All Chapters of Chosen Luna's Chosen Alpha: Chapter 61 - Chapter 64
64 Chapters
Chapter 61 Siren
ShannonI sped up because I knew the first guard would return at any minute, but I wasn't really familiar with the building. I wished I had looked around more when they brought me here. But I remembered I was brought from the cell, it was situated below the ground, so if I go down, I should be able to reach Vernon. But what would I do once I got there? It was not like I could just walk in and get him out.But then again, I didn't know where I could go either. This was not my familiar place. And I should, I think I should at least let him know that I was safe. With the way I was dragged out of the cell, he must have been worried for me. Right?He did ask me to bring it back up, but who was I going to find now? I didn't think I could get out of here without being caught. I wished I put more thought and planning into this, but I just seized the opportunity when I saw it.I headed down the stairs, my footsteps were silent, but my heart was thumping so loud. But I guessed it was a good thi
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Chapter 62 Heritage
ShannonI thought the Siren was for me, or for Vernon, no. They were for Mabel. Why did I know? Because the guards were clearly chasing her once they saw us!"We need to split up."What? This was not a horror movie, we didn't need to split up! But when I looked at Vernon, I could see that he didn't mean to split up like this, he was trying to lose Mabel. I thought about that day Terry chose to take Kaia and just left me there. I hated to admit it, but I was helpless. Plus, regardless of where she got the key, she still saved him. We couldn't justI shook my head to Vernon. He sighed and finally relented.We left the premises they kept us and soon found ourselves in the forest."They were keeping us on the border, we can run back to Pack House, but I think they might have already taken the place by now.""Then where can we go?""There was a safe house I have on the other side of the border, it was secretive, we could go there and join the others later."The guards were still chasing us
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Chapter 63 She’s staying
Shannon"Did you tell him the truth?"I thought about what I told him before I was dragged away."Yes, but he didn't take it well. He ran off after hearing what I told him."The image of someone who looked so much like Vernon and as tall as he did, running away in tears made me laugh out a little. Vernon gave me a weird look after hearing my laugh."I was just... Thinking about that's how you would look like when you run off."He laughed a little as well. The air wasn't so tense anymore."So, what do we do now? Do you know where everyone else is?""Adonis was with me when I was knocked out, but he wasn't in the same cell with us, he must be held somewhere else. I need to find him first."I nodded, I knew how important his Beta was to him."It's good that both Terry and Jayde are gone now, we only have to deal with Melvin for now.""Gone? Where did they go?"Vernon frowned at the stupidity of them both leaving during the middle of the war."I think they have gone to the treasure land,
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Chapter 64 Secret Passage
Shannon"You said that they starve their maids?"We were treading through the woods when I heard Vernon say, he was walking in front of me to lead the way."I don't really know, but I guess she must be really hungry to steal food from me. They were just ordinary food, nothing fancy."He frowned upon hearing this, I didn't know it was for the cruelty or whatever."Do you know how they treat their captives or Pack members?""I don't know how Jayde treats his Pack members or captives. But Terry used to be nice to his Pack members, and he never abused any of his servants before. But that was a long time ago. I didn't really know what he did with his Pack after they left. And now that Kaia is his new Luna, I'm not sure if anything might have changed..."I didn't want to throw shade on Kaia, but for the love of the moon goddess, she was obviously unfit for a Luna. And Terry even refused to make her take responsibility as a Luna. I could only guess how she was doing as a Luna now."Huh. Do y
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