All Chapters of Wooing His Billioanire Ex-Wife: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
64 Chapters
Chapter 51 I couldn't believe he has a crush on Vanessa!
The image of Vanessa made Austin rooted on the spot as if his feet were glued on their own accord.Even though this wasn't the first time he witnessed Vanessa playing drums on stage, his emotions were on a rollercoaster ride and the complexity in the depths of his heart only increased replacing the bafflement he felt in the previous encounter.Unlike him, David, who stood beside him, had gone literally crazy as he was almost clapping and cheering for Vanessa and their band's performance, totally pushing aside his purpose for the visit.Austin's sharp gaze involuntarily focused on Vanessa as if he felt it was hard to avert his eyes from such a stunning woman, who was practically glowing under the spotlight on the stage while her hands worked their magic.Eyeing her with his piercing eyes, his eyes greedily took in her features which weren't soft like he remembered from his memories; instead, they were replaced with an aloofness mixed with a nonchalance that added to her charms, highlig
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Chapter 52 Would you mind if I sent you home?
Seeing the commotion in the club, Austin couldn't help but turn his frosty eyes towards Richard's tall silhouette, while a deep frown danced on his cold handsome face.His sharp eyes took note of Richard's steps going near the stage and as the time passed by, the expressions on Austin's face turned livid as he saw Richard giving the bouquet to Vanessa with a killer smile on his face.Abruptly, the drums in Vanessa's hand paused and she lifted her amber eyes towards the bouquet in her hands while placing the drums aside, but her face was still calm and the nonchalance radiating off her would swoon any man to her side in a flash as it was so charming, and even Austin couldn't avert his gaze from her.However, as soon as Vanessa stopped playing with her drums, the music lost its beauty as the song appeared dull all of a sudden.In fact, Vanessa didn't expect to receive flowers at this particular moment from someone.Without a doubt, she had not anticipated that person to be Richard Greys
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Chapter 53 How could you have divorced Vanessa?
Eyeing Vanessa's disappearing silhouette, Richard stood still on the spot and didn't go after her since he knew when to stop pushing further.On the other hand, Fiona wasn't so happy and queried helplessly, "You can use Richard, right? Austin and Richard are known as rivals all over the city, and Richard is now pursuing you. Even if you disagree, shouldn't you try to discredit Austin by spreading rumors?"Vanessa shook her head calmly, "why should I? Who is Austin to me?"Hearing her words, Fiona's jaw dropped and Vanessa muttered coldly, "Austin is dead to me long ago! So, why should I waste my time stirring trouble to catch his attention?"Fiona almost clapped her hands in excitement upon understanding Vanessa and she couldn't help but blurt the words that were on the tip of her tongue, "Woah, Vanessa. You're simply awesome, girl. You proved again that you're way ahead of others!"Oliver who was on the side couldn't stay calm anymore and chuckled softly, "Indeed! Vanessa isn't the o
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Chapter 54 Is Vanessa that good?
As soon as Richard said that, Austin visibly stiffened while he was struggling to maintain his composure since it definitely touched a sore spot!With that, Austin coldly glanced at Richard and stated in his calm tone, "Heh, what a coincidence. I was also wondering whether you're out of your mind or blinded by her charms, or else who in his sane mind would fall for a woman like Vanessa!"Only after the words escaped his mouth, Austin realized that he had gone too far, and he almost had an urge to smack his mouth for blabbering bullshit!However, since he already said that, he couldn't take it back and stared at Richard with his frosty eyes as if he was trying to freeze Richard!In the next second, he felt a tap on his shoulder and gave an irritated glare towards David, and growled, "what do you want?"But he got no response from David and eyeing the tense expression on David's face, his gaze involuntarily traveled in the direction where David was looking, and in that very instant, his
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Chapter 55 Throw them away!
Vanessa was fast asleep after she had taken a warm bath as the day was quite a fulfilling one and playing drums for a couple of hours certainly took a toll on her body.As soon as the clock hit seven o'clock in the morning, her alarm began pounding in the once silent room, making it impossible for her to sleep any longer and a frown settled on her face in annoyance, but she knew she should wake up since she had an early meeting in the office.Moreover, winters in New york were extremely chilly, and the feeling of being warmed up in a quilt was way too satisfying. Yet, she let out a sigh and rubbed her eyes while yawning.When her eyes took in the still grey sky, which had no traces of orangish hues despite being morning, she shook her head and sprang up to her feet as that was a usual occurrence in New York City.With that, she quickly did her routine and hopped in her car to reach Grant Corporation.The moment she stepped her foot into her office, Caroline came knocking on the door a
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Chapter 56 Don't touch my bottom line!
