All Chapters of Wooing His Billioanire Ex-Wife: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
64 Chapters
Chapter 31 Did you need a lift?
Vanessa was beyond startled when the car abruptly took a halt in the middle of the road at night, and she couldn't help herself but give in to the anxiety that was beginning to grow intense in the pits of her stomach with each passing second.Just when she decided to know what the heck was going on, she heard Cooper's slightly apologetic voice, breaking her daze bit by bit, "Oh, no! It seems the engine had broken down."With that said, he turned to Vanessa and Caroline and queried, "what should we do now, Miss Grant?"By then, Vanessa had already understood what was happening, and she muttered coldly, "let it be. It's not a big deal."As the words escaped her mouth, she began to feel extremely uncomfortable in the cramped car and hastily unlocked the door and get down, inhaling the fresh air and to keep her mind at ease.Caroline who was alarmed, eyed Cooper making a call and anxiously strode to Vanessa with worry visible in her eyes, and she mumbled in her intoxicated voice, "Are you
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Chapter 32 Dark Night!
Vanessa was taken aback after hearing Caroline's words, but she felt it was the best choice for the time being, and quickly added, while a slight smile was plastered on her pink lips, "Yes. Anyhow, I'm on my way to the police station. Shall we go then?"Listening to her nonchalant response, the man's lips twitched, but in the end, he could only give in and answered with a smug sneer, "how can I reject it when such a beauty like you took the initiative?"With a slight pause, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it lazily, and inhaled a quick puff while his gaze narrowed. Eyeing the woman in front of her, he added, "Let alone going to a Police station, I would even walk into fire if you were beside me."Unprepared in hearing such a rare response from a stranger, the smile on Vanessa's face become stiff and she clenched her hands as she muttered, "I already dialed the police just now."He raised his brows as a sinister glint appeared in his eyes and his already appalling face
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Chapter 33 How much did they pay you?
Soon after the bikes drove far away until even their shadows couldn't be seen, Cooper came to Caroline with a pitiful look on his face, feigning innocence.Caroline eyed him and disgust flashed across her eyes and she muttered firmly, "you should be prepared to face the consequences if anything happened to Miss Grant."Hearing her words, Cooper raised his brows and stared at her with a frown when Caroline continued, "because if Moss Grant even had a slight scratch on her body, your life would be doomed with no way to escape! Mind my words."As the words escaped her mouth, he scoffed in his heart but put on a perplexed expression on his face when Caroline shook her head as she understood talking to this man was nothing but a waste of her time.With that thought, she walked aside and opened her mobile to dial the police when a message popped up on her screen from Vanessa, and Caroline heaved a sigh since Vanessa's phone wasn't confiscated by that group of men, which was considered a goo
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Chapter 34 What's wrong with Miss Grant?
Hearing their disgusting words, Vanessa was at a loss since she understood that she was losing her consciousness pretty fast and the panic was kicking in her insides.Helpless, her eyes roamed across the closed room while her nails dug into her palm and gritted her teeth to remain sane, and her misty amber pools gleamed when they landed on the vase resting on the side table.She eyed the men with a smug smile and they thought she was giving them seductive hints, but in the next moment, she grabbed the vase and threw it at them using all her strength.As it had consumed her remaining energy, her body was exhausted and she fell back onto the sofa, while the men shrieked in pain as it came too unexpectedly. On top of it, they were unprepared for the attack and blood trickled down from their faces.As if the heavens had shown some mercy on her, the door was pushed open with a bang making the men panic.Without wasting another second, Fiona and Jasper sprinted towards Vanessa and eyeing he
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Chapter 35 Give her an Eye for an eye!
Caroline eyed Vanessa massaging her temples while she was still lying on the hospital bed, and her heart ached for her. With furrowed brows, she queried, "How are you feeling, Miss Grant?"Because Caroline understood how dangerous yesterday was for Vanessa, and if they were a bit late, then those men had taken advantage of Vanessa, and the outcome would be dire.Caroline got goosebumps all over her body by just imagining it and she shook her head and inhaled a chunk of air to keep herself calm.Hearing her question, Vanessa gave a soft smile and shook her head as she muttered slowly, "I'm almost recovered by now."With a pause, Vanessa thought for a second and asked with a narrowed gaze, "did you find any information about the instigator last night?"Caroline nodded and licked her lips, and her eyes fluttered as she uttered a name, "It's Miss Jones."As soon as the name escaped her lips, Vanessa frowned and muttered under her breath but it came out as a question since she couldn't bel
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Chapter 36 Successful Proposal!
