All Chapters of Wooing His Billioanire Ex-Wife: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
64 Chapters
Chapter 11 I underestimated you, Vanessa!
Austin Jones sat on the president's chair with his legs crossed, his hands drumming on the table while his gaze focused on the presentation, and the department heads were eager to satisfy him to get their perks.When he was deep in thoughts, a phone rang, making the people in the conference hall wipe their sweat since they all know Austin would never allow anyone to interrupt a meeting.Their heads turned around to see who was the unlucky fellow, but it again beeped, but from none other than Austin Jones himself!Seeing that, they all relaxed, but a frown was settled on Austin's handsome face because he wouldn't receive any calls in 'do not disturb' mode unless they called repetitively, and no one in his sane mind would call him like crazy unless something happened!With that, he grabbed his mobile from his pocket and eyed numerous missed calls from all of his close friends.He grasped that something must be wrong and decided to call them when a message popped up on his screen from Da
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Chapter 12 Meeting her again!
It's been five days since the scandal of the Jones family's second son having a forbidden love affair with his sister-in-law had become a trending search in the city.Austin Jones had tried every means possible to shut the media and delete the news without a trace, but it had become impossible even with the amount of power they possessed.To top it off, the people who once looked down on Vanessa and mocked her for marrying the second son of the Jones family because he was rich had pitied her for her miserable marriage.Frustrated with the result, Master Jones had ordered Austin to get Vanessa and present her before him even if he had to search the entire world.With that, Austin and Theo had utilized all the resources, but couldn't find any trace of Vanessa after she moved from New York as if she had disappeared into thin air after she divorced him!Her social media accounts weren't even active in these past days, and the only post that was present on her account was the ironic apolog
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Chapter 13 Don't provoke me!
When the dinner party was finally over, Vanessa was still rooted in her place and let the hall turn empty.In a couple of minutes, only Vanessa and Caroline were present in the enormous hall, and she sighed.Inhaling a deep breath, Vanessa stood up and turned around to go to the restroom, and Caroline caught up with her from behind as she was worried for Vanessa.When Vanessa walked out, Austin eyed her leaving silhouette and his gaze turned cold, but his face was detached of any emotion, and he too strode out in his long steps.Theo, who stood silently behind Austin, followed the gloomy man out, but didn't utter a word, too scared to say anything that would trigger Austin's anger!But he was bewildered would be an understatement when he saw Vanessa standing in front of them all safe and sound, because he had scoured for her like crazy all these months, personally checking all the places they thought she could be present at, yet, he couldn't get a single clue of her whereabouts.Howev
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Chapter 14 Her new lover was quite attractive!
Mia was enraged as she stared at Vanessa's arrogant silhouette while the sting in her face was still fresh in her mind, compelling her to remember what that bitch Vanessa had done to her.Her eyes grew fierce as she stroked her swollen face, and the desire to rip Vanessa to shreds settled in the back of her mind!With that idea, she broke free from Austin's grip and attempted to catch up with Vanessa, but Austin sensed her intentions and forcefully grabbed her hand, pulling her back with a severe look.Mia looked at Austin in astonishment, incredulity was written over her face, and she couldn't help but ask him about what was going through his head.She blinked her moist eyes and asked, "brother?" in a mournful tone, making him uncomfortable, but he knew restraining Mia was the best thing for her for the time being."Don't try to meddle with her," Austin admonished the miserable Mia in his arms, sending shivers down her spine with his harsh tone.Mia was infuriated to see him shield t
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Chapter 15 Cheer for us!
Vanessa opened her eyes when she heard the screeching sound of her car and eyed the 'King' from the window, and she had a headache just by thinking of it.She was in no mood to go to the King and have fun, but she couldn't skip it since it was Fiona's birthday party.Moreover, knowing Fiona was a fan of night parties, Vanessa would get killed in her hands if she ditched it at the last minute!Seeing the lavish ambiance from the outside with all the luxurious cars parked right on their spots itself showed how much the rich visit the 'King' and for Fiona, who grew up in billions, this kind of expenditure for her birthday celebration wasn't a big thing.As Fiona prefers privacy, she had booked the majority of the club and all the people who were invited to the celebration were known to each other turning the atmosphere even more lively.Vanessa rushed out to the King straight after she wrapped up her business at the earlier banquet and she didn't get the time to change her costumes.As a
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Chapter 16 Vanessa was my new goddess!