Vanessa eyed the document lying on her desk for a while and abruptly marched out of her cabin with the file in her hands, leaving Caroline stunned.However, Vanessa went by in a flash and a Caroline shook her head in disbelief.The sound of high heels clanking on the floor is the only thing that could be heard in the empty corridors while she walked forward to Silas Dixon's office.Her face was cold with no trace of warmth, and the determination in her amber orbs was clearly visible.With her head held high, and shoulders squared, every step she took exuded the confidence deeply ingrained in her bones.Eyeing her, Silas's assistant, who was on the side, remained dumbfounded for a while, and queried, "Miss Grant, are you going to meet Mr. Dixon?"Hearing his words, Vanessa gave a faint 'yes' and knocked on the door of Silas's office, while the assistant squinted his eyes baffled.In the next second, a quick 'come in' came from the inside, and Vanessa immediately pushed the door open an
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Chapter 57 Is Richard Pursuing you?
Hearing Silas' words, Vanessa didn't retort them and gave a faint smile as she was well aware of what she was doing and where she was heading.However, she didn't act too arrogantly and exclaimed, "I still need your guidance, Mr. Dixon. After all, I'm still not very experienced!"As soon as Vanessa said that, Silas's lips tugged upwards in a pleasing curl as he was quite content with the way she purposely humbled herself in front of him.And he immediately waved his hands while a light chuckle escaped his lips, "You're very formal, Miss Grant." With a slight pause, he added while glancing at Vanessa, "Let us learn from one another and collaborate to propel Grant Corporation to new heights."Vanessa gave a firm nod, and stated politely, "I agree with you, Mr. Dixon."Soon after Vanessa stepped out of his office, Vanessa's smile faded to oblivion and she muttered coldly under her breath, "such an old fox!"After she was done dealing with Silas, she had become super busy since it was Mon
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Chapter 58 May I have a dance with you, Miss Grant?
Hearing Vanessa's words, Fiona raised her head and stared at Vanessa's solemn expression and understood that she was damn serious.And a sigh escaped her lips as the realization sunk in."Alright then. If that was what you wants." Fiona stated cooly while she nodded her head and she firmly decided to give up mentioning Richard again.Anyhow, Richard was a well known playboy. Getting acquainted with him would only bring Vanessa trouble, and he was barely a romantic prospect, with not much gain or loss!But apparently, Richard didn't think like that it seems.Because his wooing methods improved as days passed, and he was getting bold day by day.His ways were extremely flashy, catching all the unwanted attention. His artificial flowers would perfectly sit on her table right on time, not a minute prior or ahead.He took great lengths in sending flowers which were rare species yet they were so good to the eye.As if that wasn't enough, he was literally bombarding his Feeds with posts, cre
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Chapter 59 Is it Jealousy?
"Austin, Do you really want to dance?" David repeated his words as he didn't get any reply from Austin.Although Austin was calm, seeing Vanessa walk with Richard so comfortably, his face turned livid while the coldness in his aura turned so chilling.But Vanessa seemed to be not aware of Austin's heated gaze as she immersed herself in the dance.Richard kept his one hand on her tiny waist, while his other hand held her palm ever so gently, but the grip was firm, keeping her in his hold.While she held his shoulder and kept moving with the beat with ease.As the music turned to high beats, their moves turned more romantic, their steps were more in sync, and the couple looked so pleasing to the eyes.Their genes were certainly top notch was an added advantage.As time passed by, almost all the people's eyes settled on the dancing couple as the atmosphere suddenly turned steamy with Richard twirling her and they ended up coming so close.They were so close that they could feel each othe
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Chapter 60 Did she just refer to him as a dog?
As soon as Fiona said that, Vanessa tilted her head and scoffed while her eyes were focused on Fiona, "I know I'm awesome, but I don't think it makes me compatible with Richard."Fiona couldn't suppress the smile that was threatening to burst from her lips and mumbled with a glint in her eyes, the tease in her tone was clearly visible, "honestly, I thought you both would make a nice match when I saw you both dancing so smoothly earlier."When Vanessa was convinced that Richard was no longer following her, she sighed with relief and moved forward to get a drink.But soon after hearing Fiona's remark, she added, "oh no, I'm not aware of the fact that your vision was significantly compromised these days."Fiona waved her hands and scoffed, "Jeez! My eyesight was alright. However, I must say that Richard is strongly proactive when it comes to you. Isn't he?"Vanessa wasn't concerned about it and carried on with socializing after talking for a bit. Fiona on the other side was bored to deat
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