
CHAPTER FOUR- Engagement


Enzo and I discussed about our marriage earlier in the morning. It was going to be held in two weeks time in a cathedral church, the mafia’s lawyer would arrive at the end of the week to register our marriage.

Apparently, this is my father’s house more like mansion so after the wedding, I would move into his own house to live together. I am expected to birth an heir for the mafia and basically be a trophy wife.

He doesn’t expect me to be involved with matters concerning the mafia except i willingly involve myself. I asked him if I could invite Hailey and Maya for my wedding which he agreed on.

I’m currently sitting at the dining with my ‘father’ eating lunch because It took a while for me to shower and get ready. The sounds of clanking cutleries filled the room as we both ate in silence.

Deciding to break this awkward silence, I spoke. “What would you prefer me to address you as?”

He froze mid-chewing and focused his attention on me. “Whatever you would prefer, I don’t expect to be called papa, I would have to earn it.”

I nodded slowly. “Mr. Bernadi then…”

He winced a little. “Alonzo, would be fine.”

I snicker and rolled my eyes. what happened to ‘whatever I prefer’?

“When did you find out about me…” I whisper as I played with my food. My appetite had suddenly vanished.

Alonzo cleared his throat. “You were about 11 years old when I found out.” His eyes scanning my reaction.

I gritted my teeth in anger. “So you’ve known about me for 13 years.” Annoyance was clear in my face.

He just stared at me blankly but nodded then went on to continue eating, dismissing the conversation.

I let out a sigh. “Tell me about Enzo.”

He glanced at me briefly. “He is your fiancé and the don of the Italian mafia.” He went on with his lunch.

“I deserve to know more than just that.” I replied sternly.

He sighed and finally dropped his cutlery to look up at me. “I have known him for twenty years now, I picked him up from the wrong crowd back in Italy when he was only ten years old.”

I leaned in closer, laser focused at his story. I need to know what I’m getting into with this marriage.

“Matteo, my son and Enzo grew close from a very young age that is why I took him under my wing to keep him company.” His eyes softened as he spoke about his son.

My heart softened a little from that. I nodded slowly, soaking in all the information I could get on Enzo.

A man walked in with Enzo following silently behind him. “Buon pomeriggio!” (good afternoon!) he greeted as he strolled in casually.

Alonzo smiled and reciprocated the hug he received while I glanced at Enzo who stood behind the strange man. His dark eyes met mine, caging me in his icy stare.

“Ah…this must be your daughter, miss?” the strange man brought my attention to him.

“Just Yanna.” I smiled politely as I shook his hand.

He nodded with a smile. “I am Roberto, a distant cousin of your father.” His Italian accent was thick.

I smiled awkwardly not knowing what to say.

“Yanna.” Enzo’s deep voice called my attention.

“Get dressed, we need to get things done for the wedding.” He spoke.

I glanced down at my oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. “I have nothing to change into.”

He scanned my outfit and nodded. “We would go get your stuffs then.”

I nodded.

Enzo drove back to my apartment and I was able to pack my important stuffs like few clothes, a photo album for I and my mum, my phone and my skincare products.

We rode in silence as we were heading to a new destination. I couldn’t help but admire this stoic man that drove beside me. His neatly trimmed stubble, his full lips, dark grey eyes, jawline that looked so sharp, his slightly crocked nose.

I squeezed my thighs together as I noticed his tattooed veiny arms, the way his muscles tensed as he handled the wheels. I glanced down at his strong thighs, his-

“Are you done eye fucking me?” his deep voice cut through my thoughts.

I scoffed feeling my face get hot from embarrassment. “Your ego must be huge to think that I was doing that.”

He glanced down at me briefly with a knowing smirk before his eyes snapped back to the road again. My eyes widened at how hot that was.

I cleared my throat. “Where are we even headed?”

“Firstly, engagement ring shopping, then wedding dress shopping then a few more wedding stuffs…” his irritation didn’t go unnoticed.

I hummed “When we get married, are we going to be staying in the same room?” I asked curiously.

He answered blankly. “Yes.”

Our ride continued on like that till we arrived at the ring shop that I would never even think of stepping into in my entire life. It screamed luxury as we walked in and everywhere was empty except for the sales person.

“Good morning Mr. Bernadi, how can I help you?” the salesperson greeted with a large smile.

“I would like to see your most expensive engagement and wedding rings.” His presence commanded the room as he spoke.

The salesperson glanced at me in surprise but nodded still. She brought out a couple of beautiful diamond rings, I was in awe.

“Choose whichever you would like for me too.” Enzo whispered into my ear.

I gulped, thankful of my melanated skin, with the amount of times that this man made flustered like a crazy teenager around him.

The day went on with me getting my engagement and wedding ring, my wedding gown and a few other things I know of.

Enzo had dropped me home that day and I had never seen him since then. I had called my manager to quit stripping and also spoke to Hailey about my wedding.

It pained me that I had to lie to her about my situation but it was for the best. I had told her that Enzo and I met a year ago but didn’t further our relationship because we weren’t ready but we met about a month ago and had kept in contact till he suddenly proposed and now I’m getting married.

She was shocked with the unexpected news but was also happy for me. I had asked her to be my bridesmaid and she was so excited, we cried a little that day.

I smiled as I remembered that call, I stared at the engagement ring on my finger and frowned.

Am I really going to go through with this?

I closed my eyes and hoped that everything would go well.

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