
Chapter 15 I'm dating Amelia???

Mia's POV 

Alexander stared at me in surprise... His eyes looked like he was guilty of doing something.

Why did he look so guilty? What did he do?

" Why happened? " I asked him sitting up straight.

" I had no idea my sister did that..."

"That's because you didn't allow me to speak before going all brozilla on me". I interrupted. 

Not now Mia... My consciousness warned, but my anger towards him had gone I've over limit, and now that he was apologizing I couldn't stop myself from getting annoyed. 

" I know you love your sister, but you could've at least heard me out... Even your daughter vouched for me. Lilly believed me, something I thought could never happen, but you..."

I began to remember everything he said to me yesterday, my eyes starting to get blurry. 

No Mia... You can't cry. Not now... Not in front of him. 

" I understand. But Victoria really lies, and she is my sister..." He said in a low voice. 

I scoffed. So this man was too proud to apologize... Okay then. 

"This is not even what I came here to tell you". He began. 

He looked away from him in annoyance. There was absolutely nothing he could say that would make sense to me at this point, or that I'd be surprised. 

" I told Amelia that we're dating"

My eyes widened in surprise. 

I thought too soon, way too soon. 

" You told her what now?"

How on earth would he tell such a pretty girl something like that, doesn't he love her. 

" Why would you do such a thing? If it's to get out of your relationship you could have just broken up, you don't have to lie. " 

" You think I'm dating Amelia? " Alexander said with a surprised smirk. 

Not anymore. 

" Amelia is Lilly's aunt and godmother".

"What? Does that mean..."

"Amelia is my late wife sister". He said at last. 

I blinked in surprise. I've never been so wrong. 

First he wasn't dating Amelia, his daughter was related to her, secondly... His wife was dead. 

" I'm sorry, I had no idea". 

Now I understood why Amelia was so unafraid of Alexander. He married her sister. Everything made sense now. 

I looked down in embarrassment for the false accusation. 

" You should have told me". 

Alexander went quiet for a while before he came to sit down close to me on the bed.

" Like you said... You never asked. "

That was a nice come back. A smile came to my lips at his words, but then it went down again. 

That still doesn't justify the fact that he told her that are dating!

" Why did you tell her that were are together... If you couldn't tell her the truth of how we met, you could've at least stick with the story that I'm your daughter's nanny". 

" I wanted to, but then I saw how... " Then he paused. 

Why did he stop all of a sudden. 

"What is it?" I asked him looking at his face. His black eyes were swirling in emotion, but I just wasn't able to make out any of those emotions. 

He was just so goddamn unreadable. 

Then he suddenly stood up. 

"This was a mistake. I shouldn't have told her we are dating "

I scoffed in annoyance and realization. 

Of course he would never want to date someone like me... Not even in pretense. 

He was Alexander Hamilton, from what I've learnt in my few weeks of staying in this house, one of the top under thirty billionaires in the world. 

Why would he want to even pretend to date someone like me.

My eyes watered and tears formed in them threatening to fall, but I blinked them back. 

" Yes... You shouldn't have told he that, you bought me remember". 

Alexander nodded making my ego hurt even more. 

" Get better soon, Lilly has been asking for you. I'll talk to my sister and revise some of the rules in the house". He said before taking his leave.


The tears began falling from my eyes one by one. 

" Oh my goodness, what the hell did Alexander do to you". Amelia rushed to me enveloping me in a side hug. 

I don't know, maybe it was because of the way she was comforting me or because of I couldn't hold it anymore, I let out muffled sobs. 

"It's okay" 

The more she said ' it's okay ' the more I sobbed. 

Why was I even crying. 

It was not like I was he broke up with me or anything, for God sake we had nothing together, why was it affecting me this much. 

" You can cry, it's alright. Alexander can be a dick most of the time". Amelia said patting my back softly. 

My sobbing stopped. 

I was glad she didn't say some of the time, because since the day I knew him he had been a fucking dick to me, unless the part when he saved me from those human traffickers. 

" Why are you so nice to me? " I said with a sniffle. 

If Alexander wasn't lying and this lady was indeed his late wife's sister, she still had no reason to be nice to me.

If anything she should be even more mad at me if she thought I was dating Alexander. 

Amelia smiled at me, releasing her grip before turning me to face her. 

" I like you for Alexander". 

I could've scoffed if not for the seriousness I saw on her face as she said it. 


She let out a soft weighty sigh

" I've known Alexander for a long time... Since we're children. He had always kept to himself... He was this cold person, who was completely heartless and never cared about another person."

" When he met my sister, he changed. He became friendly and fun and... "

" Not so heartless? " I added making Amelia laugh. 

" Yeah, that. Not so heartless". 

" He really loved her... So much". 

I could see the sincerity in her eyes. She really loved her sister, and respected Alexander. 

" What was her name?"

" Grace... Her name was Grace". 

Even her name sounded so lovely and graceful.

"She was beautiful and kind, but she had a sharp and straight forward personality, just like you". 


I shook my head in disagreement.

" You don't know me". 

She nodded. 

" Yes, that may be true... But from what I've gathered, you hate being treated unfairly and you have a sharp and witty personality, just like her". 

Well... The sharp and witty personality was just like me... The only difference was that Grace was beautiful and kind, while I was not so pretty and very wicked... To people who knew me at least. 

" What happened to her?" I asked gesturing for her to go on. "

" When she got pregnant with Lilly, she discovered that her body was weak... To weak to give birth to children, but she refused to get rid of Lilly... " Tears started to form in Amelia eyes as she spoke. 

I rubbed her back with my shoulders calmly. 

" The day she gave birth to her... We all thought she would die, but she survived. She was always on pills and constantly in the hospital, but she was still very happy ". 

The Grace sounded like an amazing person. It took an amazing person to marry a man like Alexander so, it only sounded right. 

" How did she die? " I dared to ask. 

" She died four years ago... Her body couldn't take it anymore". She burst into tears. 

" I'm so sorry". I wrapped my hands around her slowly comforting her. 

Just few minutes ago, she was literally doing the same thing to me. 

The thought made me giggle. 

" What's funny? " She asked in mist of her sobs. 

"Just thinking about how few minutes ago you were the one comforting me". I answered and then she giggled. 

" You know, as much as I appreciate the story... This still doesn't answer my question, why are you being so nice to me? "

She separated from me, using her hands to wipe her teary face. 

" Ever since my sister died, I've watched Alexander slowly go back to the man he used to be, cold and heartless... To the point that he started neglecting his own daughter, hiring different types of nanny's to take care of her Lilly"

" But the day he brought you home, I noticed something different in him, he acted like the Alexander he was with my sister. Alexander has never asked me to treat a lady before, actually he has never asked me to take care of anyone apart from his daughter... I noticed the way he was worried about you". 

And so? I was tempted to ask, but I bit my tongue before it was able to come out of my mouth. 

It would sound to rude. 

" What are you trying to say?" I asked rephrasing the question.

" What am trying to say is... I know that yoj and Alexander have nothing together, it's kind of obvious, but I want you to date him". 

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