
Chapter 11 She controls everything

Mia stared at Victoria refusing to back down, Alice in the other hand had begun saying her prayers. She knew the kind of person Victoria was, it would be a miracle if both of them didn't get sacked today. 

" Not only do you dare to stop me from correcting my staff, you also talked back at me. Who in the hell do you think you are?" Victoria yelled, her face crunched in anger and her chest moving up and down quickly. 

She was shocked at the audacity of the new maid. No one, not even her brother had ever talked to her this way before in her life!

" Who I am doesn't matter. Just because we work for your brother doesn't mean you can speak to us or even hit us any how you please". Mia said calmly, secretly enjoying how riled up Victoria was getting. 

Alice on the other hand was having a heart attack. Mia was making things worse for them, why was she not seeing it. 

" What is going on here?" Lilly walked in on the situation, her footsteps slowed down when she saw her aunt. 

" Aunt Victoria... I thought you were coming tomorrow?"

" Yes, I was supposed to come tomorrow, but chose to arrive today. Is that a problem? " Victoria answered without taking her eyes off Mia. 

Mia looked between Victoria and Lilly 

She had to leave with Lilly to do her job, but she feared that if she did leave, Victoria would take out her anger on Alice. 

And idea suddenly came to her head. 

The best option was to make Victoria leave to her room, that way she would be sure that the lady won't do anything to Alice... Not now anyways. 

" Ms Victoria, you just arrived, you're yet to see your bedroom, please allow someone escort you there". She said with a shrug, like it was the most normal thing to say. 

Victoria eyes widened even more.

Who was this girl! How could she speak to her so... So ... So leisurely! Victoria wondered glaring at Mia. 

The girl was wearing a uniform... So that meant she was a worker in the house, then what the hell gave her the guts to speak to she in such a brazen manner. 

Could it be that her brother was sleeping with her?

Victoria clenched her hands into a fist. 

She ehad to find out more about the girl before she could do anything to her, because by the looks of it, Mia didn't look like someone she could easily get rid of. 

" What is your name?" Victoria asked with gritted teeth. 

" Mia... It's Mia". Mia answered with a delectable smile. It was like she was purposely mocking Victoria, and Alice noticed it. 

Alice felt like she would faint if Mia did any other disrespectful thing to Victoria. For God sake, the girl didn't know how vicious Victoria could truly be. She was literally digging her own grave!

Mia... The name rang in Victoria's ears. 

She would have to ask her brother about her when he gets home. 

But until then, she had to leave before she would completely lose her temper. 

She turned towards Lilly whose feet were still glued to the ground she stood on. She looked visibly frightened of Victoria, and Mia could tell. 

" My little niece... I'll be seeing you later". Victoria said before walking up the stairs. 

The other maids present there gasped when they saw Victoria just walk away without any other word. At first they were so surprised when Mia held their boss's sister hand from hitting Alice, that no words came to their lips. 

They could only stare amazed at the girl's stupidity. 

What made the new maid so brave? 

When they had seen Mia openly defile the boss's sister by speaking back to her, they had thought she was done for. 

But now, few minutes had passed, Mia was still standing... And not in tears, rather it was Victoria was walked away... It was quite... Well refreshing. 

Though they mourn her for what might happen next, but now they also view Mia in a different light. 

They respected her. 

Nobody had ever stood up to Victoria like that... Absolutely no one, not even their little mistress. 

Few seconds after Victoria left, Lilly still remained unmoving, it was like the little witch was lost in thoughts. 

" Lilly... Lilly" Mia called out trying to get her attention. 

Mia had to walk towards her and tap her before the girl was came back to reality. 

" Lilly, what's wrong?" Mia asked worriedly. 

This was the first time she was seeing her little witch so disturbed. 

Lilly shook her head, murmuring a nothing, but it was clear to everyone there that something was bothering her. 

Mia looked around and noticed that no one seemed bothered by the little girl's change in attitude, it was like they were expecting it. Something was wrong, she could feel it. 

" Let's got to your room". Mia said taking Lilly's hand before walking up the stairs with her. 

All they way they were walking, Lilly kept her head down like a cat that had just been drenched in rain. 

Mia was indeed very confused. Why was this woman coming such power?

When they got to the room, Lilly hoped on her bed without a word. 

After a while, Mia couldn't take the silence any more. It was unlike Lilly to just be silent without saying anything insulting to her. 

" What's wrong?" She asked sitting on the chair nearest to the bed.

Lilly slowly rose her head up, her face had turned pale and her eyes had lost their mischievous sparkle. 

" You shouldn't have spoken to Aunt Victoria like that". She said slowly.

' Really is that what was bothering her?' Mia was very confused. 

" She deserved it. Is that what is bothering you so much?"

The little girl let out a sigh. Mia was not getting her point. 

" You don't's... Aunt Victoria isn't someone trivial, you shouldn't have messed with her". She explained. 

Mia was getting even more confused as the conversation went on. 

Who the hell was she that she should fear her like a god? And why was everyone so afraid of her?

" I don't understand. Explain better, why are you so afraid of her? For all I know... You're not afraid of anything ". 

" Anything but her... In fact, I'm not afraid of her, I'm terrified "

Lilly played with her fingers, her eyes looking down on the bed as she said it. 

Mia giggled thinking it was a joke, but it turned awkward when she noticed that Lilly didn't laugh. 

" Wait... Your serious?" 

Lilly nodded. 

" Aunt Victoria, she's like an evil witch..." Mia suddenly burst into laughter. 

Lilly looked up at her, a frown on her lips. 

"It's not funny!" She declared with a cute pout. 

" I know... It's just... That's what I use to think you were..." Mia said as she struggled to keep her laughter at bay. 

" An evil witch? Me? " Lilly exclaimed pointing at herself, before shaking her head. 

"No... You haven't seen evil. Aunt Victoria... She control's everything in this house, including me". 

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