
One Night With The Seductress
One Night With The Seductress
Author: Reicheru

Chapter 1 - Vengeance of The Abused: Part I



Tears and a mixture of my blood spread on the floor. I kept on panting as I gasped for breath, continuing to run for my life. I was still fortunate enough that my feet weren’t abandoning me; I would have been long gone now if they suddenly gave up on me. 


The dark scenery of where I am heading makes me somewhat scared, but there’s nothing else that I should be frightened of besides my parents, who wouldn’t even stop chasing me from behind. 


I don’t understand what’s their deal; they have always been like this since the day that I was born. I can’t even remember a day wherein they wouldn’t lay their hands on me just to give me pain rather than the tender love that I should be receiving from a normal family. 


I sometimes wonder if I was actually adopted. 


I just couldn’t find any other reasons why they would be acting this way against me, as if they seriously didn’t want to see me near them. But if that’s the case, then they should have given me permission to live in a separate house away from them so that I would steer clear of their sight.


“Angelique Sloan!” I heard my father calling me from afar. It was his usual tone of voice, which was unrecognizably deep, as if he was doing it on purpose so that I would tremble. “You know that there’s no use in playing tag anymore, right?” he asked as his voice started to get closer and closer with each passing second. 


I didn’t bother to look behind, as I might be caught within his arms and might never get the chance to escape from them anymore. 


I could feel the grass that kept on rubbing through the skin of my legs, as it was long enough. I am probably inside a forest; I don’t know the way out of this place, but one thing is for sure: there is an exit, and I still have the opportunity to escape.


“Don’t make it difficult for us, Angelique! You’re our precious daughter, our one and only daughter,” mom said in such a creepy voice. It was as if she was luring me in with the thought of believing her. “You’re our treasure, and we wouldn’t want to lose something as important as you,” she continued.


My eyebrows arched when I heard what she said—that she wouldn’t want to lose ‘something.’ I instantly felt disappointed in them and in myself, knowing that I am just a mere tool for their happiness and everything else that can satisfy their wants.


“Why are you doing this to me?” I questioned them, and I made sure to shout so that they would be able to hear me.


And that was my greatest mistake.


“I found you, Angelique Sloan!” Dad suddenly appeared in front of me. I guess he came from above the trees and was just waiting for an opportunity to land. 


My eyes widened, but my vision didn’t get clearer since it was already nighttime. He was about to grab my wrists; luckily, I was able to dodge him and throw anything that was nearby. I don’t have any idea what I hit him with, but it doesn’t matter. 


All that I am focused on now is running away from them once again. I don’t think I could handle this anymore. I know that I’m about to reach my limit and that I'll collapse anytime soon, yet I’m still striving so hard just to get away from both of them.


I would have greatly appreciated it if this were all just a dream. But all of this suffering and this fear that is about to crumble my whole mind apart makes me realize that I’m in reality, not in some sort of fantasy fiction novel.


With the attempt of letting my presence be unreachable for them, I unconsciously fell to the ground. I tripped because of the huge stone that I wasn’t even able to notice earlier while I was sprinting. My knees hurt at the same time that I felt that something was gushing out of them; they must have been injured already before I even fell.


“S-shit,” I muttered to myself as I struggled to stand back up. 


I couldn’t find the strength in me anymore; all of my energy got drained from all of the running that I did earlier. It would have been fine if I just spent a few minutes, but it’s already been an hour since I began to run.


“Angelique, just give up already. You’ve been through this every single day; how can you still not get used to it?” Dad showed himself while Mom was beside him. Even if there was barely any light in our area, I still managed to get a glimpse of their smirks. “If you didn’t waste our time, we could have finished this without any delay. But you chose to be selfish.”


Dad rushed until he was able to take hold of both of my forearms. He was undeniably strong since he has such a muscular body build; even Mom was strong. 


He was able to push me until my back touched the land. My father started to do indecent things to me; I couldn’t do anything other than bawl my eyes out. 


He kept on touching me in different parts of my body, and I could hear mom cheering for whatever her husband was doing to me.


Such a shitty couple.


I couldn’t help it; my mind started to revert back to the days when everything seemed to be so fine between the three of us. I can’t even understand why everything had to go this way. 


At first, they raised me up like some sort of princess. Not until one night, both of them changed. 


They always made me drink some sort of capsule that I didn’t even know what the effect of it was, not until I suddenly started to feel intense heat all over my body. I was still a teenager back then when I first experienced having an intercourse with my own father.


How disgusting, right?

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