
CHAPTER SIX- What a wedding night


The drive back to Enzo’s place, was short as the driver sped back home. His home was a mansion much bigger than Alonzo’s, his men were armed and stationed at every corner of the house.

We were guided quickly into the house, I was in so much shock as everything moved in a blur as Enzo fired orders to his men, while a doctor came in to take a look at his gunshot wound on his arm.

My hands felt cold from the sudden shock I was feeling, a woman came to hold me and guided me up the stairs into a room which I could tell was Enzo’s from the scent of it.

“Breathe…” The elderly woman said as she rubbed my hands.

It calmed me down a little but I was still shaken at how drastic my life could switch from a somewhat joyful wedding, to a battle of gunfires.

“You’re fine.” The woman said as her warm brown eyes locked to mine.

“What happened?...” I sniffled softly.

“Mr Bernadi would fill you on everything you need to know, but for now lets get you out of this dress.” She smiled warmly at me.

I nodded slowly as I glanced down at my dress, I had changed from my wedding dress to this beautiful peach reception dress which was now torn up with splatters of blood on it.

The woman guided me into the large luxurious bathroom. “Take a bath to get all these blood off you, call me if you need anything.” She walked out, giving me privacy.

I released a shaky breath as I stared at reflection in the mirror. My makeup was already ruined with streaks of my black mascara running down my cheeks, my lipstick was smudged from constant wiping of my sniffles, my hair wasn’t even slick back again.

Sighing, I got undressed and took a quick shower, washing away my ruined makeup and sticky gel from my hair. I wrapped myself in Enzo’s heavy robe as I stepped out of the bathroom.

I gasped as I noticed Enzo sitting at the edge of the bed, resting his hands on his knees. His eyes raked down my form heatedly, I noticed a few of his buttons were undone and his tie was nowhere to be found.

I gulped and cleared my throat. “Your arm…how is it?” I asked softly as I walked over to him.

“I’ll live.” He replied dryly.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

He cleared his throat. “I won’t sugarcoat this life you’ve gotten yourself into.” He stood up to his full height as he towered over me.

“This is how the mafia is, you can’t get too comfortable unless the rug would be pulled out from beneath your feet.” He stared down at me.

I took a step back from our proximity. “I know… it is my first time experiencing all of this.” I whisper.

He nodded and sighed. “How…. are you?”

I frowned, shocked by his sudden act of care for me. “I’m a little shaken up.”

“Understandable, you can go down for dinner.” He sates as he walks over to the bathroom.

“Wait!” he pauses.

“Do you have any idea of who might be behind today’s event?” I asked.

He cocked his head to the side. “Do you want to get involved in the mafia?” he retorted.

I bit my lip but gave no reply.

He nodded. “Get some rest.”

That night I couldn’t sleep, I tossed and turned in bed as my thoughts were all over the place. Enzo had left later on to get some things done and he was yet to return. I didn’t even have the appetite to eat dinner.

I sighed. What a wedding night.

I groaned as I stretched in bed, waking up from the sleep that took me by surprise from exhaustion. I glanced around the room, Enzo was still nowhere in sight. I decided to get ready and head down for breakfast.

“Good morning, Mrs Bernadi.” The elderly woman from last night greeted as I walked into the kitchen.

I smiled “Good morning...” she’s the only person that made me feel welcomed.

“Breakfast is ready, the don and your father at the dining.” she states with a smile.

My brows raise in shock but I nodded slowly. “Please would you tell me your name?” I asked.

She laughed softly. “It’s Martha, dear.”

I smiled at her then walked into the dining, Enzo and Alonzo were speaking Italian as they were immersed in their discussion, they didn’t notice me walk in.

“Good morning Alonzo.” I greeted as I walked over, bringing his attention to me.

Alonzo smiled “Good morning mia principessa.”

I sat down in the middle of the two and grabbed a piece of mouthwatering French toast to munch on.

“Good morning” Enzo’s deep voice greeted, bring my attention to him to which I gave him a quick ‘good morning’.

Alonzo cleared his throat. “How are you feeling after yesterday’s event?”

I released a shaky breath as vivid memories at the vivid memory of that caotic night. “I’m a little shaken up, it’s was my first time hearing a gunshot.”

Alonzo nodded as he sipped his coffee. “You would get better at reacting to gunshots.”

I gave him a tight smile. Something churned in me at how casually he spoke about me getting used to gunfires. I guess life in the mafia causes you to have no sense of sympathy.

“I know you don’t want to be involved with the mafia but you need to answer a few questions about yesterday”. Enzo states.

I resisted the urge to groan. Why can’t I just eat in peace!

I nodded.

Enzo glanced at Alonzo before he asked. “Last night a man came up to speak to you at the reception, do you remember?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes. “I spoke to countless of people at the reception, how do you expect me to know everyone.”

Enzo clenched his jaw as he gave me a glare before continuing. “You spoke to this man just before the gunshot was heard.”

I mused in thought then I remembered the man who came up to me last night, goosebumps flared on my skin at the thought of his unsettling dead eyes. “Mr. Ricardo Rossi?” I asked.

Enzo nodded. “What did he say to you.”

I furrowed my brows in confusion. “Nothing, he only introduced himself.”

Enzo scanned my face with his code eyes like he had X-ray vision that could see through me.

I raised my eyebrows in shock. “Wait, is he the one behind the gunshots last night?” I asked.

“So nothing else was said?” he asked, ignoring my question.

I shook my head. “Is he the one behind last night gunshots?” I asked again.

Enzo said frustratingly but nodded.

I gasped, my stomach churned some more at the thought that he could’ve shot me right then at the reception. That explains his piercing brown dead eyes that didn’t seem to have a soul in them.

I shivered.

He cleared his throat, drawing my attention. “That aside, we would be leaving today for our honeymoon.”

My eyes widened. “What!?”

I swallowed. “Do I need to remind you that this marriage is arranged and not for love?”  

He cocked his head to the side with a small smirk and a strange glint in his eyes. “We already discussed your duties as my wife, am I correct?.”

I flushed embarrassingly as I remembered our discussion of me having to produce an heir and being a trophy wife. “W-w..” I stammered.

 “Where would we be heading to for the…..honeymoon?.” I asked as I sipped on the piping hot tea.

He swallowed “I own a resort in Croatia and I haven’t been there in a while so I figured we could go there for the honeymoon.” He stated casually.

My eyes bulged out. “You, OWN?”

He nodded and checked his watch for the time. “We would be leaving in an hour time so get ready.”

“But I haven’t even shopped or packed for the trip.” I rushed out.

He turned to me. “Everything is settled, you don’t need to pack anything, just get dressed on time.”

I stared at his retreating figure with a wide smile of excitement. I’m going to Croatia!!


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