
Chapter 14 He didn't hurt me

Mia's POV 

I was never one to cry at emotional matters like this, but why was his words hurting this much. 

" You owe me your life, you know that right? Then why do you go rat your mouth insulting my sister! "

" Victoria made most of those things up I would never... " My back touched the wall. There was no where else I could run to. 

" Are you calling my sister a liar now?" He asked now just a few steps away from me. 

I could feel my heart beat racing, my fear level rising.

What is he going to do?

He was so dangerously close to me right now, could it be that he changed his mind and decided to use me like the sex toy he bought me for?

The thought made me panic even more. 

"Mr Hamilton I...argh!" I yelled in pain. 

My stomach pain I increased to the point I just had to shout. 

Before I knew it, my body went limp and I went the next thing I saw was darkness. 

I struggled to open my eyes, but immediately close it due to light. 

"It's bright". I murmured before trying to get off the bed. 

"Don't... You need to rest". I heard a familiar female voice whisper, before she helped me back to the bed. 

I looked up at her. It was the doctor, the pretty one... What was her name again, yeah... Amelia. 

" What happened? " I asked her as my eyes adjusted to the sunlight. 

It would probably be late morning by now judging by how high and bright the sun was. 

Come to think of it, what happened? 

First their was the visit of Alex... I mean my boss's sister, Victoria. Then the incident where I challenge her because she wanted to hit my friend...

Then the other incident where I wasn't allowed to eat because Victoria was angry... Then I went to bed on an empty stomach... Then what?

My memories of what happened next became fuzzy, and my head started to hurt.  

" Well, I don't know... Alexander called me up here last night to check up on you because suddenly fainted"

Oh... Now I remember. 

Alice came to tell me that Alexander was looking for me...

" Mia... Are you alright?" 

I snapped out of my thoughts looking back at the pretty doctor.

"I'm fine. At least as fine as I can be right now". I answered with a sigh. 

Alexander didn't believe me yesterday night, and it was quite understandable, Victoria was his sister, of course her words would mean more than mine. 

I heard Amelia sigh loudly

" Are you hungry or thirsty or? " She asked coming to seat on the bed next to me. 

Yeah, why am I not hungry right now?

" No... I think you did a good job". I answered her before sitting upright on the bed. 

She cleared her throat. It seemed like she wanted to say something, but was hesitating. 

" What is it?" I asked. 

" It's just... I have to ask, do you remember what happened yesterday night? Because you were in a pretty bad shape and I understand if you don't want to talk about it, but if he hurt you... "

I immediately understood where she was going. 

Amelia thought it was Alexander who made me unconscious.

I shook my head immediately to dismiss the rest of her words. 

" He didn't hurt me". 

At least not physically. 

The damn guy insulted my entire existence!

" Are you sure? You can tell me anything, I can talk to him. Amelia didn't look to convinced with my words. Then she added in a soft whisper. 

" Alexander may not look very kind, but promise he is a really good man". 

Good man? Ha. I almost scoffed. 

If she had told me he was a good man the first day I met her, I would've readily agreed, but now I understood how good of a person he was. Only to people related to him.

"He really didn't hurt me, it was my ulcer. I had almost nothing to eat the entire day, and I ate little the day before. " I explained. 

Amelia hesitated before she nodded. 

Whether she believes me or not, it's her choice. 

The door suddenly burst opened. 

" Is she awake..." Alexander left his words hanging when he saw I was sitting up. 

" I see that she's fine. "

" As fine as she can be for someone who did not eat anything yesterday". Amelia retorted standing up from the bed. 

" Mia has ulcer Alexander, a chronic one. Why was she not given anything to eat the entire day?" 

A small smile came to my lips. 

Why was she defending me? It felt weird but nice at the same time. This was the first time I've heard someone stand up for me. 

I turned to Alexander awaiting his reply. 

He had a shock expression on his face after he heard Amelia's words. 

What was he so shocked about? The fact that I had ulcer or that I haven't eaten anything the entire day?

" I had no idea she didn't have anything to eat... How is that even possible?" 

He looked so shocked that I started to believe that he had no idea his kitchen maids use to bully me in his house. 

Amelia glared at him, her lips pressed together tightly to show how displeased she was with him. 

I just stared between both of them. 

Why was she so worried about me? And why was Alexander also pretending to care?

And the main question, who the hell is Amelia to Alexander?

She is able to talk to him so freely, it would be impossible if they were just doctor and client or patient. 

I would've thought she was his girlfriend like I did the last time if not that she hinged that she thought I was his girlfriend. 

Were they like in an open relationship of some sorts?

I watched as both banter words with each other, Amelia defending me while accusing Alexander and Alexander defending himself 

It just felt nice, that was until Amelia decided to leave us alone for us to talk.

"No, no... You don't have to go. I like your company". I quickly said reaching out to hold her hands to prevent her from leaving. 

I did not want to be left alone with Alexander, who knows what he might say to me... Or do. 

" But you to have to clear things out, and yo do that you too need to be left alone" The she bent down and leaned towards my ears. 

" Don't allow Alexander to hurt you if he tries anything, yell my name ". Her voice may be low but I am damn sure Alexander heard it.

He drew in a huge breath before letting out a sigh, probably to curl his anger... Or temper. 

Amelia glared at Alexander before she left the room leaving both of us together. 

Nothing good ever happens when we're left together... He'll just probably yell at me for fainting while he was still talking. 

I coughed waiting for him to speak. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked shocking the hell out of me

Did he mean that question?

I looked at him with disbelief. Was it sarcastical? But there was no evidence of sarcasm in his tone. 

I could bet he noticed my disbelief, because he cleared his throat. 

" How come you ate nothing yesterday? And why the hell didn't you tell me that you had ulcer? "

The disbelief on my face wiped off and changed to sarcasm. 

" Well, how could I eat when everyone was preparing for your sister's coming? Even when she has already arrived because of how annoyed she was at me, she ordered then not to give me anything to eat... Plus I also found out that you had a rule in this house that only the kitchen maids were allowed to cook... " I paused before giving him a sarcastic smile. 

 " I believe that answers your first question, and the other one... You never asked" 

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