


The next moment, Caleb fell on the floor. The glass pierced all over his skin. No one is injured more than Caleb. The empty coffin fell down widely opened up. Caroline reached him and tried to wake him up. He’s closed, but he’s not unconscious. He tried to clear the blur vision. He can’t even see his sister's face clearly.

“Oh my god, Caleb. We need to go to the hospital,” Caroline’s voice rang in his ears. There are more screams and noise made by the people. Finally, Caleb concentrated his vision and his eyes wandered over the coffin. When he focused his vision on it, still lying on the floor. He can see some words written on it.

Told you not to come. Your loss

- MW

He gasped, grabbing Care’s hand.

“Close the coffin, please,” he pleaded. Charlotte is standing near Care ran to close it. He deeply exhaled after knowing the coffin is closed. No one should see it. The message is for him.

“Everybody go to your home. It’s an unexpected accident. Leave now,” Charlotte shouted at everyone before Ruby’s parents can make any move. She ordered like she owns their house. Anyway, everyone did what she said. This accident is going to spread in school tomorrow. Charlotte already saw someone try to take a video of it. People are always behaving like this in serious times.

“We need first aid,” Chloe asked Mr Espinoza in a panic state. They rushed to get it. Charlotte stopped Care from taking him to the hospital. She didn’t feel safe about that. The whole time, she stayed confident.

“Grab my hand,” Care guided Caleb back to their house. They didn’t stay to help clean up the mess. Everyone thought it’s an accident except Caleb, who knows the truth. This time he didn’t get any message from Ruby whose phone belongs to the threatening person.

Chloe closed the door carefully and four of them faced each other speechlessly. It’s time for Charlotte and Caleb to tell the truth. Without a word, Care and Caleb took a seat on the couch opposite Charlotte and Caleb.

“Iam so confused, why did something terrible happen to us?” Chloe complained, controlling the tears forming in her eyes.

“It’s not unexpected. That stupid MW messaged me from Ruby’s phone not to attend Ruby’s funeral. I didn’t take the warning seriously and now Iam facing this situation again. How can I avoid Ruby’s funeral? She meant everything to me.” 

“I know. But you didn’t even share anything with us. Why do you hide that?” Chloe questioned.

“I said I didn’t take it seriously. I didn’t care about it all.” He answered with irritation.

Care patted his shoulder. She felt sorry for seeing him like this. He got more cuts in his body. He definitely needs another break from school.

“I don’t know why you keep on getting targeted, Caleb. We never got any threatening messages. Even I didn’t get anything after I got my diary back.” Care told and noticed Charlotte kept silent in the whole conversation.

“Charlotte,” she called her. Charlotte just stared at no one in particular and was lost in thoughts.

“Charlotte,” Chloe shook her and Charlotte jerked away from her.

“What’s wrong with you?” Care yelled.

“I got a threatening message from that same person, too. I didn’t act like you, Caleb. I did what I had to do, and I ruined someone’s life.” She shouted all of a sudden, and Chloe can clearly understand what she’s trying to say.

“Don’t tell me you are talking about Tiffany.” 

“Yes, Iam. I needed to blame someone for the taken footage month ago. So, I blamed Tiffany and the others, never doubted how a best friend of Becca can do something like that. Well, everyone is stupid enough to believe it and no one suspected me. I did the task,” she blurted. Three of them stared at her with wide-open mouths.

“I heard the news. But I didn’t care about Tiffany. Now you are telling me you did that after this accident,” Care glared at her.

“Yes. What else can I do? Iam suffering more than others. The blood-stained bat is still in my vision.” She yelled.

“Let’s lower our voices. We should be well aware of the surroundings,” Caleb warned, remembering how the person knows that Caleb visited Ruby’s house. That means they should keep their voices down.

“Fine. Now all I can think about is no one is truthful in between us. Am I right?” Care asked.

“Don’t act like you never hide anything from us,” Charlotte told the right point and Care closed her mouth, folded her hands.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

“Your phone is kept on ringing. Just attend it.” Charlotte motioned at Caleb’s phone. He took it with irritation.

“Hey did you see the news?” someone yelled loudly from the phone. Elliot didn’t' attend Ruby's funeral due to some personal issues.

“Elliot. Iam not in a good state to talk. Bye,” He snapped.

“Don’t end the call. I just wanted to inform you that the detectives going to check everyone’s handprint after three days.”

“What did you say? Why they are doing it?” Caleb stopped himself from ending the call.

“They suspect some students have murdered Becca. The test clearly says the blood is Becca’s. Now the student’s handprint is going to be taken to check whether it matches the one with the bat,” 

“Oh, that’s bad. But is it really necessary to check upon students” Caleb spoke and his sisters looked at him to know what he’s talking about? Caleb turned the speaker on, letting them hear it.

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s because the murder happened in school.” He calmly answered. Elliot doesn’t know he’s talking with the person who buried Becca.

“Okay. Iam not well right now. I think you know that.”

“Yes. Iam sorry for disturbing you. You should take leave but everyone should come to school compulsorily on the day of investigation,”

“Yes. I know that. Now bye,” Caleb snapped.

“Turn on the TV,” he ordered Care, who nervously turned it on. The news is going on currently now.

“The mystery about Becca’s disappearance and Ruby’s dead in an accident is about to be revealed in Roshord,” the news report started.

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