All Chapters of The Lycan King's Timid Mate : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
15 Chapters
Chapter 1 The Beginning
Jade Pinkerton pov Growing up was difficult in the Waning Moon pack located in Alaska. I was the only child of the Alpha, my father Jax. It was evident that he wished for a male to inherit his role instead of me considering how much abuse and insult I'd endured growing up. It left me with a very bad feeling about males in general. I was my parents' disappointment, a girl that had no wolf. I had all the rest of the attributes, long life, healing abilities, and the senses of one but that inner voice was all my own. No wolf's words of encouragement, just my timid subconscious greeted me. Needless to say, I was told by my pack school counselors that I was just a late bloomer and I would shift when I grew older but my classmates continued to harass me for being without. I turned eighteen, then nineteen, and on my twentieth birthday, I had sat naked in the woods underneath the full moon crying most of the night beseeching the Moon Goddess wishing to understand why I was cursed
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Chapter 2
Jade's pov Curled up in a ball I continued to cry but soon it was too painful to continue due to my body aches. Blinking my eyes I attempted to sit up and gauge exactly where they had dumped me. My best guess was I was on an old logging road used by humans and knew I had to get somewhere safer. Standing on my wobbly legs I shuffled myself down the road after kicking off my high heels. “At least I wasn't raped, only pawed and beaten,” I hissed feeling pain in my chest certain that a few ribs had been broken. My once-white dress was torn, dirt-stained, and bloody from my broken nose that was dripping down my front. Doubting that I would be seen by anyone I was shocked when a truck hauling a trailer full of goods slowed past me and parked along the side of the road blocking my way. Holding my sides I took a cautious step around the trailer to continue my journey and paused seeing the door open on the truck. What appeared to be an older tan-skinned woman stepped out and told me
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Chapter 3
Jade's pov “Jade, dear you must awaken so I can get you hidden in the trailer,” Monica beseeched. Cracking open my swollen eyes I felt like crap. “I'm sort of awake and feeling awful,” I murmured. Feeling her hand on my forehead she exhaled sharply and said, “You have a fever. I have medicine that will help but first I need you in the trailer.” Deliriously, I nodded and when I opened the door I tumbled to the ground. My injuries screamed painfully. “Do you need me to carry you,” Monica asked me as she hung out of the passenger side. Shaking my head I told her that I was fine and just needed to get my bearings. Getting to my feet I stood there with my hand braced against the side of the truck. Monica came around to my side and suggested that I allow her to lift me into the open trailer. “Sit down in the middle so I can cover you with the items. Go ahead and get some sleep, it's going to take several hours to get there,” she instructed. Not having the strength to q
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Chapter 4
Jade's pov I'd been taught by my pack and parents that Lycans were a breed apart from us but we both followed the Moon Goddess and her council so perhaps my old pack was wrong I thought as I listened to Monica explaining to me about her ensuite. She was telling me which bedroom I would use, where the bathroom was, and the necessities for a bath or shower. “Thank you, I don't know what would have happened to me if you hadn't driven past me,” I said sincerely, causing her to laugh. Coming toward me she sighed. “I may have had ulterior motives, don't hate me Jade but I love my son and since his father's passing I worry about him and his future,” she said reluctantly. “Finding you is an answer to a prayer I've made to the Goddess, for several decades,” she added. Raising my brow I exhaled deeply and said, “I am the last person that you would want to have for your son. First, you know nothing about me and secondly, I was raised to be untrusting of others, especially men. Not to ment
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Chapter 5
Conri Rex’s pov Taking my mom directly to my office to avoid any interruptions when we arrived I was shocked to see her looking worried. “What is going on and why do you look distressed,” I asked her as she sat down and rubbed her eyes. “I'm worried about that young lady. She was injured more than I had realized yet refuses to drink the medicine I offered,” she muttered softly. Shaking my head I pulled up a chair to sit beside her and watched her wipe away a tear that had fallen from her eyes. She had always been a caring person and had been all my life. “I should have gotten her before the incident,” she groaned sadly. Confused about what she was talking about I asked, “What is going on Mother? Did you get another one of your visions or has the Goddess herself been putting ideas in your head?” Giving me a glare my mom pffted at me. “She was beaten by her father and his guards and then tossed onto a secluded gravel road, that is terrible!” “Why did they do that? If y
