
Chapter 61

Jay's POV:

"Ah," I groaned in pain, then blinked a few times until my vision became clear.

My head was aching, but not as much as my hands and legs.

I frowned as I slowly looked at myself and noticed that I was tied up all around the place.

"What the fuck," I whispered as I tried to move but couldn't.

The ropes tied around my hands and feet made it hard for me to even stand or break free.

"Think, Jay, think," I whispered to myself, then fell silent as everything played in my mind.

That man I talked to was definitely behind this. But who could have sent him to kidnap me? Was he acting on his own will or was he paid to do so?

For now, I needed something to cut the ropes and escape before he could realize that I was awake.

When I heard light footsteps approaching me, I immediately closed my eyes, pretending to be unconscious.

The footsteps stopped right in front of me, then a sigh was released.

"You know, I can tell that you're already awake. Are you going to keep pretending o
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