Vanessa marched into the office building with her head held high, shoulders squared, and her face was cold yet calm.She pushed her office door and settled on the chair, her eyes landed on the documents that were resting on the table.In the next second, Caroline entered the cabin and greeted Vanessa politely, and mumbled, "Miss Grant, this file has the list of various real estate companies that were coming into the limelight recently."After she heard Caroline's words, Vanessa gave a nod and crossed her legs before she grabbed the file lazily, and her eyes roamed across the contents of it quickly when her lips arched upwards, visibly satisfied.When she put the file down, she stared at Caroline and queried with raised brows, "I presume you have investigated all of them thoroughly.""Yes, Miss Grant," Caroline answered respectfully when Vanessa fiddled with her hands and asked leisurely, "which one among them would you suggest then?"Caroline was taken aback when she heard the sudden
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Chapter 37 It's time to play with Mia Jones!
Caroline's ears boomed with Vanessa's remark, "Would Silas Dixton's blood pressure skyrocket when he heard the good news?"She couldn't help but glance at Vanessa's confident silhouette while grasping the hidden taunt in the comment and she shook her head, while a small smile was etched on her face as she realized the power of Vanessa, and the admiration she had in her heart for Vanessa incereased!While Vanessa, on the other hand, had a deep frown on her face as she recalled the attitude of Silas Dixon and RX Corporation, and a sneer escaped her lips as she muttered under her breath with a scoff, "do they really think they can play games against me just because they thought I had connections and believed I'm only beauty with no brain?""Well, then it's high time they realized who I truly am!" She mused while a smirk played on her pretty face as she ran her finger across her hair while her eyes gleamed as a determination settled on her face, "I, Vanessa Grant, is not a weak woman who
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Chapter 38 Isn't it a pity that your attempt to ruin me failed?
As soon as Fiona heard the explosive news regarding Vanessa's revenge against Mia Jones, she was so ecstatic that the only thing running in her mind all day was to see the misery of Mia Jones, and the anticipation in her heart had already reached the peak limits as if she was the one getting vengeance instead of Vanessa.When the clock struck six o'clock in the evening, Fiona couldn't keep her calm anymore and almost rushed to Vanessa's house, and the eagerness in her gaze couldn't be hidden even after her best efforts to suppress it.Eyeing her enthusiasm, Vanessa let out a soft smile and didn't say anything else while Fiona invited herself into Vanessa's house and settled herself comfortably on the sofa with her legs crossed onto her thighs.In the next minute, Fiona fiddled through her handbag and placed a tiny bottle on the table in front of Vanessa, and muttered with a sly smirk dancing on her face, "this is the medicine."With her slender fingers pointing onto the medicine bottl
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Chapter 39 Apology isn't enough. Kneel and kow tow me!
While complaining to Austin, Mia's tears burst out from her eyes, and she indeed looked so pitiable.However, Vanessa, who was standing to the side, didn't even bat her eyelid with the scene unfolding in front of her, while her lips pursed and the coldness radiating from her was intense as she glanced at the pair of Jones siblings.Mia didn't waste any chance to act even more miserable in front of Austin and David as she clung to Austin's arm like a pitiful child while choking on her saliva as she kept on crying like there was no tomorrow.Seeing Mia in such a wretched state, Austin's face turned sullen while he balled his hands into fists, trying to control his temper as he bore his piercing gaze at Vanessa as if he wanted to burn her alive with his scorching glare.David who stood still till then couldn't control himself anymore and released a breath in disappointment as he queried sharply, "Vanessa, are you the one who did it?"As Vanessa remained silent, he continued with a perple
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Chapter 40 Let me have the honor of calling the police for you, Miss Jones.
When Austin heard Mia's words, a frown settled on his handsome face, but he stated calmly, "let's get you treated first."But Mia wasn't ready to give Vanessa such an easy win by leaving just like that. Moreover, she didn't want to let Vanessa have the upper hand.With that, she said word for word, "I won't unless she kneel down and begged me. How dare she to drug me!"Seeing no movement from Vanessa, Mia clenched her fists and yelled, "I'm calling the police and I will make a case file against Vanessa for kidnapping and drugging me."Vanessa's eyes crinkled when she heard her words, and she chimed in lazily, "alright. Let me have the honor of calling the police for you, Miss Jones."As soon as she finished saying it, she stick true to her words and opened her mobile and dialed 911. But before she pressed the call button, her amber orbs swept across Mia and enunciated each word with conviction, "by the way, it just struck me that calling police would give me the best chance to have th
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