All Chapters of Chosen Luna's Chosen Alpha: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
64 Chapters
Chapter 51
Mabel"Adonis, can we talk?" I tapped on his shoulder to get his attention on me.It had been days since I talked to him, whenever I tried to talk to him in private, he always made up some excuse to brush me off, something like he was busy or he didn't want anyone to see us. At first, I didn't really care, my target was never him, and he was pretty obedient before. But after several failed attempts to get his attention. I finally noticed he was avoiding me.And I panicked even more after I saw him talking so animatedly to another woman. He was looking at her the way he looked at me before.When I asked other girls from the Pack, they said he was with that used good's friend now! Apparently, he picked her that day, because he didn't want Mason to have her.I waited for his response, but he took too long, if he wanted to agree, he shouldn't take this long. He didn't even want to talk to me now."Sorry, I have to talk to Miss Shannon about something." He looked at the woman standing not
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Chapter 52
TerryI missed Shannon. People say you don't know what you have until you lose them. This is especially true with Shannon. I missed her so much since she was gone. Losing her was not like standing in a pouring rain, it was like feeling the drizzling every day. It seeped into your life bit by bit, day by day, feeling the dampness and chill in your bones every day. That was how I felt when I lost Shannon. I never realized how much I needed her after I lost her.Kaia was fine before she got to the third trimester. She became swollen and sensitive. It was all understandable for a pregnant woman. But since I lost Shannon, I had to handle all the Pack's affairs. Kaia was no help when she was less pregnant before, now she was completely useless. It was okay because she was carrying our child, but she got so paranoid, she wouldn't even want me to leave the house without her.Whenever I tried to go to the Pack House and do my duty as an Alpha, she would become hysteric, saying that I would che
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Chapter 53
Shannon"Terry? What are you doing here?" I couldn't help but ask when the three men left, and now I was alone with him in the room.But I already knew the answer. He must played a hand in this. I should have known. He was one to harbored bitter resentment. From what I know, he lost a lot of land to Vernon during the negotiation. So now it was Jayde, Terry, and Melvin. I frowned. We could break them individually, but I wasn't sure if we could deal with them at the same time."You didn't answer my question." He said calmly. But after all the years we had been together, I knew it was only a facade. I could see the emotion rolling in his eyes."What is there to miss about you? You renounced me." I wasn't scared of him, so I told the truth frankly.There was nothing to miss about him. Ever since he renounced me, I thought of him less and less. Instead, Vernon was in my mind all the time right now. Sometimes I wondered if I really loved him that much, or was it all just the effect of our m
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Chapter 54
ShannonI raised my hand to stop him immediately, I couldn't care less about how much he had to go through to see me. Did he really think I would fall for that after the conversation I had with Terry?Then he saw the bruises on my forearm, and he frowned. I struggled when his men were bringing me here, they didn't want me to get away so they used some strength and left marks."Who did this?" He asked, his frown deepened.I rolled my eyes, he had the audacity to ask me this question."Your men did that under your order. Stop pretending." I answered with an impatient tone, this was not what I was expecting when I came here. My fated mate and my ex-mate all came to me with their meaningless words."No... I didn't ask them to hurt you. I only asked them to bring you here. I would never hurt you, and I would never let you get hurt under my watch." He said with utmost sincerity in his eyes.Oh, he really didn't understand, did he?"Of course you didn't. You didn't tell them to hurt me direc
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Chapter 55
MelvinGoddess knew how long I had been waiting for this day. All my life everyone praised how much of a good Alpha my brother was. No one saw me, not even Father did. He always thought of me as a replacement for my perfect brother, settling for a lesser me when Vernon wasn't around.I would only be living under his influence if I didn't get rid of him. When I marched towards his cell, when I saw him bound by wolfbane-dipped ropes, all I could think about was how good this felt. It was just peer pressure for me now, it was like finally defeating your life-long enemy.But he wasn't my life-long enemy at first. He was my perfect older brother before all these.Then one day he just up and left everything. Like our days were just an illusion before. Father made excuses for him and said he was destined for great things. So he was allowed to just leave and find himself, while I stuck with the little things that were missed in his big picture.And it was not like I wanted to fight the positi