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Chapter 6
Jade’s pov Watching Monica and Conri returning to the dining room I kept a close eye on Monica in hopes she would spill what was discussed. After they took their seats the king mumbled softly and announced that he was excusing himself. I watched him stand and leave abruptly in concern. Turning to Monica I asked her what that was about. “I have no clue, dear,” she said honestly and I chewed on my last bite of food in worry. “Why am I concerned about Conri? I mean I'm certain that he can take care of himself. He was a Lycan king after all, I mused then grinned slightly to myself. Glancing over at Monica I asked her what her son's tattoos were about causing her to chuckle. “You're going to ask him about what they all mean,” she replied and I shook my head timidly. ‘’I couldn't do that! He is the king and I am not even a Lycan or have a wolf for that matter,” I muttered sourly. “Well, dear since we're finished with the meal, how about you and I take a walk around this hu
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Chapter 7
Jade’s pov Awakened by Monica holding a cup out at me with a grin on her face I sat up yawning and stretching. “Wake yourself and drink this. It will perk you up and make you feel like a million bucks,” she insisted. Taking it from her fingers I asked her if it was coffee and she made a goofy facial expression and told me no. Sniffing the contents it smelled alright so I took a sip and quickly drained it all. Smacking my lips I thanked her and handed the cup back. “Get up dear, we have a lot to get accomplished today,” she said in encouragement. Feeling a warmth starting to spread throughout my body I narrowed my eyes as my cheeks flushed. ‘“I feel hot and very exhausted. I just want to sleep,” I muttered as she quickly felt my forehead. “You're burning up, crap,” she cursed and quickly rushed out of the room. Closing my eyes I fell into a dream-like state and was aware of Monica rushing back in biting her nails nervously with Gabby thumbing through an ancient spell book. I
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Chapter 8
Jade’s pov “Jade, wait up,” I heard Monica shout as I reached the entrance of the establishment. Rushing to my side she said, “It's technically not open yet but they will allow you in when accompanying Conri or me,” she explained as she reached out past me and rapped on the door. The door opened and an old man spied Monica and grinned. “Hey sweetie, are you coming for breakfast?” “You Betcha Derek, you are the only man I know that can cook like a Michelin star chef,” she chuckled then introduced me to her friend, explaining how I wished to work. His kind eyes looked at me as he nodded. “She's pretty and will earn much if she can waitress,” he said firmly. Nodding I told him that I had experience and could easily carry a tray full of drinks. “Great, come on in and Monica go to your table and I will whip up a nice morning feast for you both,” Derek said with a wink to my dear friend. Putting her arm around my shoulders she led me inside and told the man that Conri w
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Chapter 9
Jade’s pov Seeing Monica sitting in her living room area of our shared suite she grinned up at me. “Did he ask you to go see the flowers?” Nodding, I told her he said that it was just a friendly outing when I asked him if it was a date,” I murmured, causing her to roll her eyes. “He doesn't know how to behave around females that don't fling themselves at him. Jade, don't make it easy for the fool. Let him work for it,” she asserted and I chuckled. “I'm not sure what you expect me to do Monica. I'm not an expert with men and I may not go with him,” I stated disparagingly. “Oh dear, the king is interested in you, whether he is my son or not you can't refuse the king!” Side-eyeing her I huffed as I sat beside her on the couch. “Will he be aggressive with me if I thwart his advances? I'm not sure if I am ready for that,” I explained my concern. Days before I told her that my heartbeat increased and my arm hair raised in Conri's presence. She had encouraged me to pursue h
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Chapter 10
Jade’s pov Once Monica was finished with my hair she beamed at how lovely I looked. “You're going to knock his socks off,” she laughed and as I looked at myself in her full-length mirror I blinked at the site. “I look different,” I mumbled softly as I turned to see my profile. “You look like you, Jade, just more refined,” Monica giggled. The door opened to her room and I heard Conri say, “Holy crap, you're stunning!” Seeing him wearing gray sweatpants and an oversized flannel with a t-shirt underneath I glanced down at myself with a frown. Side-eyeing Monica, I huffed. ‘“I'm overdressed,” I growled. She hurried toward her son and shooed him off telling him to change. “Dress up, you silly boy!” I covered my chuckle with my closed fist. “Monica, we are just going out to look at flower fields, it's not a formal situation,” I giggled. Shaking her head she sighed. “Still, you deserve more than his casual attire,” she stated firmly and I nodded slightly. Inha
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