All Chapters of Wooing His Billioanire Ex-Wife: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
64 Chapters
Chapter 41 Vanessa alone wasn't exactly at fault!
By the time Austin brought Mia to the hospital, the effects of the drug reached their peak, and it was driving Mia to the brink of insanity as the scorching heat inside her body felt as if she was burning in the fire with no way to cool those flames off.David and Austin held her firmly and were trying to keep her firm, but Mia couldn't behave in her usual ladylike manner when the arousal was so intense that she even believed she would die if she didn't get the relief she so badly needed. It was as if she was being possessed by a sex hungry beast.And involuntarily, her nails scratched David's handsome face when he tried to keep a firm grip on her wrists to prevent herself from tearing off the remaining dress on her body.Exasperated, David sighed as he realized he couldn't possibly handle Mia if it took some more time in reaching the doctor's cabin and he queried Austin with a sense of urgency in his tone, "how much more are we supposed to walk to go to the damn doctor?"However, he
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Chapter 42 Did she have the guts to fight with me?
David grabbed the cigarette from the pack in Austin's hands and took a puff with his eyes lowered as if he was in deep thoughts.The image of Vanessa and the way she did things weren't getting out of his head, and he knew in his heart that he had no better impression of Vanessa because she definitely had become more ruthless these days.Although she wasn't solely responsible for her actions, her negative traits had definitely outshined her positive attributes, because he saw how cold and merciless she was when she did something.However, the night when she became a drumming diva in the club was a nice memory he would cherish. Because on that day, she had the vitality in her eyes and magic in her hands that had taken him to a musical trance and gave peace to his troubled mind.With that, David exhaled the smoke and mumbled, "anyhow I can see very clearly that Vanessa was indeed changed a lot after she left you. Previously when you both were still a married couple, she was so gentle and
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Chapter 43 You should first plead me!
Hearing David's exaggerated words, she remained silent with a scowl on her face and tilted her head to the side with lifted eyebrows.But David didn't get her intention from her expression it seems, and he tried to occupy the seat beside her when Vanessa abruptly dragged the chair away, startling him while Fiona let out a sneaky chuckle and cussed in her heart, "serves correct!"Although disappointed that he didn't get the chance to settle in the chair, he managed to ask with a smile still plastered on his face, "since we knew each other. Why not share a table? Sounds fun, isn't it?"David was trying to interact with Vanessa from the day he saw her performance as a drummer as he was pretty much excited to know about their 'Fiery Ice' band, which had a deep impact on his mind and heart.However, Vanessa didn't respond to him and instead, she dropped the fork in her hands and wiped her mouth clean with the tissues displaying her charming grace, while David stared at her with a probing g
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Chapter 44 Real goddess!
David just stared at Vanessa and stood to the side, a few inches away while musing, "can't she understand that I'm being the big man here and trying to help her?""But then she treated me like that? Like my offer meant nothing to her in a situation like this? When she was surrounded by hooligans at night with barely any people passing by?" David couldn't help but scoff at Vanessa and believed she was definitely hot headed for not knowing what was good for her in the least.However, was David wrong?But somehow, he didn't want to leave yet and just wanted to see what Vanessa can do to save herself from the burly men around her. But to be honest, he couldn't leave the scene even if he wanted to because that wasn't present in his nature to act like he saw nothing, when clearly what Vanessa was about to face. And hence, he decided to jump in if the situation escalates any further, even though Vanessa didn't plead with him!"Woah, what a good man I'm!" He exclaimed at himself while a smirk
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Chapter 45 David got so impressed with just a fight?
The morning sun hit Vanessa's squished cheeks making her groan and she curled up into the quilt further to hide from the bright light, but the alarm next to her didn't let her sleep anymore as the loud sound banged in the room, and she rubbed her eyes with a huff, annoyed that she couldn't sleep more even on a Sunday.However, she calmed herself in a matter of seconds and grabbed her mobile from the nightstand, and dialed Fiona when she remembered the reason for sacrificing her beauty sleep, that is to get a car for herself, as going on cabs was too troublesome these days.Moreover, she encountered bad incidents when she didn't have her own mode of transport and decided to own a new car.As she lazily folded her legs and put a pillow on her lap, Fiona's sleepy voice came from the other end of the phone, "yes?""Just woke up?" Vanessa queried when Fiona hummed as she was still battling with her sleep when Vanessa chuckled, "Come to my house in an hour and we can go to the car showroom.