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Chapter 56
Melvin"Who are you helping? Vernon?" I asked while raising a brow."That's none of your business!" She told me so fiercely, she looked like a little kitten provoked."Okay, maybe that's not my business, but if you are helping him, you are going against me now." I reminded her."But why? He is your brother, why are you doing this to him?" She asked with genuine concern. I was already feeling jealous because my mate was so focused on my own brother."That's not something you should concern yourself with. You know that you are my fated mate, right? You have Alpha blood so you could sense this. You shouldn't be thinking about other men so often. Don't you think?" I said with some threat in my tone."Who said I want to be your mate?" She said immediately that the idea of being my mate was so insulting to her that she couldn't stand the thought of it."Oh? Whose mate do you want to be then? My brother's? But he likes his used good so much, I don't think he would even look at you."I knew I
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Chapter 57
MelvinI wasn't one to ear dropped on others, but they were talking about something I should know, so it was okay to just listen in, right?But as I stood at the door ready to listen to what they had to say, the next moment the door was opened from the inside."You already have your fated mate, it's time..."Jayde abruptly stopped after he saw me standing right in front of him. And they shared a look of knowing."Alpha Melvin, what are you doing here?" Jayde spoke first."You got what you want now, when are you going to pull your men back?" I didn't beat around the bush. Vernon might be wrong about a lot of things, but he was right that Jayde and Terry were outsiders, we had a deal, and now it was time to honor the deal.It seemed that they weren't expecting me to just lay it out like that, the silence in the room was palpable.I wasn't in the mood to play with them."Was there something else you want?" I made it known now.Again they shared a look. I hated what they were doing right
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Chapter 58
Shannon"He didn't tell you, did he?""What?"This came out of nowhere. I had been held captive in this room for two days. Jayde and Terry took turns to visit me here, but I didn't care about them in the slightest. They were busy trying to get a lead in this pissing contest. Terry would bring me snacks and make the room I was trapped in more comfortable for me. Jayde would bring me books to relieve my boredom, and he would also talk to me to "Get to know me better".It was laughable that they thought what they did could justify how they were holding me here against my will. But during that exchange, I was able to piece together some information here. This was a camp located near the bloodlust furs. They used this place as a hideout, not a lot of Pack members knew about this camp, and that was why they were holding Vernon here. Even if the Pack members who knew where to look found here, they would just capture them as well.I thought back about the Pack members who were left behind, wh
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Chapter 59
VernonI woke up feeling pain all over. The rope was biting into my wrist. Damn, this wolfbane was so strong.There was no window in this cell, but judging from the meal the servant brought me, it had been a few days since they took Shannon away. I hadn't told her about my feelings yet, she was so important to me, yet I feared that would be the last time I saw her. I was desperate to get out and know how she was doing, but as days went by, I found myself growing weaker and weaker. I would struggle to even remain conscious.It was like it was not just wolfbane that was on the rope, there was something else that was weakening my power. I couldn't help but thought of Melvin. It must be him. Only he had the skill to develop such a bioweapon. Even though I was affected by it, I couldn't imagine what this would do to regular werewolf.I hated this, I rarely lost control like this. All because of what? My brother's personal grudge against me? As for Jayde, I didn't understand why he would at
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Chapter 60
ShannonIt had been a few days since Terry or Jayde last visited. The maids would bring me meals these days. I knew they were away now.Before that I had already surveyed the room, it was just a typical room, there was a big window and the sun could come through, but there were bars around the window, and they were narrow, and they went both horizontally and vertically, making me impossible to get out. Plus, I’m pretty sure I was on the at least above the third floor. I could survive the jump safely even if I could make it out of the window.The door was out of the question as well, there were always two guards in front of my door guarding me, well, “protecting”, that was what they said. But I knew what they meant.I would try if there was only one guard, I would definitely take my chances. But there were two, and I was not armed... I doubt I could get past them without them calling for backup.But this was too good of a chance to miss for me. Now there was a huge opportunity for me t
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