Wooing His Billioanire Ex-Wife의 모든 챕터: 챕터 21 - 챕터 30
64 챕터
Chapter 21 Austin was really a top husband material!
The night was dazzling with all the luxury cars parked in their spots, and the venue was filled with people while the security officers were on guard since most of the rich socialites and prominent figures in New York were attending the celebration.When Vanessa and Fiona stood near the gate with their invitation cards in their hands and were about to step in, they accidentally heard the conversation between Mia and Clara.As the realization that her ex mother-in-law and sister-in-law were talking about her, a smirk settled on Vanessa's beautiful face while her eyebrows twitched, but she marched ahead without pausing her steps for even a second, as she was looking forward to an amusing show to unveil at the party while her eyes shone with coldness.Vanessa was curious as to how Mia would obtain her contact information in the party.Apparently, the Ford's were a well known family in New York City with their origins deeply rooted in the city for hundreds of generations, and they ranked
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Chapter 22 Am I not qualified?
Although Vanessa attended the celebration at Ford's, the main motive behind her appearance was to grasp the exact situation with the land deal she was going after.And what would be the better place than today's venue to have a meet with the industry experts and know the ins and outs of it?Along with it, she was also here to interact with her acquaintances and improve her professional network. Since she was sure her presence in New York was needed for the time being, and it might even last till a year or so.To top it off, the news of Vanessa being the new General manager of the Grant Corporation had spread to all of the businessmen in the city, and it was no secret!However, keeping the gossiping socialites aside, the CEOs and other high officials of various businesses were more or less worried to know how it would affect their collaboration with Grant Corporation with this sudden new change.Anyhow, most of the intellectuals among them had probably realized that she was the ex-wife
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Chapter 23 Do you think that was enough?
Hearing the commotion, Hudson Ford quickly marched to them and eyed Mia with a frown. With a squint, his eyes landed on Vanessa whose aura was utterly frosty all of a sudden.As he was a good friend of Austin, he knew both Mia and Vanessa well and was suddenly off guard when he saw them facing each other with different expressions swirling on their faces.He couldn't help himself but question them with a probing gaze, "what was going on?""Hudson, I don't know how Vanessa managed to squeeze in here, but she was caught red handed when she was trying to steal my bracelet," Mia stated with a proud smirk on her face.Hearing her words, Hudson was taken aback for a split second when Mia continued, while arrogance was dancing on her face, "Hudson, order the guards to chase these two crooks out. Or else, we don't know what more they will do."With a sneer, Mia gritted her teeth, "we don't want our guests to lose their valuables, now do we? So kick them out!"Listening to her words, Vanessa f
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Chapter 24 Weren't you satisfied with the humiliation?
After Vanessa slammed the check right on Mia's face, she glanced at her miserable appearance one last time and averted her gaze to Fiona. Without any delay, she muttered, "We should take our leave!"Fiona wore a pleasing smirk on her face after she saw how Mia was taught a lesson by Vanessa and happily obliged.But after she took one step forward, she couldn't help but peep at Mia suspiciously while a frown was settled on her beautiful face, and Fiona asked perplexed, "Did she have any psychological troubles or is she dim witted?"Hearing Fiona's question, Vanessa didn't even bother to think much and uttered lazily, "how would I know?"As the words escaped her mouth, Fiona snickered while her lips curled downwards in disgust eyeing Mia, "your 500,000 meant nothing for us. Don't behave as if you were the only one with a bunch of money."With a sneer, she muttered, "such a dumb bitch!"With that, they strode forward as their moods were annoyed, but Mia had heard them all, although their
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Chapter 25 Will you do nothing?
After Vanessa had rushed out of the venue leaving Mia behind all humiliated and the crowd was flabbergasted, and the word of what happened at the party had spread like a wild fire across the city.Since the Jones family was one of the prestigious families in the city with numerous power and wealth, naturally, Mia was held in high regard wherever she went since she was the darling daughter of the Jones family and it was no secret.But the incident that happened tonight, had damaged her reputation on a whole another level, and she could probably never raise her head like usual with arrogance dripping from her every nerve.However, Vanessa's actions visibly reflected how least of importance she had in regards to Mia's five hundred thousand bracelet.Because Vanessa didn't even bother to bat an eyelid while she tossed the check, that Mia had so exaggerated!With tears rolling down like a flooded dam, Mia bolted out of the room without any care for her image.Hudson, who stood aside, eyed
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Chapter 26 Don't you dare regret it!
