
Chapter 13 You're fired

" There you are, Mia come here". Alexander gestured to me with his hands.

I gave Alice a comforting smile so she could release her hands which were round about my waist helping me walk.

" Leave us!" Alexander ordered Alice. 

She nodded, giving me a smile that said

 ' you can do this '

 before leaving Alexander, Victoria and I in the room, together... With my ulcer acting up more than it had ever done in my life..

I walked over slowly, trying my best to hide my discomfort as I walked.

" There she is... That vicious woman. She almost hit me brother". Victoria began her complains to Alexander pointing at me.

" I heard you and I'm going to ask her about it now". 

" You don't understand. Why would a maid want to raise her hand on me, Alex... Unless she's not a maid... " She left her the rest of her sentence making my eyes widened. 

Did she think that Alexander and I were...

" No... How can you think that? Mia is just my daughter's nanny". Alexander swiftly denied. 

Why did that pain me so much to hear him say that?

But there was nothing going on between both of us... If anything he was just my savior and I his... Well as he rightly said, his daughter's nanny. 

" Then why would you give her so much privilege to talk to me anyhow? To stop me from disciplining a also hit me... Alex?" Victoria cried.

Her eyes became red as she hugged her brother's arm complaining to him.

As I stood there watching them, I discovered something... Well two things. 

The first, was that sometimes being silence pays alot, while the other was how manipulative Victoria was. 

She was trying to turn Alexander against me, not like that would need much work, I'm just his daughter's maid. 

" Tori... " Alexander held his sister hands. 

I could see the love he had for her in his eyes. 

He believed her. 

" I promise that Mia would be disciplined. You just have to calm down ". Alexander promised as though I was not there. 

Okay... My silence is enough. 

I'm not getting punished for something I did not do. 

" Disciplined for what if I may ask? " I asked boldly. 

Mia and Alexander turned to face me. 

" Who asked you to speak? " Victoria asked me before turning to her brother. " You see what I mean... She's too vulgar, does she think it's her home? I want you to fire her, immediately brother". 

Despite the pain from my stomach, I was still able to smile when Victoria asked Alexander to fire me. 

" Oh... Why don't you? Just do what your dear sister wants". I said sarcastically crossing my arms while glaring at Alexander. 

Alexander returned my glare, his power eyes made me want to cower, but I just couldn't back down, it wasn't in my nature. 

" She's daring you Alex..." Victoria snorted. 

" If you can't do it, then I will. Look here, Mia or whatever you call yourself, you're fired! " She declared. 

I swear I could clap my hands in excitement if nkt for the sharp pain thag came from my stomach. 

I need my medicine. 

I glanced at Alexander who just had a nonchalant look on his face...

Wait, is he really serious? 

Am I really fired?

I had always wanted this, but now that I think about it, now that it's actually here, my freedom, I discovered that I didn't want it as I so much thought. 

Where the hell am I to go if I leave here?

My parents sold me off, so to them I'm dead and I don't have any friends I could squat with. 

No... I don't want to be fired. 

" No she's not!" I heard a tiny but firm voice say. 

We all turned to face the intruder, it was... Lilly?

What was she doing here?

" Mia is not living this house"

" Lilly... What are you doing up from bed at this hour?" Alexander nonchalant face changed into one of worry as he walked up to Lilly. 

" You shouldn't be here, this is not a matter for children". Victoria dismissed.

Lilly shook her head.

"Daddy, I don't want Mia to leave this house". 

Alexander expression soften. 

" She's not leaving". He said to both Victoria's and my shock. 

Does that mean that I'm not fired? Or that I'm not leaving the house? God I'm so confused right now. 

" But I heard Aunt Victoria just say that she's fired". Lilly said in confusion, guess Victoria and I were not the only ones confused by Alexander's statement. 

" Yes brother... I just fired her". 

We all looked at Alexander for answers. I for one really wanted to know what he was going to say, because Victoria cooked up a good story. 

" Tori..." Alexander turned to Victoria.

" I understand that you're angry with Mia for her audacious and brash attitude, but that's not enough reason to want to fire her. I hired her for one reason and one reason alone, to take care of my daugher". 

I stared at Alexander's handsome face as he spoke...

He looked so handsome defending me... Just so...

" And you Mia..."

Okay, brace up Mia... It's your turn. 

All the tenderness I was seeing when he was talking to Victoria vanished, leaving only his handsome face void of any emotions. 

" You are my daughter's maid... You have no right to speak to my sister in anyhow... You are just a nanny..."

" Dad! "

I felt a sting on my pride and ego 

I so badly wanted to retort, but I just couldn't because I knew deep down he was right. 

" Dad, don't talk to her like that. She may be my nanny, but she's also my friend. She's been there for me when you sure haven't, so please..." Lilly said coming to stand next to me.

My little witch was standing you for me.

This was something I never thought I would see. 

I heard Alexander release a long loud sigh. 

" Fine. I won't speak to her in that manner, but I'll like you both to excuse us". He said looking between Victoria and Lilly. 

Lilly looked up at me, her eyes asking if I was going to be alright. I answered her with a nod. 

Victoria openly snorted, showing her utmost dislike for me. 

" I'll take my niece and leave but we'll just be in her room". She said walking towards Lilly. 

I felt Lilly stiffen, but before I could say anything, Victoria took Lilly hand, no matter how unwilling the little girl was and dragged her away. 

" Why did you speak to my sister that in that manner? " No sooner than Victoria left, that Alexander began to accuse me. 

Which manner?

" Don't you want to hear my side of the story? " I asked him trying to mask the pain I was feeling from my stomach. 

" Your side... Your side? " He scoffed. 

" What use would it do if I hear your side? Are you even supposed to have a side, an opinion? I own you remember? '

His words hurt even more that my ulcer which was growing with every second. 

Alexander walked towards me slowly, causing me to step back. 

"Have you forgotten so quickly the circumstances we met at? You were about to be sold. I saved you from that place... " His said in a harsh whisper. 

Tears began forming in my eyes as he spoke. 

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