
Chapter 10 Victoria

Third person POV. 

It's been weeks since Lilly and Mia became friends. Lilly began warming up to her slowly, and Mia began liking the little girl's company. 

The girl friendship with her came with a lot of benefits, one of them being that Mia no longer lacked food. No matter the hate the other servants in the house feel for her, they couldn't do anything, especially when Lilly backed her up. 

Alexander on the other hand, was always at work. He was yet to see the new friendship formed my his daughter and Lilly... But someone else had already noticed. 

" So... You and the 'little witch' are on good terms now?" Alice asked air coating the little witch. She had noticed that Mia no longer complained about her as often as she normally did. 

" Well... " Mia shrugged. 

The girl was good company, and could be really fun to be with, but there was no way she's admitting liking her. 

It would hurt her pride way too much. 

" We just came to an even ground". 

Alice raised her brow at Mia. 

She didn't believe her, and Mia knew it, but she still resumed what she was doing. 

Alice had been tasked to decorate the house with some of the flowers from the garden and Mia had offered to help. 

"Ouch!" Mia exclaimed when she was suddenly pricked by a rose thorn. 

" By the way, I wanted to ask... What is all these for anyways? " She ask, her tone showing her frustration. This was not the first time she has been pricked by that darn rose bush. 

Alice stopped what she was doing to check Mia's wound. 

"Does that hurt... The boss's sister is coming over today. Everything has to be perfect, just the darn way she wants it". She explained inspecting Mia's wound.

" The boss's sister?"

'Alexander has a sister? ' Mia thought.

" Yep... And She's as boss as hell. Even though it's not her house, she treats it as though she owns everything". 

Alice said with half gritted teeth. She hated her.. Mia could tell, anyone would be able to tell from the hateful expression on her face. 

"Ok... But she shouldn't he that bad right? She's Alex... I mean the boss's sister, she has a lot of rights in this house". Mia said before bring her wound to her mouth, licking the blood on her hand. 

Alice shook her head in disagreement. 

" Now you say that, because you've not seen her. I don't know why the boss still allows her to come over. She behaves like an angel when he's around and like a fucking witch when he's not. "

Mia still couldn't believe a person could be that wicked.

" Let's just finish what were doing before your ' witch ' comes". She said copying Alice by air coating the witch. 

Alice sighed. 

" I know your temper Mia... Trust me, my phone is yet to recover from it..."

Mia laughed nervously remembering what she did to Alice phone the day she called her mother. 

She had promised to pay for the phone since then, but is yet to fulfill the promise. 

In her defense, it was because she had no money. 

" I forgive you for it, for now..." Alice continued. 

"... That's I'm telling you now to stay away from Ms Victoria... She would test that temper of yours, and you'll snap". Alice said firmly. 

Mia felt the chil in her voice. 

She was serious. She had never seen Alice this serious, even when she threw her phone on the floor. 

Just how bad could she possibly be?

Mia was still lost in thoughts when she got startled by someone running towards she and Alice. 

" Ms Victoria is around!" The maid said. 

Mia immediately recognized her, she was one of the kitchen maids, and also one of Alice friends. 

Victoria? Alexander's sister?

" I thought she was to arrive tomorrow?" Alice asked panicking. 

Mia looked between the other maid and Alice... They were both panicking.

" We all thought that... But she's here!" The lady was trembling with fear and Alice joined her. 

Mia just stared at the both of them wondering what was going on in their heads. 

"We better leave now, before, before she notices that were not around ". Alice held Mia's hands and began dragging her to the living room. 

" Slow down Alice". Mia murmured but she still allowed Alice to drag her. 

" What is all these... Why is there... Argh" A young beautiful blonde, who was dressed in luxurious clothing yelled throwing away everything on the table beside her causing the other maids to flinch. 

'That must be Victoria' Mia thought as she and Alice stood at the end of the line, the line which the other servants had made to welcome the boss's sister. 

That was the scene Alica and Mia arrived to.

"Who's in charge of decorating this place?" Victoria yelled the veins in her neck popping out because of how much she was yelling. 

The other maids whispered to their selves shivering, none of them admitting to the mistake. 

Their silence got Victoria even more annoyed. She walked towards the maid on the firstt roll and gave her a tight slap. 


The sound of the slap surrounded the entire room.  

Mia eyes widened.

Her body shook as she began to understand why Alice and the other maid were so frightened at the mention of the woman's name. 

" I asked a question... Who is responsible for the decoration of this place?" She asked glared at all of the maids. 

Gina, stepped forward. 

" It's... It's Alice ma'am ". She confessed. 

Alice and Mia widened their eyes simultaneously. That girl was a freaking snitch. 

Alice body shook uncontrollably, tears began forming in her eyes when Victoria set her eyes on her. 

" You... You were supposed to come tomorrow, I was just..." She tried to explain, but she was failing. 

"You were just? " Victoria mimicked as she began to walk towards the back, where Alice and Mia stood. 

" You again..." Victoria smirked. 

" How many years have you been here?"

" I..."

" You know what, don't answer that". Victoria held out her hand to hush Alice before she answered. 

" You've been here long enough to know that I love the house to be decorated with red roses before I come to visit, why is it not fully decorated?"

" You ought to come tomorrow I..." Alice croaked. Her voice coming out hoarser than she had wanted. 

Before she knew it, Victoria raised her hands ready to give her a huge slap.

Alice shut her eyes tightly waiting for the sharp pain she was going to experience from the slap. 




5 seconds passed but she didn't feel anything. She slowly opened her eyes to see Mia holding Victoria's hand that was about to slap her. 

" How dare you... " Victoria yelled shocked that someone had actually dared to stop her. 

Mia smirked at her before throwing her hand away. 

" There's no need to slap her. We're all expecting you to come tomorrow, not today... It's not her fault the house isn't properly decorated to your taste". She said boldly, glaring at Victoria. 

Victoria breathing became rapid showing the sign of her anger. She looked at Mia from top to bottom before a mocking smirk rested on her face, hee breathing slowly becoming calm. 

" I've never seen you here before... Do you know who I am? " She asked crossing her hands on her chest. 

" Yes... Alex... Er... The boss's sister, Ms Victoria, but that doesn't mean you can treat everyone like trash" Mia inwardly cursed herself for the mistake she almost made. 

If she called the boss by his name it would sound way to intimate. 

But Victoria's sharp ears caught it. Her already calm breathing became rapid again. 


I'm going to be switching between Mia's POV, Alexander's POV, and Third person POV so it would be more easy to understand.

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