When Austin heard Ford's question, he remained silent because there was no need to let Ford know how he was going to deal with the issue.And there was no way he was going to give a blind eye to the mess they had created in the venue.With that, Austin seized the check into his hands with a cold look dancing on his eyes and turned away, leaving Hudson baffled, and he shook his head in helplessness.Outside the venue, Vanessa gazed across the parking lot and couldn't find the driver. With a sigh, she opened her mobile and dialed the driver.When the driver received a call from Vanessa, he was taken aback for a moment as he didn't expect them to leave the party so early and mumbled, "Please accept my apologies, Miss Grant. I'll come to get you straight away!"As she heard the shuffling sounds of utensils from the other end, Vanessa understood that she had disturbed him while eating and politely added, "Uncle Mason. There was no rush. You can complete your dinner first. In the meanwhile,
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Chapter 27 Is that really needed to target Vanessa?"
Eyeing the broad back of the tall man, who was once her ex-husband and the apple of her eyes, she felt bitterness spread in her insides and the calm look on her face was replaced with a frown.Fiona, who was observing the swirling emotions in Vanessa's pale face, narrowed her eyes and a scowl was settled on her face, while a look of disbelief was plastered on her, "don't tell me you were getting affected by Austin!"Hearing her remarks, Vanessa was baffled and squinted at her, when Fiona continued, "don't you dare!"Without a pause, Fiona snapped, "didn't you see how Austin was earlier? The members of the Jones family were all scums. They didn't deserve your kindness."When Vanessa came out of her reverie and understood what Fiona was saying, she instantly felt better when Fiona added, "if you ask me, I would say you should be fortunate enough that you divorced Austin Jones!"Vanessa couldn't help but let out a soft smile play on her lips as realization dawned on her, and she indeed a
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Chapter 28 Is that how you see me?
Mia, who was already frustrated and grieving the humiliation upon seeing the comments felt as if a bucket of freezing cold water was poured on her head when she heard her mother's words.Eyeing Mia with pursed lips and knitted brows while her eyes went wide in bewilderment, Clara didn't know what to say and sighed helplessly.Mia, who felt as if the whole world had wronged her suddenly felt even more upset and questioned Clara, "Mom, how can you say that? How can you take Vanessa's side when she bullied me? Am I not your daughter?"Hearing the hoarse tone, Clara's heart softened and she struggled to say anything to comfort her daughter because she knew what Mia had done to Vanessa when she was still married to Austin, and she couldn't get herself to say Vanessa did wrong this time.With that, she took a peep at Mia and queried in a probing gaze, "How have I suddenly become the one who did wrong to you?"Mia gave a puzzled gaze when Clara continued, "did you forget the way you treated
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Chapter 29 Consider this as my punishment drink!
By the time Vanessa and Caroline had reached the restaurant, they were almost twenty minutes late as the traffic was awful and the powerful engine did no good as the roads were congested.With a sigh, Vanessa stepped out of the car with her head held high and shoulders squared. Dressed in a simple blue silhouette that hugged her curves, she exuded an aura of a strong woman.As the wind blew over, her flowy hair was slightly pushed away and she appeared even more charming when the rays of the moon fell on her beautiful face.Her every step forward was with full confidence as the clinking sound of her heel could be heard in the empty corridor.She gracefully climbed into the lift since the reservation was on the sixth floor. Since it was the peak times of the business, the place was jammed and the lift was stopping on almost every alternative floor.When it stopped on the fourth floor, Vanessa caught a glimpse of Mia, and her brows knitted in suspicion eyeing the panic stricken face of
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Chapter 30 What does he intend to do?
When Vanessa heard Casper's words, she frowned but put on a soft smile on her face and politely replied, "Pleasure is mine, Mr. Casper."Casper was delighted hearing her words as he was an old fox in disguise as a human who was eagerly waiting to leech off people’s money.In fact, the Grant Corporation and RX Corporation had been working together for many years and had pulled out a lot of successful deals. So, the Grant Corporation had intended to extend their contract, but Casper objected to it, as he had different values when a huge sum of money was at stake.But Casper and Silas were close friends and cooperated with each other. So, when Vanessa suddenly popped up into their picture, they were pissed off and wanted to make things difficult for her as they perceived she was their stumbling block.To their disappointment, Casper wasn’t getting any chance to plot against her despite the fact that Vanessa was fully drunk, and he did the only thing that seemed to be the best for him.Th
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