Austin's ears felt like they were bleeding from the ear-splitting sounds coming from the interior when his car came to a halt with a loud screech in front of the "King" Club.He didn't want to go into the club since he didn't like loud music, but when he remembered Vanessa was there with a man alongside her, he was intrigued and decided to go in.Inside the club, David was seated straight across the stage with a glass of whisky in his hands, and he was excited to see the Fiery Ice Band's performance as he heard Vanessa's friend's enticing speech earlier.Moreover, he wanted Austin to witness his ex-wife and see her in a new light as Vanessa appeared so charming all of a sudden right after her return.He himself was shell shocked when she saw the confidence oozing from her and the way she carried herself.He even wondered when did the timid, and obedient Vanessa, who almost never raised her voice, had turned out to be so dazzling and conquered everyone on her way as if she were a queen
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Chapter 17 She got some guts!
The song had ended when Vanessa opened her eyes after the last strike on the drums, and applause echoed throughout the club. There wasn't a single person who wasn't impressed with their performance, including Austin!Disappointed that the song was ended too quickly, despite the fact that it had taken roughly five minutes, the crowd chanted in unison, "one more, please!""Yes, we want to hear another song, please!"The band members who had just stood up from their instruments and were about to walk down the stage paused and looked at Vanessa after hearing their pleas.Because the rest of the band members had already agreed with their request, and Vanessa wasn't the one who hadn't shown any response yet. So, her decision would be the final whether they would probably play another song or not.Sensing their gazes, Vanessa brushed her hair casually, raised her sticks and pounded the drums lazily in accord, and mumbled, "I'm in."With that said, all of them had occupied their seats, and Va
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Chapter 18 Having feelings for Vanessa?
When David saw the unnerving tension that was developing between Vanessa and Austin, he was perplexed. But when he saw the brave front Vanessa was putting on, he was really tempted to give her a thumbs up!Because many of the famous men couldn't withstand Austin's powerful aura, let alone a woman, who was once so meek and obedient to Austin stood up to him without batting an eyelid!Wow! What an unforgettable scene to the eyes!Seeing the cold man who wasn't even bothered to budge and stood across her with his frosty eyes glaring daggers at her, she was amused and her brows twitched.She couldn't help but let the snort out and queried, "do you need anything else, Mr. Jones?"Hearing her mockery added with her nonchalance made his veins pop out in anger, and he clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles turned white to suppress his fury.Eyeing the pretentious woman in front of him, who was behaving as if she wasn't the one who had just provoked him and riled him up, he just didn't h
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Chapter 19 She didn't exist in his eyes!
After Austin had left the venue, Vanessa breathed a sigh of relief and began sipping various beverages with her pals while they continued to converse, and she occasionally caught up with them in the conversation, all the while giving encouraging nods and gentle smiles.By the time the party ended, Vanessa had become a little tipsy, and she chose to contact a designated driver to take her home because that was the only alternative that appeared best for herWhen the car came to a halt across her house, she quickly strode away in stumbling steps while her eyelids were drooping, and she was knocked out on her bed in no time!The bright orangish hues were sprawling across the glass window as the sun was in its full view, while Vanessa was sleeping peacefully, unaware of the sensation she had caused overnight.When the clock struck seven, the quiet room was banged with her ringtone and she reluctantly fiddled with her fingers while her eyes were still closed.As she couldn't find her damn
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Chapter 20 It's time to pay a visit!
After Vanessa was done with her meetings, it was already past twelve o'clock and she stretched her sore muscles lightly as a relaxed sigh escaped her lips.Since she had been suddenly appointed as a General Manager of the Grant Corporation, all the employees were gossipping about her arrival, and she had become a hot topic in the company.In just a couple of days after her appointment, the staff in the company had come to several conclusions about Vanessa's miraculous appearance.According to them, the most compelling version was Vanessa has a sugar daddy who might be a high-level associate in the main branch. Since even the HR team members couldn't access Vanessa's resume from three years ago after she had completed her graduation.So, to them, the conclusion was clear that Vanessa appeared out of nowhere because of her background but not of her capabilities.Although sooner or later Vanessa was going to take charge of Grant Corporation, for the time being, she chose to keep her iden
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