sleep this long? What did I do last night?Then heat immediately rushed to my face once I recalled what happened yesterday...We did it once on the bed, and then Vernon said we should move to the bathroom to get cleaned up, and then we did it once in the shower, then again in the bathtub. I told him I couldn't take it anymore, he said it would be the last time, and then after dinner, he took me to his office and said he would "Work" and then he took me over the desk again. When we went back to the bedroom, he wanted to go again on the balcony, I had to beg him to let me rest.It was safe to say that I had been tired out thoroughly yesterday. No wonder I felt sore all over... I didn't really know what had gotten int
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Chapter 43
ShannonAfter some painkillers and a whole day of sleep, I felt much better. Vernon left for work early like he always had. But I had no doubt he must arranged for a maid to wait outside of the room with my breakfast.Sure enough, when I opened the bedroom door, a maid was holding a tray waiting for me outside. She greeted me with a smile and said the same thing as yesterday, I thanked her and took the tray from her.After I had my breakfast, I was feeling bored. I skipped the training for the last few days and slept most of them. Should I go training? But I just had my period, I was afraid that the cramps might come back.I looked out the balcony and saw that today was a sunny day, the air was fresh and the temperature was just right. Maybe I should go out for a walk. The doctor said that some light activities might help the cramps. And maybe I could find Domenica or Nora outside.With that in mind, I quickly got changed and went downstairs, heading to the garden.I walked to the gar
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Chapter 44
VernonWhen I walked out of the meeting room I felt so heavy, my head was going to explode. They had all been avoiding the elephant in the room. No one dared to speak up about my impeachment, it was almost laughable.But my mind went back to Shannon. I wanted to stay with her this morning, but I really couldn't avoid this meeting, and I didn't want more blame to be put on her, saying that she made me neglect my duty as an Alpha. They could say all they wanted about me, I would make them regret that. I saw how Melvin's words affected her, I loved to see her caring about me, but I would hate to make her worry.And Melvin, that brat, I would need to teach him a lesson about respect. I knew it was not his fault that he became like this, I knew why he couldn't understand me. I left him with my father when I needed my time to grow into a fitted Alpha, I thought I had time, and that I could tell him the truth once I secured my position. But when I finally looked back, Melvin was too far gone
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Chapter 45
JaydeI lied. It wasn't my first time seeing her. I had seen her before the Harvest Moon Ball, it was another event I couldn't care to remember the name. She was with a man.From the first time I saw her, I knew she was my fated mate, but she didn't know that or that she couldn't possibly know that I was her fated mate as well. Because she was claimed by another man, another Alpha. Terry Steuber, her husband. But since I was an Alpha, I could still sense she was my fated mate.She wasn't dressed up, nor did she wear any make-up. But she was glowing, the glint in her eyes whenever she talked to her husband told me that she was happy with him. But her scent, her intoxicating iris scent was driving me crazy. I knew she was taken, but maybe, maybe if I talked to her, I could convince her to leave him for me... Her fated mate."Yes, yes, let her know that we are her fated mate, we need her, we want her!" My wolf Jacey said in my head.But when I looked at her again, as if noticing my gaze,
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Chapter 46
ShannonAlpha Jayde from the Oceania? I frowned when I heard the name. It was a familiar name for sure... Then I remembered the man I danced with during the Harvest Moon Ball. He said he was from Oceania, and he was there to see the Harvest Moon Ball, but I had a weird feeling about him then. It was nothing bad, it was just suspicious that he would appear there.And now he was attacking us... Right at this moment when Vernon was facing impeachment. What a timing."How many people did he bring?" Vernon asked Adonis."We are not sure yet, but I don't think they came alone. They must have a backup on the way." Adonis replied honestly.That was when I heard the siren go off, just like the day they attacked the Crescent Manes Pack. It all brought me back to the day I saw Vernon for the first time. During all the chaos and disarrays, he came to me."Shannon, I need to talk to you when I get back. You stay here and protect the rest of the Pack members," Then he turned to Adonis, "Go assemble
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Chapter 47
VernonWhen Shannon told me that she wanted to come with me, I was tempted to let her go with me. I knew she still had issues with her ex-mate leaving her behind, and most of all, she was worried about me. Like she told me before. I almost melt if not for the dire situation right now.The care in her eyes was so genuine. But I also needed her at the Pack, I knew she was a capable Luna, she could handle situations like this. And I knew she was responsible enough not to leave our Pack members in danger.Like I said, I trusted her as much as she trusted me.I only took the Delta squad because I knew they would not put all their forces just to attack our border. They must have a backup on the way, and maybe they were going to sneak up on us once I left to deal with them. I knew for a fact that Jayde was not above that.Plus, he was coming at me at this moment, there was a chance he might joined hands with someone already... Shannon said she had met Jayde Gleason before, maybe he was collu
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Chapter 48
VernonIt was Melvin. I should have known. My own brother betrayed me. It all made sense now, why would Jayde attack our Pack at this moment, how would an outsider know about what was going on in my region?When I looked at his face, I realized how much he had grown from the boy to the man he was today. He looked like me, we share the same father and mother, but he was so much different. I hadn't really seen him since I moved away from home, the last time he came to me, all my attention was on Shannon, I didn't realize he was almost as tall as I was.Whenever I thought about him, I always thought of him when he was much younger. I knew about his little schemes, and I knew he had grown to hate me over the years. But I just never expected him to betray me like this..."Why?" I asked him.As if he was provoked, he sneered in anger."I hate you, I hate the way you act like nothing matters. I hate that now I am pressing a knife against your back and have my men surrounding you, yet you are
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Chapter 49
ShannonThis was the first time I stayed behind during a war. Normally I would follow Terry to the battle and fight along with him. Terry would argue that I was the Luna and I should stay behind and take care of the Pack when he was away. But I was trained to become a warrior. How could I stay behind when my Alpha was fighting for our Pack?But when I thought about it again, maybe I should stay behind and take care of the Pack like a Luna would. At least I wouldn't be so helpless right now. Who was taking care of the Pack when Terry and I were away? Oh, no one, that was why Vernon took all the women and children when Terry and Kaia ran away...But all the pack members here were pretty calm about it, it was like they had been through this so many times before. Everyone was doing their jobs, caring for the wounded, women and children hid in safe houses to avoid capture."Alpha Vernon had us practice what we should do when the enemy comes." Doctor Jones said to me when she was patching u
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Chapter 50
Shannon'Sorry, I must seem weak to you.' Vernon said after an uncomfortable silence.'No, no, it's okay, I understand. I just hate the fact that I couldn't be with you right now. I want to make you feel better.'I wanted to touch him, to make him feel that he was not alone even though he was betrayed by his own brother. I wanted him to know that it was not a shame to be vulnerable, it was toxic masculinity to never show weakness in front of loved ones.'Like how I comforted you that night?' He suddenly asked.Blood rushed to my face after I remembered what he said. When Terry renounced me, he distracted me and comforted me by having passionate and desperate sex with me. If the condition allowed, I might actually do that, but now I couldn't even move my hands.Taking my silence as shyness, he chuckled lightly. And I left out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. At least he wasn't as sad as before. But I didn't know whether I should continue this sensitive subject with him o
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