
Chapter 2 - Vengeance of The Abused: Part II



It’s the exact reason why I couldn’t even stand being friends with anyone from my school before. I believed that everyone out there would be doing the same. 


As soon as a few years went by with the same thing happening to me every night, I learned how to accept the fate of my life. I would end up suffering this situation until the last day here in this world. 


No matter what I did, they would always end up punishing me, saying that I was good for nothing and that I would be non-existent right now if they didn’t raise me up. 


In a span of a few minutes of letting my mind travel, somehow I thought of having vengeance.


“Argh!” I groaned as loud as I could and bumped my forehead against his. That simple action seriously hurt, but it was also enough to make him stop what he was doing. “You’re going to pay for all of the years that you’ve ruined my entire life,” I mumbled to myself as I helped myself to stand. 


My shoulders were bent down, and I looked so lifeless, but it was the exact opposite. I was just gathering enough strength to fight them.


When I had already made the decision, I quickly attacked my dad with the dagger that I had always been hiding from them. I slashed through his neck, but it wasn’t close enough to his pulse. Of course, mom backed him up, and he was still stunned. 


I didn’t hesitate to do the same to Mom since she was also a part of this mess. It was as if I could not see anything, that I wasn’t the one moving around and was just being controlled by someone else.


I could only feel the intense sensation of having my sweetest revenge, even though I knew that this wouldn’t be enough to make them regret their decisions in life. I wanted to make them suffer for months with their lives on stake, but it would be troublesome if they ended up turning the tables once again. 


I flipped backwards when mom was about to hit me with her own weapon, a chain that can move freely at her own will.


“Why are you doing this to us, Angelique?!” She screamed, as if she had gone crazy.


I scoffed at the same time that I shook my head. “Aren’t you the ones that I should be asking that one? You’ve made your own daughter live such a disgraceful life, to the point that I no longer see myself as a human being.” 


I fixed my position and carefully observed all of their actions. I had to make sure that neither of them would be able to escape my sight, since I would be the one in trouble if one of them ends up cornering me. 


“You don’t understand how much I wanted to take my own life. I seriously hate myself for having a little bit of faith that someday something would change and that you would both love me like your parents normally do. I ended up disappointing myself,” I uttered with such hatred in the way that I delivered it.


Even though we were in the middle of a fight in such a dim area, I was able to avoid the stone that dad threw directly at me. 


“You should learn how to appreciate things, Angelique! If it weren’t for us, you wouldn’t even be able to survive to this day. You would have vanished into darkness and would no longer be alive. If we weren’t there to give you everything, you would no longer breathe in the fresh air of this world,” mom said, which left me confused. 


“Your body is the most perfect image of what every man fantasizes for. Can’t you see our effort in letting you be experienced? You know how much we’ve earned. You know very well that all of our money came from your body, from the men who were entertained with your performance together with your dad.”


I don’t quite understand what mom was trying to say. It’s like she’s blurting out random stuff so that I will be distracted until dad can make his own move. 


For that reason, I distanced myself from them by running once more. 


I climbed up to the mountain as fast as I could and searched for anything that I could make use of. There were several broken pieces of wood and rocks scattered around the ground. I picked some of them and decided to keep throwing them out in the shadows.


“Angelique!” I heard a man’s voice calling me from behind, and when I turned my back around, dad attacked me. “Do you think that I’ll let you get away with this? You may have served as a mere tool for us and were exceptionally convenient, but I won’t hesitate to murder you right here and right now!” His saliva kept splashing on my face as he kept venting out his frustration on me.


I tried my best to cover my head with the use of my arms; he was holding onto the same type of dagger that I had and was pointing through one of my eyeballs. I fought so hard until I was finally able to find an opening.


I kicked his balls, and when he groaned, I slit through his throat. Blood splattered all throughout, and it even landed on my face. 


I didn’t bother thinking about it for now, my mind was still focused on seeking revenge. I will not stop and will never be satisfied, not until I see both of them lying on the ground, drowning in their own blood.


It didn’t take too long before I was able to do the same with Mom since she suddenly appeared right behind me. Due to shock, I unconsciously struck my dagger through her body until she passed out, her knees being the ones that touched the ground first.


It’s over...

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