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Chapter 46 Why would I buy such a cheap car?
Fiona eyed Vanessa from the corner of her eyes and tilted her head to see the car. Although she wasn't an expert in cars, she wasn't a fool to not know which cars were luxurious and which were not.Moreover, the car she drives were mostly either a Lamborghini or a Ferrari, which were given by her father. And apart from them, she can be considered a complete novice when it came to cars from Audi and BMW. However she wasn't totally against them, but just felt they were really too modest for Vanessa.Anyhow she didn't have a choice except to nod her head because Vanessa already stated the purpose behind this car, and as a manager, it wouldn't be too good if she drove a flashy Porsche and Maserati.When the employee heard the choice of her car, she was pleased and was about to stride off to finalize the bill but added politely, "I would get you the payment details real quick, ladies. Please wait here for a few minutes."Vanessa just gave a nod while her face was displaying nothing but cal
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Chapter 47 Let's go to Karaoke club?
As Vanessa was walking out of the showroom with a smirk on her face, Fiona couldn't keep her calm and exclaimed with a smile dancing on her lips, "wow, Vanessa. You totally nailed in there."Knowing how sharp Vanessa is, Fiona gave a thumbs up and stated, "those two idiots were out like a light bulb in your hands.""Indeed, they were too easy to handle." Vanessa muttered with a light chuckle, and Vanessa added while nodding, "Ahh, It was way too pleasant to watch them choke on their own words! You should have seen their expressions back there, it was as if they were eating shit, and it was so satisfying and fun to my eyes."And Vanessa let out a giggle when Fiona murmured with a scowl, "well, they deserved it. The cost for having the audacity to look down on you is two million dollars! However, the two million dollars price was cheap for what they intended to do to you if you asked me."Hearing her words, Vanessa waved her hands as she decided to let them go easily this time, but if t
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Chapter 48 Don't be such a bummer, Vanessa!
As soon as Jasper's words rang in her ears, she tilted her head and gazed at him, only to see that he was already staring at her.And she gulped the water in her mouth before she muttered, "Yes, I'm."Well, isn't money almost ruling every damn thing? So, who wouldn't like to earn money? Moreover, it was indeed fun for her to run the company.When Vanessa admitted without much of an emotion on her face, Jasper was a little taken aback for a split second and his lips eventually tugged upwards into a smile, but that didn't quite reach his eyes as he added, "wow. That was nice!"Eyeing him, Vanessa didn't know what was amiss, but she felt that something was different with the way he was behaving and a frown settled on her face while she queried, "is that so?"Jasper hummed but didn't say anything else when she couldn't help but inquire a little probingly, "you look disturbed?"Hearing her words, he stiffened and shook his head with a slight smile dancing on his face, "me? Nope. I was just
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Chapter 49 You're my diva tonight!
Aurora Flores was certainly a remarkable person, it had to be declared. In New York City, the King Club and Dream Night Club, one in the East and the other in the West, were the two most well-known bars. The two bars weren't in direct conflict with one another. However, Aurora's bar was tactically established in a location across from King Club, which was outstanding.Although ONE Club was the center of attention in the region, it was formerly a western restaurant. And there was no doubt that the rent was high and there was a lot of foot traffic as it had been operating for four years.But, the contract's term was coming to an end this year, and the rent had skyrocketed once again. Aurora immediately volunteered to take over when she learned that the boss had opted not to extend their contract.Nonetheless, Aurora didn't have the guts to jump in blindly and sign the paperwork accepting the lease of the Club for 20 million dollars for a further four years or the annual rent of 5 millio
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Chapter 50 Did your ex-wife just make her debut?
Hearing Fiona's words, Aurora's glance involuntarily settled on Vanessa who was checking instruments on the stage, and the corner of her lips tugged upwards and she said with a sly wink, "come on, eyeing her curvy figure and charming face, who wouldn't want her? If Vanessa wanted to give it a try, then I would be more than pleased to comply with her wishes."As soon as words escaped Aurora's mouth, Fiona was at a loss while her jaw dropped and she yelled in the next minute, "Fuck you! She would notice me if she suddenly took an interest in girls and not you!"And their crazy banter continued while they chuckled holding their stomachs in the end and Aurora waved her hand signaling no more. Moreover, she couldn't possibly sit with Fiona and chit chat lazily while her club was filling in with people, as they were her source of living!With that, she added, "alright, alright. She's only yours! I give up. Now grab your bass guitar and go to the stage."As Aurora finished her words, Fiona's
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