


I was nervous.

This man definitely has an effect on me and he knew it.

On cue, ‘haunted’ by beyonce came on, all my nerves rolled off my body and my body moved to the slow and sultry rhythm of the song.

My tricks on the pole came into action as I turned and arched on it adding in a steamy stare here and there throughout my performance. I walked cover to him and danced with the sultry rhythm.

His stare was intense as he sipped on his drink with an evident bulge in his tailored pants. My skin felt hot as he watched me dance, the air was thick with tension, sexual tension.

His scent made me crazy as my lips grazed his neck while I continued my performance. I was holding onto the last thread of my self-respect to stop me from jumping this man.

His fists and jaw were clenched.

Seemed like I wasn’t the only one holding back.

The songs came to an end indicating the end of my session. I panted softly as my face slightly hovered his as he sat on the couch.

“Tell me what you want.” His gruff voice rung in my ears.

It was so tempting to say yes.

I gulped as I weighed my options of possibly experiencing the best sex I could ever have in my life then later ending up dead for fucking this man.

I smirked slowly.

“Get a leash.” I stated while rising up to my full height.

He had an amused look on his face as he ran his tongue across his teeth.

“Payment for my session is at the register.” I said as I turned around to leave this room before I jump this man.

“What’s your name, bambina?” The pet name rolling of his tongue with his sexy accent.

I turned around at the door. “I don’t give my name to strangers.” I gave him one last heated look before leaving him in the room.

The night continued on as normal with me performing once more on stage and having a few drinks. I filled my tote bag with cash I earned during my performance as I waited for Hailey to get ready.

I couldn’t get over my private session with that sexy man. Usually, I don’t sleep with clients from my private sessions but damn… that man would be an exception for sure.

“Hey, I’m really sorry but something came up with Maya’s baby sitter so I need to head straight home.” Hailey rushed out as she ran up to me.

I nodded quickly. “Oh I don’t mind we can meet up again, go home.”

Hailey nodded frantically as she engulfed me into a tight hug before running off.

My apartment wasn’t too far from the club so Instead of getting a cab, I decided to walk back home. The night air was cool but my ankle ached from the platform heels I wore probably because its been a while that I performed.

Its been three months since mum died in a house fire, I remember the day like it was yesterday. It was around 2pm in the afternoon when I got a call of a fire breakout in my apartment, I could still remember the smell of smoke in the air as the fire fighters held me back from running into the building.

I kept screaming and crying that my mum was in there but the fire had already spread and anyone in there would already be gone by now. That was the first time I felt true gut wrenching heart break.

It had just been I and my mum ever since, she never mentioned anything about my father. I don’t even know his name but I didn’t care because I was content and happy with the little life we had, not until that dreadful day.

She had been sick and bedridden for a while before her passing, her health insurance couldn’t cover all her bills, that’s when I decided to start stripping to earn some cash by the side.

I sighed as I noticed my apartment in view. The complex was old but spacious which I liked, the maintenance was just a bit slow but its not unbearable.

I unlocked the door to my apartment and stepped in, switching on the lights.

“Aaahh!” I screamed as I noticed a man sitting at the corner of my room.

My instincts kicked in to run but as I turned to do so, two large men were already at my doorway.

“What the hell!?” I yelled. Panic and fear rushing through me.

The man in the corner stood to his full height and stepped into the light.

I let out a gasp. “It’s you?” he was the sexy man from my private session.

“Its me” he replies as he walks closer to me making me take steps back. The words of my manager ringing in my head, “He’s dangerous.”

“How did you get in here and what the hell do you want with me!?” I yelled out as I was backed up against the wall.

I felt my heart drop to my stomach as a gun was pulled up and pointed to me. “I suggest you quiet down and take a sit?” he said as he used his gun to gesture to the couch.

I bit my lips and nodded frantically, shuffling to take a seat. My heart was racing, sirens where ringing in my head. how can my life take such a drastic turn?

He takes a seat on the couch opposite mine. “Yanna Wilson, 24 years old, graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree in interior décor.

He leans back leisurely on the couch and continued. “Began stripping last year to pay off the bills for her precious mother.”

How the hell did he find out all these about me?

“Please… just let me go, I promise, I won’t a report this.” I pleaded as I felt tears sting the corner of my eyes.

Tilting his head to the side, “As you can see, I’m not restraining you”

“B-but.” I stuttered in fear.

He sighed leisurely, “You’re going to come with me now, I can do this with force or without force. Which do you prefer?” his eyes were laser focused on me as he spoke, silently daring me to resist.

“W-what?…. Please I don’t want to go anywhere with you, just leave I-i promise I won’t mention a word about this.” My voice trembled as I spoke, the tears that filled my eyes now rolled down my cheeks.

His eyes were blank and his face was emotionless and cold, my tears did nothing to soften his stone heart.

He glanced at the two men at my doorway and the next thing I knew, I was lifted and carried on their shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

“Ahhh…Let me down!” I yelled and struggled to be let down. I banged at his back and kicked my feet in the air.

I screamed, twisted and turn to set myself free but all my efforts where futile.

“Help, please someone help me!” my screams were immediately cut short by one look from the sexy dangerous man.

I was carried down to the parking lot of my complex and was let down in front of a slick black Rolls Royce.        

I turn to stare at the man. “W-where are you taking me to?”

His dark cold eyes met my teary ones. “Get in.”

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