


I glanced at my watch for the third time in the past minute. What the hell is taking her so long to get ready?

“Don, we found this at the reception.” Antonio whispered in my ear.

I glanced down to his hand and it was a bullet engraved with my name on it, a threat. I clenched my jaw in anger, that Rossi bastard.

“Find out what type of gun it belongs to and narrow it down to its shipments in the country.” Antonio nodded and walked away.

On cue, Yanna finally came down the stairs. My mouth went dry, for some reason I couldn’t behave when I’m around her. She is a beautiful woman, I’ll give her that.

Her coily hair was tied up, she was curvy and plump with wide hips and an evident weight on her chest. Her brown thighs were exposed from the shorts she wore. I exhaled trying to calm myself from the various thoughts I had with those thick thighs of hers.

“I’m so sorry, I know I said I’ll be done in half an hour.” She states sheepishly.

I shook my head. “You came down in time.” I guided her to our car.

The ride to the airport took about two hours because of traffic but none the less, we made it on time. The pilot, Jeffery is an old friend of the Bernadi’s, he handles everything concerning our travels with our private jets.

“Enzo, its been a while I’ve seen you.” Jeff greeted with a smile and handshake.

I smiled. “I’ve been….occupied.”

Jeff, glanced at my side. “I can see why.”

He smiled. “ you are very beautiful Mrs Bernadi.”

Yanna smiles at him as she shook his hand. “Thank you.”

In no time, we boarded and took off for our nine hours flight to Croatia. Fatigue hit me as soon as I made myself comfortable in the plane, so I decided to get some shut eye before we arrived.


I stayed up throughout the nine hours flight to Croatia, I couldn’t hold my excitement as I busied myself with eating and watching few movies before we arrived.

Jeffery announced our landing in Croatia and soon enough, Enzo graced me with his presence to finally leave the plane.

The sun was scorching, perfect for a day at the beach, I released a pleased sigh as we were guided to the slick black car that waited for us and then, we drove off to Enzo’s resort.

“This Country is amazing.” I was in awe of the view from the tinted window.

I glanced at Enzo who busied himself on his laptop with work. “You know this is a honeymoon, right?”

He sighed in annoyance. “What do you expect me to be doing at this moment?” he raised a perfectly carved brow.

I bit my lips. “I don’t know, enjoy the amazing view and stop working.”

He turned his body to me, his heated stare caging me. “The only thing I would be enjoying in this honeymoon is you underneath me.”

I gulped, squeezing my thighs together instinctively. I knew sex was a part of the deal with this marriage but I can’t help but feel nervous all of a sudden.

I cleared my throat. “You can’t be thinking of sex right now, your arm is still not in good shape.”

He smirked. “That isn’t an issue.”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Men and being cocky.” I muttered to myself.

The ride stopped and we were guided into the resort. It was beautiful, the ocean waves at the beautiful beach, light music was heard as few of the guests danced at the beach, some were in the water while others were in few speed boats.

We were guided to the residential area. It screamed luxury, I’m pretty sure that I would’ve never been able to afford this place if I were still stripping. The manager came to greet us with a smile and few welcoming drinks, she guided us to the private elevator which only Enzo has access to.

The elevator dinged open to the luxurious penthouse. We located the bedroom which was already stocked up with the essentials we’ll need for our honeymoon.

“I would like to check out the bar, I need a drink.” I sighed in relief, stretching my toes.

Enzo nodded. “Okay, would you want to get dinner here or outside?” he asked as he placed his watch down at the side table.

I mused in thought. “Outside, we can have breakfast here tomorrow.”

“Then I would meet you at the bar in a while.” He states as he walks to the extended balcony of the room.

I quickly showered and changed into more of a suitable outfit for the bar at the beach. It was a mid-thigh floral dress that was backless, Enzo had occupied himself with a phone call in Italian but I didn’t miss his heated stare from the balcony.

The bar music was muffled with the slight chatter from people around. I made a beeline to the barstool excited to finally have a drink in a while, I really needed it after the past events.

“Hi can I get a long island iced tea.” It was my favorite drink to order at a bar.

The bartender was cute with his brown hair slightly sweeping his eyebrows and his noticeable dimple that showed when he smiled.

“You’re new here.” He states, as he busied himself with my order.

I nodded and brought my wedding finger up causing him to whistle at the size of the rock.

I giggled softly.

“I’m here for my honeymoon.” I state as I sipped my drink.

He eyed me slightly. “I didn’t see you come in with anyone.”

“Yeah…. I really needed a drink.” I laughed nervously, starting to feel a bit awkward from his stare.

He smirked. “Didn’t marry for love?”

I coughed as I almost chocked on my drink from his sudden statement. He handed me a tissue to pat my lips dry. What the hell?

“Sorry, I’m just really good at observing, it comes with the job.” He jokes as he leans forward on the slab.

I reared back a bit from our sudden proximity.

“You know, I can make your honeymoon worth it.” He whispered to me with a heated stare that travelled from my lips to my exposed cleavage.

Before I could give a reply, I felt someone sit on the barstool beside me, the sexy scent wafted my nostrils indicating it was Enzo. I turned slightly to glance at him but all his focus was on the bartender that had his mouth gaped at his presence.

“M-mr Bernadi…” he stuttered as he glanced between him and I.

I smiled sheepishly at his shocked expression.

Enzo had a deadly look in his eyes as he stared at the poor bartender. “Were you hired to flirt with all customers, not to mention my wife?” He said gruffly.

“I-im v-very sorry, I didn’t know she was your wife.” He stutters to find his words.

Enzo stares down at me with clenched jaw, his dark eyes travelling from my lips to my exposed cleavage. My skin heated up from his stare. Fuck, he’s so sexy.

“Are you ready for dinner?” He asks, completely ignoring the fumbling bartender.

I gulped and nodded, allowing him to pull me away but instead of walking out of the bar, he pulled me into a secluded space.

His grip on my arm tightened as he backed me against the wall. Groaning slightly in pain, I glanced at him, he looked pissed with an angry frown on his forehead and clenched jaws.

“Is this what I’ll have to be dealing with being your husband?” he growled out causing me to frown in confusion.

“What are you talking about?” my heart raced at this new side of him I’ve never seen.

“Blatantly flirting with that bartender.” His grip tightened some more.

I groaned. “Let go, you’re hurting me.” His grip left my arm but quickly travelled to cup my neck, squeezing it slightly not too much to cause me pain but just enough to turn me on.


He leaned down to my ear “Should I remind you that you’re my wife and that you’re mine, huh?” he whispered.

I held in a moan from slipping out. This completely un-composed and riled up version of Enzo was very sexy. I squeezed my thighs slightly to add pressure to the throbbing between my thighs as a result from my newly found kink.

“Please…” It slipped out before I could hold it back. I flushed from embarrassment at how desperate I sounded.

Small chatters were heard from a distant cutting us from the sexual moment we just experienced. Enzo glared at me heatedly, cursing under his breath before releasing my neck as he straightened up.

I cleared my throat, ready to dig a hole in the ground and lay there for the rest of my life. Why the hell am I so desperate for some dick.

“Lets go.” He said as he walked away.

I cursed under my breath, he gave ‘big dick energy’ and I just know that sex with him would be earth shattering. Having to endure this would be torture for me throughout this honeymoon.


The tension between these two:) don't forget to Like, comment and save to library.

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