
Chapter 12 She hit me

Mia's POV

I left the room after putting Lilly to bed her for afternoon nap. 

This was the most serious I've seen Lilly ever since we became friends. 

Everyone was so scared of this Victoria, when all she needs is a good beating... And I could do it for her. 

She just sounded like a spoilt brat who had gotten everything she ever wanted in her life in her life making her do rude to everyone else. 

Damn that girl, she's making my head hurt. 

I felt a tapping on my shoulders, more like a shaking. 

I immediately looked up to see Alice who was standing above me worriedly. 

" Mia!" She yelled. 

She was way too loud. 

"What, what?" I murmured cleaning my ears which I suspect would've been damaged with how loud Alice yelled in it. 

" What on earth are you thinking about? I've been calling your name for about five minutes now!" 

Five minutes?

Could Victoria matter really have taken me that far?

" I was just... Er..." I fumbled trying to find an excuse. If I told Alice that I was starting to get scared of Victoria, she might get even more frightened of the lady. 

"Forget about it. " She waved when she noticed that I had no excuse. 

" I just wanted to thank you for... Standing up for me." She said to playing with hands. 

I smiled holding her hands in mine. 

"You're my friend, there's no way I'll just stand by and watch Victoria insult you like that." I shrugged. 

She smiled at me before the smile suddenly disappeared. 

" But you know that Victoria is angry with you right now, she would watching your every move because of me". She said her voice full of guilt. 

I gave her a kind smile. 

" What could she possibly do to me? Relax, I can take care of myself". 

The worst she could do to me is to send to send me out of the house... And that wasn't even a bad thing to me. Plus... It's not as if Alexander would let that happen to me... Right?

My thoughts became confuzzled together. 

"Earth to Mia... Earth to Mia " Alice called out startling me out of my thoughts. 

"Mia... Seriously what are you thinking about? " She asked worriedly. 

I shook my head, standing up. 

" I'll just go check on Lilly ". I lied. 

My head had started to hurt from too much thinking, and my stomach had begun to rumble. 

I haven't eating anything the entire day because everyone had been so busy preparing for that bitch who ought to arrive yesterday 

" Ok... I'll just leave you".

Alice left leaving me to my thoughts and my pains. 

As I walked out of the corridor I glanced at the kitchen. My stomach rumbled even loudly. 

Should I just go and ask for something to eat?

I pondered on it for a while before heading towards the kitchen. 

" Oh... It's her..."

" There she is..."

I heard some of the kitchen maids whisper to themselves. 

Whatever... Talk all you like about me. 

I shrugged before walking towards the head kitchen maid. 

" I'm hungry" I declared to her. 

Her expression change from surprise to shock then to pity. 

Why pity? 

I stared at her confused waiting for her to answer. 

" I'm sorry but I can't give you anything". 


" What do you mean by that? None of us have eaten anything since morning because we're preparing for the bitch... Er, I mean Victoria... I mean the boss's sister coming. It's only right that I'll be hungry!" 

I almost called her a bitch?

Not like she wasn't one. 

The head maid shook her head at me.

" I know... And I also understand what you did. Infact some of us are happy with th fact that you did what you did, but Mrs Victoria had ordered that you shouldn't be given food in this house from now on". 

What! My eyes widened in surprise. 

That woman did what?

Okay... No problem, I don't need to be given food. 

" Ok, I just make food for myself". 

Back at home I was the one who cooked for myself and my entire family, so it was no problem. 

I walked towards the cooker but the hear maid stopped me.

" I'm sorry but no else is allowed to make food in this house apart from the kitchen staffs".

I snorted. 

So this lady wants to kill me now with hunger?

" You can't be serious..."

Her expression told me she was dead serious. 

Wow... Okay. 

I forced a smile before walking out of the kitchen. 

This matter had to be resolved, fast. 

I collapsed on my bed the moment I entered my room. My head is hurting and my stomach is grumbling. 

I was so hungry. 

I could just... No, those kitchen maids are so loyal to that bitch that they wouldn't allow me to make food for myself. 

What the hell am I going to do now?


" Wake up..." I felt someone shaking me. 

I grumbled slowly opening my eyes. 

"Alice?" I asked when my vision became clear. 

" Mia... I think you're in trouble". She said causing me to seat up straight. 

Which trouble?

" What do you mean?"

I knew I had signed my name on trouble's list the second I stood up to Victoria, but I didn't expect it to be this quick.

Who am I kidding, trouble has always been following me all my life... Coming here just made it worse. 

" Mr Hamilton... He's back and I saw Victoria walking into his study which I guess was probably to report you... And now he's calling for you and he does not look in any way happy". Alice explained panicking. 

She was pacing around the room fear evident in her face. 

Victoria was indeed capable. I reasoned 

" Is that the reason your panicking like this?" I asked her coming down from the bed. 

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach as I stood up, my ulcer had begun acting up again. 

I winced trying to as I tried to stand up straight, it was stronger than usual. 

" Mia, are you okay?" Alice came to help me stand her tone really worried. 

I forced a smile. Something I've been doing much lately. 

"I'm fine. Let's go meet the monsters" No matter what was going on with me, I just have to see the rubbish Victoria would say about me to Alexander. 

Alice came around holding my hand firmly. 

" I'll go with you... You got into trouble because of me, it's only right that we face it together". 

She's courageous, let's see how long it would last. 

As we walked to Alexander's study I discovered it was already late. The sun was already down and it was dark outside. 

I've been sleeping for about three hours!

Hunger can do wonders, I've never slept that much in the afternoon before. 

" Brother... I've never see a girl that brazen before. She almost slapped me". I heard Victoria's whiny voice. 

I almost slapped her?

I almost laughed. 

I gestured to Alice not to make our presence know so I could keep hearing her lies to Alexander. 

" I understand Tori... And I'm going to have a talk with her as soon as she gets her". I heard Alexander voice comforting her. 

"You don't understand brother... She... She..."

Ok, I can't take it anymore.

" She what? " I asked making my presence known to the Hamilton's siblings 

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