


Few days had gone by with me spending all my time at the beach or reading a book, back at the suite. To sum it all, it’s been boring the past few days.

Enzo has been busy with work in Croatia, and we haven’t spoken about our incident at the bar which I’m thankful for.

I released a sigh at the soothing sounds of the waves. Antonio, one of Enzo’s men had been assigned as my personal security whenever Enzo went out for work. He never says a word, just follows me wherever I go.

“I’m boreddd…” I whine as I lay on the tanning bed at the beach, I was in a pink bikini set that perfectly accentuated my curves.

Antonio didn’t pay mind to what I said, instead he faced the beach with a stoic expression, his ponytail swaying in the wind.

Frustrated, I got up abruptly storming towards our suite. I need to leave this resort and explore unless I’ll run mad!.

Antonio was hot on my heel but I didn’t pay mind to him. I speedily walked into the suite, Enzo was around but in a meeting at the office.

“Mrs Bernadi-” Antonio called from behind.

I barged into the office.

Enzo looked up and raked his eyes on my body with clenched jaw. There were two other men in the office that looked shocked, glancing between Enzo and I.

Enzo muttered under his breath. “Please excuse us.”

The two men quickly stepped out, leaving I and Enzo alone in his office. Enzo looked sexy with the glasses and his rolled up sleeves exposing his veiny tattooed arms.

Snapping back to reality. “I need to leave this resort.”

“What the fuck are you wearing?” He gestured to my bikini, I hadn’t bothered to put on a robe.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m bored out of my mind in this place, I need to explore outside at least once!” I raised my voice.

Enzo stood and walked over to where I was, easily towering over me. “I asked a question, what the fuck are you wearing?” he growled out.

I gave him a dumb look, craning my neck to meet his eyes “It’s a fucking bikini.” I growled back.

He released a breath, pinching his nose in frustration. “Why do you always find ways to rile me up?”

I scoffed, folding my arms causing my boobs to push up, distracting Enzo for a few seconds. “I told you what I want, why can’t I just go out?”

“If I allow you to go out, would you leave me alone?” he asked.

I scoffed again, eyeing him. ‘Would I leave him alone’, do I look like a clingy dog?

“Fine, get dressed lets go out.” He says as he walks over to the door.

I couldn’t hide my shock at how easily he agreed but I didn’t care, as long as I was getting my way. I quickly got dressed and headed out to where Enzo waited for me.

“What about Antonio.” I asked, shocked that we were going alone.

Enzo frowned. “What about him?”

I eyed his injured arm. “Can you drive with your condition?”

He gave me a deadpanned look. “We would take a walk to the docks then take a boat to town.”

My smile widened.

The walk to the dock took a few minutes, we were greeted by a few crew members and ushered into the boat. The boat ride to town was fast, I held on to the rails with every strength I had causing Enzo to snicker, he found it amusing.

We quickly left the docks and went straight into town, it was bustling with different activities. Excitement filled my bloodstream as my smile widened and I bounced my feet.

“Calm down, bambina.” Enzo says, staring down at me with an amused smile.

I rolled my eyes. “I’ve been waiting to be let out for once, so I’m sure as hell not calming down.”

Enzo nodded slightly, “Are you hungry?” he asks.

I shook my head. “We can get lunch while exploring, lets go.” I grab his hand leading him deep into town.

We spent the day trying street food, shopping and getting a few souvenirs. Enzo’s company was surprisingly pleasant, he had a funny side to him that made slight comments on little things which made me laugh.

We were currently taking a walk through the amazing Diocletian palace, I was enjoying my time being mesmerized by the ancient ruins.

Enzo suddenly tugged my arm harshly. “We need to go.” He whispered into my ear.

Those words sent shivers down my spine, my eyes widened as I quickly raised my head to glance at him but his attention was ahead, to the far left of us.

There were two men who tried to seem like tourists, pretending to busy themselves but as I watched them, they stuck out like a sore thumb.

I let out a gasp as I made eye contact with one of them, they immediately made their way through the crowd. Enzo tugged me with hurried steps as we tried to blend in more with the crowd in the streets.

My palms felt sweaty, my heart was racing. “W-what do we do?” I asked as we hurried through the crowd.

Enzo’s expression was in serious mode, his eyes were calculative as he scanned through the crowd. “Once we reach that intersection, you’ll take the left turn and I’ll take the right.”

My stomach churned anxiously. “W-what?” I glanced down as he quickly slipped a small pistol into my hand, the weight of the gun surprised me. I noticed he had another in his grip.

“I’ve never used a gun before.” I rushed out as we neared the intersection.

Enzo glanced down with no emotion on his face. “You won’t need to today, run and hide close to the docks.” He held my shoulders tightly.

“If I don’t make it there on time, head back to the resort and call for back up.” He says seriously.

I shook my head frantically trying to hold onto his arm but once we reached the intersection, he pushed me to the left while he ran the right turn.

Adrenaline kicked in as I tightly gripped the small pistol, I ran through the crowd cutting through tight corners. My heart was racing as I ran to a place where I was familiar with.

As I tried to make it out of the alley way, a rough hand grabbed me into the dark while his palm covered my mouth, preventing me from screaming. Flight or fright instinct kicked in as I quickly began to struggle to be set free.

My screams coming out in muffles as I twisted and turned to get loose from his tight grip. “Shhh… if you shut the fuck up, I’ll let you live.” His gruff voice with thick Italian accent spat in my ear.

I froze my whimpers and trembles as I felt a cold metal to the side of my head. A gun. I nodded frantically as he released his palm on my mouth.

His disgusting breath warmed my ear as he spoke. “You made a big mistake getting married to that bastard.” His hand crept down to cup my boobs, I struggled against his grip.

“Stop!” I screamed.


My ears rang from the deafening slap I just received. But that didn’t stop my struggles as I kicked him in the shin, causing me to slip out from his grip.

“Fuck!” he groaned as I scrambled to get the pistol that fell from my grip.

I quickly grabbed it but didn’t have enough time to make a run for it, I felt his weight on me as he suddenly slammed my head to the concrete.

I moaned in pain as my vision became hazy and I felt blood trickle down. He quickly turned me over and made a move to grab my pistol but I tightened my grip and we both struggled with the pistol.


My eyes widened as we both froze in shock.


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